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10 Facts About The REAL Illuminati You Should Know

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1: The Order Of The Illuminati, a secret society whose name means ''Enlightened Ones'' was founded in 1776 by a guy named Adam Weishaupt.


2: The two central figures in the Illuminati were Weishaupt and Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwid Baron Van Knigge. The members of The Illuminati are known to have favored free-thinking, and radical politics


3:At the height of its power, the group had more than 2000 members in Europe. It was the elite group to be a part of. And black people weren't allowed. (Sorry Jay-Z and Tupac)


4: The existence of the group came in 1784 when the ruler of Bavaria at the time banned all secret societies. And thus, the group disbanded.


5: The Illuminati and Freemasons are a different group of people, just to let you know


6: The New World Order was a little anti-jewish propaganda created in the 20th century by Nesta Webster. She claimed that the Freemasons and Illuminati were powered by jews and planned the french revolution and were planning a New World Order.


7:Y'know the little pyramid with the eye in it on the dollar bill? Thomas jefferson actually designed it and only Ben Franklin was a Freemason.


8: Jay-Z is not an Illuminati member


9: There is nothing in Illuminati myths about blood sacrifices. So all those celebrities you claim died at the hands of the Illuminati probably died like they actually did in the news.


10: The Illuminati history was that of non-religious anti-christian sect. So aligning them with devout christians is a contradiction



I hope this cleared things up for you Illuminati Conspiracists here

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