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Yuya Sakaki

Religious Implications in Kingdom Hearts?

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So we all know what the χ-blade looks like, right? He's a refresher in case people have forgotten:


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Now check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keys_of_Heaven


Do you think this was an intentional implementation on Nomura's part? Was it to create some kind of symbolism? Because we are all familiar with the powers that the χ-blade holds, aren't we? I can see it bearing some similarities with what has been said in this article. Kingdom Hearts is full of light, and heaven is too. Again, did Nomura design the χ-blade specifically like this to create some meaning? I'm not Christian but I still find this fascinating.


What are your thoughts on this?



Edited by CaelumMare

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Why do we have to have religion in places where its not needed/wanted?


I'm not trying to spark a debate here if that's what you think. I just wanted to put this out there. It just seemed a little off to me for a coincidence. We don't know what's running through Nomura's genius mind!


I think they were running out of time, put two Kingdom Keys together and placed a sword blade in the middle


I guess that could have been possible. But how long was Birth by Sleep in development for? A fair amount of years. They had all the time they needed and a great game (so I've heard) was produced, so I doubt they ran out of time.



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I think that definitely could have been an influence on the design, actually. But I can't say I'm sure, since this is the first time I've heard of the keys of heaven.


I also don't know if (assuming this did inspire the χ-blade) it was meant to hold any deeper symbolic meaning.


I do find this very interesting, though, and I hope someone who knows more about this posts here.

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Why do we have to have religion in places where its not needed/wanted?


I'm not trying to spark a debate here if that's what you think.

You're pretty much asking for it. Keep religion out of this treasured game. The last thing we need is for people to misinterpret things.

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I think that definitely could have been an influence on the design, actually. But I can't say I'm sure, since this is the first time I've heard of the keys of heaven.


I also don't know if (assuming this did inspire the χ-blade) it was meant to hold any deeper symbolic meaning.


I do find this very interesting, though, and I hope someone who knows more about this posts here.

Square games almost always have religious undertones, I think it just seems that disney didnt recognize that.

Not only did the design obviously influence it, so does the concept. They both bring heaven upon the earth.

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I don't really see it... The only similarity I see is that they form a X shape, as the X-Blade, and that is still not much, since the X-blade was probably done in that shape, do allure to the symbol of chi, which is a X, and then got added some regal designs around it, to match its role as the "safeguarder" of Kingdom Hearts.

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Square games almost always have religious undertones, I think it just seems that disney didnt recognize that.

Not only did the design obviously influence it, so does the concept. They both bring heaven upon the earth.

Ah, I don't really play other square games (I've only every played TWEWY and KH games all the way through) so I wasn't aware of that. I haven't played BbS, so I only know the basics of what the χ-blade is (actually, I only just now realized that I didn't really know what it's purpose was, so major failure on my part X_X).


Also, to those stating to keep religion out of KH, I disagree. Religious allusions, whether your like or agree with them or not, are omnipresent in all media. Many, many, many stories (no matter their source or target audience) include imagery, references, symbols, etc. from numerous religions. I'm not a religious person, but even I think that religious symbolism can add depth to a story. If a creator included allusion to something religious in their creation, they did so with a purpose, and figuring out that purpose can shed a whole new light on the work and bring deeper understanding. Including religious elements in something does not make it inherently religious (or anti-religion, depending on what is alluded to and how). Whether or not this particular case has roots in religion or not is up to interpretation, but I think it's worth a discussion.


Not all discussions relating to something religious needs to end in an argument, guys.

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That could be possible. I always kind of thought that some of Kingdom Hearts things had a religious stand point of few. Like Ansem the Wise's quote from DDD when he was talking to Riku about Sora. When they are children, they see hearts every where, that's why they thought everything was so shiny and perfect.

(If you believe on what I'm letting on)


If you change hearts into either, Spirits or Ghosts or whatever you would call them. It would make sense. Because when we were all little, we did see them. Whether we all want to believe it or not.

Edited by TheWayToDawn

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Ah, I don't really play other square games (I've only every played TWEWY and KH games all the way through) so I wasn't aware of that. I haven't played BbS, so I only know the basics of what the χ-blade is (actually, I only just now realized that I didn't really know what it's purpose was, so major failure on my part X_X).


Also, to those stating to keep religion out of KH, I disagree. Religious allusions, whether your like or agree with them or not, are omnipresent in all media. Many, many, many stories (no matter their source or target audience) include imagery, references, symbols, etc. from numerous religions. I'm not a religious person, but even I think that religious symbolism can add depth to a story. If a creator included allusion to something religious in their creation, they did so with a purpose, and figuring out that purpose can shed a whole new light on the work and bring deeper understanding. Including religious elements in something does not make it inherently religious (or anti-religion, depending on what is alluded to and how). Whether or not this particular case has roots in religion or not is up to interpretation, but I think it's worth a discussion.


