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The Transcendent Key

Silly Things In Pokemon Games!

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Hey there everyone, how's it going?  You know, yesterday I had a conversation with my best friend/soul brother Dennys about Pokemon, and he told me of the things he thinks are silly in the games, and I wanted to share the conversation we had.  Okay, so the first thing we talked about was about the HM's.  Why do you need to learn Cut just to cut a small tree when you can use a Fire type move or simply snap the branch since it's a small tree?  And why do Water types need to learn Surf if they are already Water type Pokemon?  They should naturally know how to swim!  And what about Flying Pokemon?  Why do they need to learn Fly if they already have wings?  And how can very small flying type Pokemon carry a Trainer around? xD  Okay, and here are some other ones!


Why do super buff Pokemon like Machamp need to learn Strength if they can just simply move the giant boulders with their sheer strength? And why must the move Rock Smash be learned if you can simply climb over the rock?  We laughed for a while about that, it was pretty funny talking about those little details.  Another thing we discussed is the fact that every Trainer in each game lives alone with their mother, and their father is always away.  The only father we actually see is the Gym Leader in the Hoenn region, but what about the fathers of the other Trainers from the other games?  Are they dead? Lol. xD  And why does every starting town have an NPC that always says: "The power of science is staggering!" or things of that sort.  And the Trainer never eats or drinks any beverages, and only sleeps in either the mother's house or another house in the region.


And what about Pokemon?  They eat Poffins, Pokeblocks, and that's it!?  And berries!?  They'll starve to death if they only eat those things!  Poffins and Pokeblocks aren't even natural, they're made by the Trainers!  Anyways, that was what we discussed most, and we laughed for a while because of this conversation, and we had a blast talking about it.  What about you?  Do you find these small details to be funny?  (For super diehard Pokemon fans, please don't be offended, I myself am a Pokemon fan, I'm simply pointing out these silly details.)

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I don't know about the HM subject, although it might involve doing the task in such a way that makes it compatible for their trainer, nor do I know why no one seems to have any biological needs, nor fathers.


However, as for the question of what pokémon eat, it does state the diets of several pokémon in their pokedex entries, such as the fact that the pidgey line eat caterpie.

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If you think now and then Fly is actually one of the dumbest move that was invented.

I think I understand for strength and rock smash. But yeh it is all Pokémon logic.

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Or you know...How a ten year old pretty healthy looking child can't climb a ledgeor go into a thicket of trees or merely past one when you're supposed to be some sort of adventurer 

Not just ten year olds, either. Ever since Gen V, the trainers have clearly been much older than ten. xD

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How does steel resist dragon? How is bug weak to poison? Why is even a fairy type!? These are questions that must never be answered in the pokemon universe and you must first understand that before playing.

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Pokemon Logic is like Nomura Logic: It may seem silly at first but when you play it, it all makes sense even if it does confuse you at times. And you eventually never question it (Unless you're Joshscorcher. xD I like him by the way) until the next time something new is thrown at you but then the cycle repeats...xD

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