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Super Smash Bros: Lost Victories (RP)

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"Link! do what come naturally with that orbs power!" it was the last gambit for them. she didnt think the team could keep up the constant barrage much longer.

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Roxas nodded. He needed to be very careful and save up his magic energy if he was to use the time spell again as the backup. He felt the power of the magical orb, and wished to break it until Link caught it and broke it himself. He went back, preparing to attack and cover Link's weak spot. "Go Link!" He called. "You can do it!"

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*Then, two Triforce like seals kept Twinrova in place for the attack. In a sudden dash, Link did multiple hits on Twinrova, and did striking damage on the final blow!. Twinrova screamed in pain and split into two balls representing the two witches. They both flew up, never to be seen again. Link floated safely back on solid ground back to normal.*

Pit: Is...is it over?

*Link gratefully nodded.*

Robin: Those witches are no more!

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Roxas grinned, and made his keyblades dissapeared. He knew that they could do it. "Good job!" He suddenly craved a sea salt ice cream bar. He remembered eating some everyday after a tough mission with his best friends. "Hey... You guys know where to get sea salt ice cream around here?"

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*Link nodded to Shiek. Then the same fairy that healed Pit appeared.*

Fairy: Yes, of course! Oh, I don't think I introduced myself...My name's Marci. I'll do most of the talking for Link.

*Pit and Robin were already at the door.*

Pit: Come on you guys!

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Tails/Samus Tails wasn't exactly sure how much he understood of the situation. Some things he could get just fine. Others... not so much. But, at least he had people to talk to about it. He looked towards the woman who called herself Samus. "So... you come here often?" Tails laughed at his own joke, but Samus wasn't entertained. "A few. I've been here... three other times." Samus counted in her head. Each adventure had been different from the other. "You know, Lady, you should lighten up." Samus shot a deathglare towards Tails in response. "I have a name. You learn to use it." After that, Tails decided it was best to keep to himself.

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*In the Portal of Smash, the Red Door reappeared and Link, Robin, Pit, Roxas, and Shiek came from it. All the fighters clapped for them for such an amazing and successful mission.*

Announcer: SUCCESS!! Well done heroes!

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~Samus/Tails~ "I trust the venture went perfectly?" Samus walked up to the group of returning heroes with a smile. She had always felt great after a successful mission, and seeing others do the same always brightened her mood. Tails walked up and joined the group as well, shaking hands with a few of them, and shouting "Congrats" over and over again. "Wow. That took a while! What's next, Mr. Announcer?" Tails asked.

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Announcer: You've all have been through a lot today. It would be best for you to rest. But first, I have a surprise for you.

Prince: A surprise?

Robin: What kind of surprise?

Announcer: One you won't believe! Shiek! I think it's time to show your "True identity."

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Roxas crossed his arms in minor cuiosity. What kind of 'surprise?' He sorta shrugged it off in his mind. He couldn't help but feel a bit dissapointed at the fact that there's no sea salt ice cream around here, but it's whatever. He didn't expect any anyway. "What surprise? Is she a girl or something?" Roxas said, half snickering and not realizing that he was right.


Silver meanwhile frowned upon seeing the exchange between Tails and Seamus. "Hey, that mean lady can go jump in a ditch or something. She's missing out on your kindness." He felt a sort of cringe inside himself. He couldn't stand bullying of any kind, including rudeness. He wanted to confront Seamus, but Silver often hesitated when it came to girls. Instead, he shot Seamus a mini-pouting glare. He thought about what Roxas said of Shiek, and decided to do a little 'Psychic Reading' of the man. "Oh!" Silver said. ".....oh."

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True identity? He couldnt mean.........he must. "Very well then." Shiek spun around and in a gleam of light, there she was. 

The princess of hyrule, zelda.

Edited by TheGuide

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*Link walked to Zelda with joy. He held Zelda's hand. The little pink fairy Marci flew around them.*

Marci: This is the Princess of Hyrule, Zelda herself.

Pit: WHAT!? Another girl! Oh......Sorry about that comment your highness. *He kneeled down to show respect.*

Mario: Well, now there's a two princesses I know!

Sonic: Now this is one cool surprise! You guys were with the princess the whole time!

Shadow: And I'm guessing you knew too? *He pointed at Link. He nodded in response.*

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Roxas kinda stood there, completely dumbstruck. He rubbed the back of his head, and with seeing some of his friends kneeling down he decided to give a quick, awkward kneel. "Ah, um, sorry. Your highness." He decided to formally introduce himself. "I'm Roxas."


Silver chuckled. "Can't say this is the first time I've been surprised like this. I'm Silver the Hedgehog." He walked up to is two hedgehog friends. "Hey Sonic and Shadow! Y'know, I've been wanting to fight with you guys again. I won't get knocked out by my own meteor smash this time! I also learned some new tricks." He said, quite proudly.

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Zelda smiled, and squeezed links hand with happiness. then, roxas knelt and introduce himself. "stand roxas. you as well, pit. i am ruler of nothing here. simply zelda. treat me as you would treat any other friend" she said cheerfully.

Edited by TheGuide

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*Pit stood and nodded. He realized that the princess wasn't like a goddess.*

Pit: Thank you...

Robin: It was an honor to fight with you. *Robin said and bowed.*


Sonic: Oh really? Usually I would get ready, but I have to admit...*He yawned and stretched.* I'm pretty much tired out for today.

Shadow: I guess I'll say the same as well.  

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~Tails~ "So, waitaminute." Tails spoke rashly. "Samus is a girl, Sheik is a girl... Are there any other cross dressers that I should know about?" Samus shot Tails a rotten look again. He REALLY didn't know the right words to say. "Crossdresser? I'll have you know that this Armor was made by the smartest Chozo, and was made to protect me! Is there a problem with dressing in that?" Samus shot back. "Uh... sorry!" He shouted. He looked back at Zelda. "I'm Tails."

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Pit: We need your help to save the entire universe!

Shulk: Some bad guys are planning on taking over this place, including our worlds!

Prince Sable: So it's very important for us to gather as many heroes as we can.

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Roxas stood up with a smile. "Thanks, your high- uh, Zelda!" Roxas never met a person of royalty. Technically he did, when he was apart of Sora through his journeys and when he was trying to find King Mickey. "You're really great at fighting. With you we'll never loose."


Silver crossed his arms. "You both are just scared I'll kick your butt because you both know that ITS NO USE!" He said with a grin. He saw the exchange with Tails and Seamus. Silver quickly strode over and nugged Tail's roughly in the arm. "Are you crazy?!" He whispered sharply. "She can knock you out and slam you into the ground! Why would you mess with her?! And she's a lady- be nice." Silver used to go apeshit when people picked on Blaze in the future.

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Ness: You know, after all I've been trough in one day, I feel like I could go for more!

Prince: I must agree!

Announcer: Hmmmm.......

*Suddenly the alarm went off once again.*

Pit: What!? Already?

Announcer: Missions can't be predicted, Pit. Expect the Unexpected.

*Somehow those words reminded Pit of Palutena. It would be something she would say.*

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