Not all discussions relating to something religious needs to end in an argument, guys.


Thank you, man. THANK YOU!


You've pretty much summed up my thoughts into one simple paragraph. :D



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Ah, I don't really play other square games (I've only every played TWEWY and KH games all the way through) so I wasn't aware of that. I haven't played BbS, so I only know the basics of what the χ-blade is (actually, I only just now realized that I didn't really know what it's purpose was, so major failure on my part X_X).


Also, to those stating to keep religion out of KH, I disagree. Religious allusions, whether your like or agree with them or not, are omnipresent in all media. Many, many, many stories (no matter their source or target audience) include imagery, references, symbols, etc. from numerous religions. I'm not a religious person, but even I think that religious symbolism can add depth to a story. If a creator included allusion to something religious in their creation, they did so with a purpose, and figuring out that purpose can shed a whole new light on the work and bring deeper understanding. Including religious elements in something does not make it inherently religious (or anti-religion, depending on what is alluded to and how). Whether or not this particular case has roots in religion or not is up to interpretation, but I think it's worth a discussion.


Not all discussions relating to something religious needs to end in an argument, guys.

This is only a small taste of it. Chrono trigger also has a lot of it.

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That could be possible. I always kind of thought that some of Kingdom Hearts things had a religious stand point of few. Like Ansem the Wise's quote from DDD when he was talking to Riku about Sora. When they are children, they see hearts every where, that's why they thought everything was so shiny and perfect.

(If you believe on what I'm letting on)


If you change hearts into either, Spirits or Ghosts or whatever you would call them. It would make sense. Because when we were all little, we did see them. Whether we all want to believe it or not.

Kids have night terrors and sleep paralysis much more than adults do. When these things happen(which is always in the dark) you hallucinate and often see outlines of people.

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Coming from me, (one who's favorite artist loves to give several religion based symbolism) I would say it is up for interpretation, Kingdom Hearts is kinda like Nomura's way of keeping hope into the world. I guess if you were to relate it in more ways, the door of light is almost like the door to heaven. Seems Nobodies and heartless are looking for refuge and wanting almost like they are sinners coming to light. Although, it is not always the case to relate things to Christianity, it could have speculation to Shinto and possibly Buddhist too. Regardless of how one looks at it is up to the person. To me it is a "Celldweller song". speak what you will to it, it may just be some inspiration Nomura may have had. 

That could be possible. I always kind of thought that some of Kingdom Hearts things had a religious stand point of few. Like Ansem the Wise's quote from DDD when he was talking to Riku about Sora. When they are children, they see hearts every where, that's why they thought everything was so shiny and perfect.

(If you believe on what I'm letting on)


If you change hearts into either, Spirits or Ghosts or whatever you would call them. It would make sense. Because when we were all little, we did see them. Whether we all want to believe it or not.

I still sense and see spirits, I believe it makes up dark matter, that and the souls of people, but again that is just my own belief. I had a lot of paranormal experiences through out my life.

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I thank everyone who is being mature about this thread and actually contributing to this discovery I have made. As DragonMaster has stated above, religious implications and allusions are present anywhere you look in the arts, which indeed adds depth to a concept.


The Kingdom Hearts series has always had a lot of religious symbolism to me.


It actually has caught my my attention in that aspect too xD



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Kingdom Hearts (the place) is pretty much heaven since that's where hearts go after being released by the keyblade. Nomura may have been inspired by that design and done it deliberately.


My thoughts exactly. I don't think anything Nomura puts into the games is done by chance.


"Destiny is never left to chance." - Master Xehanort



Edited by CaelumMare

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It's definitely possible. I've come to find that Kingdom Hearts has quite a few "religious" references, and surprisingly, much of it comes from the villains themselves. In one of Ansem SoD's speeches he mentions that all hearts were born from Darkness, and to Darkness they shall return. Many religions, especially those of the Judeo-Christian variety, believe that people are born already corrupted, and unless their hearts are renewed in Christ, the die and go to an eternal damnation. That's one of the funny things about Kingdom Hearts. It's a rated E game, but some of the subject matter it hits on is actually quite mature when you think about it.   Which came first? Darkness or Light? Good or Evil? Are some people just born evil, or are some people destined to be good? Can a good person be taken over by evil? Can the opposite happen? Can we always trust our hearts? Does the heart ever lie? Are memories kept in the heart or in the head?How important are loved ones? What does it take to push a person to the point of no return? Is Darkness bad if it's used for a good reason? Most video games would never attempt to dive into subjects that complex. 

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