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Your Top Ten Video Game Music~

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Herro peoples. I can safely assume that most of us on this site absolutely love soundtracks from videogames. I want you guys to post your top favorite video game songs!The only thing I have to say is please don't limit it to all KH songs or all Persona songs or something. Add some variety~ 
















3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BxQ4tzUrNY




1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee560CithdsAnd this one is my special favorite. :3https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldvrOLoRuco

Edited by Aqua7KH

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10: Ace Combat Assault Horizon. Dogfight.


9: Hitman Absolution: Death Factory Combat Soundtrack 1


8: Final Fantasy 10: To Zanarkand


7: Fallout 3: Tranquility Lane



6: Ace Combat 6: Liberation of Gracemeria. Skip to 2:38 please if you want to jump into the 'good part.'


5: Ace Combat 5: First Flight


4: Ace Combat 5. The Journey Home


3: Final Fantasy 13: The Promise


2: Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Xion's Theme


1. Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep: Kairi's Theme

Edited by Javelin434

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In no particular order, and liable to change at any given moment.


1: The Black Knight's theme, in Fire Emblem 9




2: Gruntilda's Lair, from Banjo Kazooie




3. Battle with Doopliss, from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door




4. Dancing Mad, from Final Fantasy VI




5. Keeping Pace: General Guy battle, from Paper Mario




6. Destati, from Kingdom Hearts




7. Stone Tower Temple, from Majora's Mask




8. Fungi Forest, from DK64




9. I Am Not a Moron, from Portal 2




10. Theme of the Empire, from Final Fantasy XII



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hmmm. Video game music.No particular order, there is so many it is hard to choose. So here is ten for now, it varies. 

STAR OCEAN: Mission to Deep Space

STAR OCEAN: Divine Spirit of Language

Blazblue: Gluttony Fang

Guilty Gear: Sol Badguy's theme: Keep Yourself Alive

Devil May Cry: Never Surrender  I realized this one had lyrics so here Star Ocean: So Alone Be sorrow

Mega man Legends II: Shuttle Bay

Mega Man Legends II: Defense Zone

FFVII: Birth of a God

FFVIII: Maybe I'm a Lion

FFVII: Crisis Core: SOLDIER Battle

That is some of the non-lyrical. I could put another list just for lyrical.

Edited by ReikuSSR

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Oh jesus this is hard. There are too many I like. Hmmm I'll pick top 10 from my top 3 different franchises instead.


Kingdom Hearts


1) Aqua's Theme

2) Fate of the Unknown

3) Darkness of the Unknown

4) Dearly Beloved

5) Night of Fate

6) Lord of the Castle

7) Namine's Theme

8) Hallow Bastion

9) Scherzo Di Notte

10) Sinister Sundown


There are a lot more for KH, but these come to mine.




1) Emotion (Black and White)

2) N's Theme (Black and White)

3) Cynthia's Battle Them (Diamond and Pearl)

4) Lance/Red's Battle Theme (Gold and Silver)

5) Black and White's Battle Theme

6) Iris's Battle Theme (Black 2 and White 2)

7) XY Legendary Battle Theme (X and Y)

8) XY Rival Battle Theme (X and Y)

9) Diamond and Pearl Trainer Battle Theme

10) Giratina's Battle Theme (Platinum)


I really like a lot of the songs, so its hard to say.


World of Warcraft


1) Teldrassil Theme 

2) Jade Forest Music.

3) Wandering Isle Music.

4) Siege of Worlds. (Warlords of Draenor Log in Music)

5) Shado-Pan music.

6) Invincible.

7) Arthas, my son.

8) What is Worth Fighting For?

9) Golden Lotus.

10) Dun Morough Music.


The music in these games are the shit. Honestly I find it better music than Pokémon and Kingdom Hearts, but they are too different genres to even properly compare.


Also most of these lists aren't probably exactly true as my definite top 10, but I do like these songs more than others.

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Don't have a specific order

Entire Kingdom Hears 2 Soundtrack

Entire TWEWY Soundtrack

Final Fantasy XIII Menu Theme

Tak and the power of Juju Chicken island theme

Sonic unleashed Chunin Day theme

Street fighter 3rd strike player select theme (ORIGINAL)

Persona 3 Mistic

Batman Arkham City Menu theme

Gravity Rush old Town theme

Skullgirls Medici tower theme (entire ST tbh)

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I never had a top whatever list for anything, so I'll just post 10 songs I really like. lol These aren't in any particular order, just arbitrary numbers.1. Palmtree Panic Bad Future, from Sonic CD (US Version)

2. Phoenix Battle, from Chocobo's Dungeon

3. Anville Town, from Pokemon Black / White


4. Near-Death Experience (Arranged), from Shadow Hearts


5. Dreaming, from Ys


6. Hoist the Sword with Pride in the Heart, from Etrian Odyssey 3

7. Dawn Brigade, from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

8. 7 PM, from Animal Crossing: New Leaf

9. Theme of Tyrant 3 B, from Resident Evil: Code Veronica

10. Bandit Town, from Shantae (especially the remix Jake Kaufman did)


Edited by Jilly Shears

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These aren't my all-time favorites, or in any order (I'll try to put ones I like more towards #1), I really can't decide on my all-time favorites. xD These are just ten that I really like:


