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Let's Hope FF Type-0 Won't Take 3+ Years

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Hey everybody remember when Square first anounced Final Fantasy X/X-2 was going to be remastered in HD? And how it took them about 3 or so years JUST to remaster the game? I really hope that this won't be the case with Final Fantasy Type-0. Becuase when it comes to developing their games they want to make sure it's "perfect" to the point where it takes almost a decade to make (looking at you Final Fantasy XV A.K.A Versus XIII). Look, I understand that game developers want to make their games look as great as possible. There's really nothing wrong with that. But I really hope that they don't treat this HD remaster like it's a brand new game because it shouldn't take 3 years just to do a HD remaster of a game. Just look at Nintendo for example. They announced Wind Waker HD and it only took 6 months to develope the remaster/remake. That should be how long it takes to make HD ports since all you're doing is improving porting the game but with some minor adjustments. ESPECIALLY since Final Fantasy Type-0 is a PSP game. And we all know PSP games are very easy to port on consoles. Not trying to say that they should rush their games, but they certainly shouldn't take to long with developing either. Because take too long and your fans will start to get uninterested and may eventually forget about the game until the next time you decide to talk about it.

Edited by Tails

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I don't think it will take that long but it is Square Enix so you never know.

The company that totally isn't lazy when it comes to game development

besides 2.5

and 1.5

and FFXV

and FFX/X-2 Remaster

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I don't think it will take that long but it is Square Enix so you never know.

Yeah but I still think it will probably take them that long just to do an HD port considering their track record.




This is what I've been saying about KH2.5, it's taken over a year to port a game with no improvements but instead stuff gets taken out of it.

Exactly. There there were a few improvements to KHFM HD as well as a few minor improvements to BBSFM.

Edited by Tails

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Yeah but I still think it will probably take them that long just to do an HD port considering their track record.




Exactly. There there were a few improvements to KHFM HD as well as a few minor improvements to BBSFM.

I meant gameplay improvements. The graphics are beautiful but in 2.5 nothing was added to the games, instead the mirage arena multiplayer was taken out.

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I must agree on what you've said. It is true that they are taking a long time to make sure that everything is perfect before releasing the HD game, but they need to make it a little bit faster with precision because with that they are pressuring themselves more and more. FFX/X-2 HD Remastered had been doing a great job, which might lead to a remaster for XII too. With that slow remastering they will find themselves in a situation where they might start to cancel or delay some titles.I hope that they start becoming more faster for the sake of all the waiting titles and I am really looking forward for both XII (I know that they didn't officially announce it) and Type Zero HD.

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HD 1.5 ReMIX actually begun development before X/X-2 HD Remaster.


X/X-2 HD Remaster was handled by the team who developed the original games on PS2, and in case you forgot that team was working on the XIII triogly at the same time.

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I don't think it's an issue of being slow or lazy. I think it's an issue with them announcing these things too soon. Wind Waker was released 6 month after it's announcement but we don't know how long it was in development before the announcement was made.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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I do hope the remaster is good. I'm a little worried about how the textures will be handled, PSP to PS3 is fine but a PSP game to PS4/X1 will have to look really nice in terms of graphics and stuff.


I think the game will be showed off next year sometime and it'll probably drop in Japan before the end of next year, I don't think the localisation will take all that long given it was practically done already but we'll have to see. Although it remains to be seen if this is another one of those, "we announced this too early" titles from Square Enix.

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I don't think it's an issue of being slow or lazy. I think it's an issue with them announcing theses things too soon. Wind Waker was released 6 month after it's announcement but we don't know how long it was in development before the announcement was made.


Tetsuya Nomura loves to announce things too early. Their other teams are much better with when they announce things.

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