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Power Jusho

New Smash character revealed during Hyrule Warriors livestream?

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I know this might not happen so you have to type it out or say that it's only about Hyrule Warriors BUT what if at the end of the livestream they say they have a special announcement and it cuts to the opening sequence of the SSB reveal. It starts out with Link, Zelda, and Shiek fighting while still in the Hyrule Warriors universe and then it shows Ganondorf controlling an army to confirm that he's still in the game. Then the three defeats Ganondorf and behind him comes either Ghirahim or Demise as a newcomer to the series! And then in the middle of battle they also reveal Impa is another character coming to Smash. This might be a long shot but I hope they do something like that.

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I'm still waiting for Mario and Link and everyone fighting then all of a sudden heartless shows up and Roxas appears to destroy every single heartless with his oathkeeper and oblivion. A girl can dream

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