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What Is Your SINGLE Favorite Game?

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when i ask this, i dont mean the game as a whole of the entire series. so say you want to say kingdom hearts. you have to pick 1 kh game and have that game be your absolute favorite game you have ever played. you cant say an entire series as a whole. my favorite as a whole is pokemon but my favorite single game is the awesome kid icarus uprising! whats yours? :)

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Kingdom Hearts is the only thing I care about when it comes to video games, and I love all installments equally. I can't pick one, it's like asking me if I prefer Pizza or Hamburger D:


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KH2 or FFXIII or Crisis Core or FFX/FFX-2


What I don't like about KHII is the lack of Riku, the lazy DiD writing for Kairi, Pirates of the Caribbean level


What I don't like about CC is certain aspects of Zacks personality and the lack of the fact that he was a casanova but made it seem like he was exclusive to Aerith when the Ultimania said otherwise.


FFXIII- I am the minority; I like all the characters. I guess I can identify with Lightning because we have similar personalities. I really don't have anything qualms except the Battle system. The game makes sense if you know the lore and backstory.


FFX/X-2- I have a love/hate relationship with this game. What makes me precarious of putting this on the list is Tidus and Yuna's relationship. It is so stupid.


So if I had to choose it would KHII

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To me there is no other game out there with better story, character development, passion and gameplay than Beyond: Two Souls...- David Cage. I actually have no most favourite.

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