10. Super Mario Galaxy: Gusty Garden Galaxy 

This theme is a perfect fit for not only Gusty Garden Galaxy, but for the game in general. In fact, I've come to consider this as Super Mario Galaxy's main theme. It perfectly invokes the sense of wonder that I remember feeling back when I played through this game and explored the various galaxies. I know it's a popular theme, but it's an absolute masterpiece, and there are no other themes quite like it.


9. Cave Story: Running Hell 

If you're going to make a dungeon that feels near impossible and absolutely infuriating, you need the music to match that sense. This did that perfectly. You can feel the tension as you race against the clock to defeat the true main villain as the floating island begins to collapse. After everything that this game put the player through, this theme helped set the tone for the finale. This was it. It was life or death at this point, and there was only one way to go. The nerve wracking feeling definitely conveyed the feeling of the player as they made it through the toughest dungeon in the game.


8. EarthBound: Pokey Means Business 

I honestly haven't played through all of EarthBound yet, but I ended up listening to this back when I thought I'd never have a chance to play it, and I fell in love with the theme. The beginning has an excellent nostalgic 8-bit feel, and when it jumps to the metal theme, you know that this game is about to take a serious turn.


7. Half Life: Hazardous Environments 

While playing Half Life, you're trapped in an underground facility for most of the game. You escape eventually, only to find yourself back inside shortly after. Eventually, you're told to go outside. You know that there will be HECU troops all over the place. You know you're going to face the greatest threat so far. The thoughts running through the player's head when this first plays are what make this so memorable to me, and this music fits going alone into a large enemy ambush.


6. Sly Cooper 2: Arpeggio's Airship 

Sly Cooper 2 was a fairly lighthearted game. However, towards the end, you're faced with multiple plot twists, and everything feels bleak. You're stranded, with no clue how you'll finally achieve your goal. This theme fits the bleak tone perfectly.


5. Chrono Trigger: World Revolution 

Throughout Chrono Trigger, the player experiences the setup for the massive battle with Lavos, an alien that destroys Earth in the game's future. After experiencing all of the horrible deeds that Lavos has done to the planet over time, you finally get your chance for revenge. There's a beautiful sense of justice in this battle, and the music conveys it perfectly. If it wasn't for a few other themes, this would easily be my favorite final battle music (Okay, not technically the FINAL battle, but the second to last form of the main villain...)


4. (TIE) Final Fantasy V: Clash on the Big Bridge 

While I didn't originally hear this theme in FFV, this version eventually became my favorite. There's a feeling I can't really describe in this theme, but it definitely feels fitting for a large scale battle. I also love the character that it's attributed to, so that helps.


4. (TIE) Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: The Price of Freedom 

Anyone who has played Crisis Core will be able to understand why I chose this specific theme. It's used multiple times throughout the game for sad moments, but there's one in particular that's especially memorable. When it's used for the final battle, it's the most beautiful, emotionally-gripping piece of music I've ever heard of. Every time I hear this specific piece, I still feel the emotions I did while playing the game. It's very rare that a piece of music does that to me, and it's definitely worthy of bonus points in this case. This is easily the most heroic theme I've ever heard in a game...


3. The World Ends With You: Emptiness and 

The World Ends With You has a brilliant soundtrack, so it's tough to choose just one track to call my favorite. However, this is one that really grew on me. The tone feels dark and intense, just like the game. The point in the game at which this played is also one of the most memorable sections for me, given how desolate everything seemed. The boss battle that this was used in is also one of the best in the game.


2. Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix: The Other Promise 

I love a lot of the tracks in the KH series, but this one's easily my favorite. It fits with Roxas' character. His confusion, his sadness, his anger. The theme is also symbolic for the battle which this is used in. Not only is it a battle between two people who are essentially parts of each other, but one of them clearly has it better than the other. Roxas is clearly angry at Sora for having friends, for being happy. You can truly feel the emotional tension in this theme, and I love it.


1. Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal: Champion Battle http://youtu.be/fnfKI57-fDA

Honestly, this or #2 is definitely my all-time favorite. This theme has an urgency to it that feels strange in Pokemon, making it stand out. You've finally reached the end of the Pokemon League. You've taken down Team Rocket, obtained all eight gym badges, and caught numbers of Pokemon. And now, it's time for the final showdown with the Champion. However, where this theme really stands out is in the secret battle with Red, the previous game's protagonist, at the very end of the game. The surprise that you actually fought the character you played as previously was mind blowing, and the battle itself was quite difficult, at least for someone as young as I was at the time. The intensity, the emotion... This theme is everything a final battle theme SHOULD be.

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