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Square Enix Germany comments on petition for European localization of Kingdom Hearts III

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Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II were the only games we had voice acting in our language. I don't mind not having spanish or french voices in 358/2 DAYS or Re: Coded and a voice acting for DREAM DROP DISTANCE was unlikely to have it. If BIRTH BY SLEEP were in our language we would have the same problem of wanting Kingdom Hearts III voiced in our language. I already knew voice acting depends on the financial requirements of each territory.


Also, DREAM DROP DISTANCE was never translated to spanish or italian, SE only translated the game box and the manual.


I like to USE caps TOO.


As long as they translate the text.

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I don't understand why wasting time with so many dubs. To me, japanese and english dubs are perfect. I know a lot of games dubbed in my language, they're simply...disgusting.


I already find the English dub disgusting. I only like the original version of whatever it is. The portuguese version of Assasssin's Creed is garabbage, the Original in English is art.

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Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II were the only games we had voice acting in our language. I don't mind not having spanish or french voices in 358/2 DAYS or Re: Coded and a voice acting for DREAM DROP DISTANCE was unlikely to have it. If BIRTH BY SLEEP were in our language we would have the same problem of wanting Kingdom Hearts III voiced in our language. I already knew voice acting depends on the financial requirements of each territory.


Also, DREAM DROP DISTANCE was never translated to spanish or italian, SE only translated the game box and the manual.

Oh yes sorry now I remember I was also speaken about spanish and italian guess they are doing it also?

Or did they lost there hopes?

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I like to USE caps TOO.


As long as they translate the text.




They didn't for DDD so I guess they don't have any plans for a translated version of KHIII

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I already find the English dub disgusting. I only like the original version of whatever it is. The portuguese version of Assasssin's Creed is garabbage, the Original in English is art.

really? I love English dub xD Sorry, didn't play AC xD

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Oh yes sorry now I remember I was also speaken about spanish and italian guess they are doing it also?

Or did they lost there hopes?


I don't think they are going to translate Kingdom Hearts to spanish and italian anymore. I don't care playing the english version of it, but I'm kinda disapointed.

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tbh I live in Germany and i would be happy about a german localisation/voice acting but i am really used to the english voices by now so i would rather prefer them. I can't even imagine a fitting voice for Xehanort in Germany also the German voice from Sora (in Kingdom Hearts 2) is definitely unfitting for Vanitas (since japan and america had the same voice actor for both it is likely the same would happen in Germany or any other country in Europe) imo  Besides it costs more money and time so i would like English voice acting or maybe if they really want to take their time they could do dual-audio with the localized voices, english and also the japanese voices and you can set them at the beginning of the game or change them in the menu. but that would cost even MORE time, disc space and money.

Edited by ScarletArisa

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Good for them! They're letting their voices be heard! If more fans were to have done this earlier then we probably would've gotten the final mix games a lot earlier too. And if fans keep on doing it now then maybe we can finally get all the stuff Japan gets that we don't! Like the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 hd remix collectors edition and Kingdom Hearts X!

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