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Actual keyblade combat in Kingdom Hearts 3?

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  On 7/30/2014 at 2:51 AM, VeNate13 said:

So I've been thinking a lot lately about what new or old gameplay mechanics that would be cool in Kingdom Hearts 3 and then this one just hit me like a snowplow going 90 MPH! KEYBLADE COMBAT!!! So far we've only really scene this in cutscenes like in the beginning of BBS during the MoM exam when Terra and Aqua are fighting. Or when Terra is fighting Master Eraqus (before the boss battle). Or Sora and Roxas in cutscenes. So far the closest we've come to this in battles is blocking an attack from somebody else with a keyblade. But when I say keyblade combat, I want the keyblades to clash and stuff, like swords or lightsabers! After all this is going to be the final showdown with Xehanort! I want something like this except playable in gameplay:http://youtu.be/LxqD8VQehaM

I laughed so hard when I read that snowplow sentence looool


Anyway I totally agree with you, I think it'd be fun 

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Okay, I love your idea! I would love to see that in KH3! :3



  SPOILERS: Click to reveal


Edited by TheWayToDawn

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  On 7/30/2014 at 2:52 AM, FutureKeybearer said:

Problem is, how do you integrate that naturally into the gameplay? 

It could just be a pre/post fight cutscene________________________________________Well, we'll have a taste of it in Re:Coded :D

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I don't think this can be integrated into gameplay without it just being action commands, unless it works like certain parts of metal gear rising: revengeance where you control which way you swing your sword using the right analog stick. Though that would still only be able to be used during certain parts of battle triggered by a different action command

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I agree and also wanted it to happen for quite some time now. But those kind of stuff really are saved only for cutscenes... Do you know of a game that has what we want and was succesful gameplay-wise?

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A game called Zone of the Enders nailed this concept. The mechanic works by having the character's weapons clash and push each other away dynamically when both attack at the same time. If one's attack is a split second slower than the other's, they take damage and the fight goes on. So it would be basically like how Sora can block some attacks just by swinging his keyblade, but with more fluid motion.

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  On 7/30/2014 at 2:52 AM, FutureKeybearer said:

Problem is, how do you integrate that naturally into the gameplay?

I bet you could do it by some sort of reaction command.
  On 7/30/2014 at 3:32 AM, Kaweebo said:

I don't see it happening. Even Star Wars games haven't gotten that down and KH's gameplay is fine the way it is.

  On 7/30/2014 at 3:35 AM, SkyKeybladeHero said:

I agree and also wanted it to happen for quite some time now. But those kind of stuff really are saved only for cutscenes... Do you know of a game that has what we want and was succesful gameplay-wise?

I thought Star Wars: The Force Unleashed did stuff like this pretty well. Though that could just be me. Edited by VeNate13

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  On 7/30/2014 at 5:14 AM, VeNate13 said:

I bet you could do it by some sort of reaction command.I thought Star Wars: The Force Unleashed did stuff like this pretty well. Though that could just be me.

Force Unleashed does the exact same thing as Kingdom Hearts. Very little actual blade-to-blade action. Mostly just swiping at the body and you can block sometimes. 

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Actually I take it back, this is the closest we've come to keyblade combats at 7:18. And if we were to have something like this except a little bit more complex, and more frequently, I think it would be pretty good in Kingdom Hearts 3. WARNING: video contains kingdom hearts birth by sleep SPOILERS.


Edited by VeNate13

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  On 7/30/2014 at 2:51 AM, VeNate13 said:

So I've been thinking a lot lately about what new or old gameplay mechanics that would be cool in Kingdom Hearts 3 and then this one just hit me like a snowplow going 90 MPH! KEYBLADE COMBAT!!! So far we've only really scene this in cutscenes like in the beginning of BBS during the MoM exam when Terra and Aqua are fighting. Or when Terra is fighting Master Eraqus (before the boss battle). Or Sora and Roxas in cutscenes. So far the closest we've come to this in battles is blocking an attack from somebody else with a keyblade. But when I say keyblade combat, I want the keyblades to clash and stuff, like swords or lightsabers! After all this is going to be the final showdown with Xehanort! I want something like this except playable in gameplay:http://youtu.be/LxqD8VQehaM

Integrate it into gameplay seems quite difficult (but who knows, maybe Osaka team will work for it). I think we'll probably see some Keyblade combat scenes before or after a boss fight. That would be cool  :smile:

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  On 7/30/2014 at 12:57 PM, Marco Basile said:

Integrate it into gameplay seems quite difficult (but who knows, maybe Osaka team will work for it). I think we'll probably see some Keyblade combat scenes before or after a boss fight. That would be cool  :smile:

  On 7/30/2014 at 1:09 PM, Keyblade Master Xoncron said:

How would that even work in gameplay?

Reaction commands.

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I like the sound of that! Reaction Commands already do that but it's not as fun.      


     It could maybe work if they let you temporarily switch your battle menu kinda like with limits or when you control Riku in KH2. So you could switch your "Attack, Magic, Summon,etc" with a "Swordplay menu" which could have "Circle-vertical slice, Triangle- horizontal slice, Square-Defensive Thrust, X- Jump Flip". Each of those could be used to make a combo( so if you normally have a 4 hit combo you could press circle,circle,square,triangle as a combo) either in the air or on the ground. Your combos would still look flashy even if you pressed 1 button over again.


     Your opponent would follow a similar system of 3 ground attacks and 3 air attacks(It would visually look different). In your Swordplay Menu you don't flinch as easily and if both of you do the same attack(eg horizontal) your keyblades "klang!" off each other but you can still continue your combo. Holding a button lets you delay/charge your swing. As your opponents health goes down your Swordplay Menu attacks automatically upgrade, eg "Circle - Vertical high-low triple slice" etc. Plenty of possibilities and variations they could do with that. You would also be able to switch back and forth to the normal menu to use magic, regular combos, etc.


Sadly, it's unlikely they would do something like that since it's not only easier to do Reaction Commands but Reaction Commands guarantee that every player will see the same cool sequence.

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  On 7/30/2014 at 3:12 PM, SorrowSurvivor said:

I like the sound of that! Reaction Commands already do that but it's not as fun. It could maybe work if they let you temporarily switch your battle menu kinda like with limits or when you control Riku in KH2. So you could switch your "Attack, Magic, Summon,etc" with a "Swordplay menu" which could have "Circle-vertical slice, Triangle- horizontal slice, Square-Defensive Thrust, X- Jump Flip". Each of those could be used to make a combo( so if you normally have a 4 hit combo you could press circle,circle,square,triangle as a combo) either in the air or on the ground. Your combos would still look flashy even if you pressed 1 button over again. Your opponent would follow a similar system of 3 ground attacks and 3 air attacks(It would visually look different). In your Swordplay Menu you don't flinch as easily and if both of you do the same attack(eg horizontal) your keyblades "klang!" off each other but you can still continue your combo. Holding a button lets you delay/charge your swing. As your opponents health goes down your Swordplay Menu attacks automatically upgrade, eg "Circle - Vertical high-low triple slice" etc. Plenty of possibilities and variations they could do with that. You would also be able to switch back and forth to the normal menu to use magic, regular combos, etc.Sadly, it's unlikely they would do something like that since it's not only easier to do Reaction Commands but Reaction Commands guarantee that every player will see the same cool sequence.

This idea is genius! I love it! They should do this!Heck I'd even settle for something like this move in 1:20 of this video. Of course I'd like something more complex though!
Edited by VeNate13

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