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Avernum RP

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You are never to see sunlight again, or breathe fresh air again, or fell warm or safe you have been sentenced to exile in Avernum.

Your crimes were not as one would think it was not murder theft  or any other crimes against other people your crime was against the empire that controls the surface and is ruled by a ruthless tyrant Hawthorne and your crimes were things like speaking up against an unjust law, not being able to fit in, angering some politician or perhaps just being a bit of a mischief.


But what is Avernum? Avernum is a gigantic system of subterranean caves far below the surface. Some say it has no warmth air or food and you die instantly. Others that there is enough food to endure a pitiful worm-like existence (that is until the monsters get you). And some believe it is a land of freedom and relief free from the tyrants rule. Needless to say those people ended up there quickly.


You have been taken to a small fort far from any city it is where the portal to Avernum is. You breathe fresh Air one last time ... Then they throw you in.


As you stumble down a rocky hill still stunned from your trip through the portal you start to put things together. You are in a far east end of a huge cave. The ceiling above you is covered with a thick layer of moss that is giving out a strong light (strong enough to see normally in). There are some trees around more fungi than wood and it is also warmer than you thought. The air is quite warm and moussed and the smell of sulfur is detectable. There must be volcanic activity down here.


As you look closer you are in a town. All the buildings are made of stone only the doors are wooden. This is now where you are stuck.

(Ok so that was the intro. Sorry if my spelling was bad. Now you can begin the RP.)

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"What the-" Hi said. The moss on the cave was touching his hand that was raised. "This place, where am I?" he asked himself. Hi began walking outside and saw the buildings with the wooden doors outside. "Seriously though, where am I?" Hi asked with confusion. He started walking some more. To him the air was quite refreshing, after all anything warm or hot was good enough for himself. He had stood in front of one of the doors, and thought for a second. "If I don' know where I am, then why should I knock on this door. For all I know this person or whatever could be a angry one," he thought and then backed-up. "I think I should go back to the cave," Hi said. He walked back with alot of energy, and sat right in front, thinking  about how he had gotten here. "A minute ago I was at a campfire, now I'm here," he said to himself. The thought had frightened him because, Hi was far away from, and he might not see his family again. "I know there has to be a way out of here," he said.

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Gallan looked at his surroundings for a while before noticing another person in strange clothes. He thought about approaching but hesitated for a moment first. There was something strange about that person that was unsettling like a flame right in front of him. The affect of the portal was strange and his arms felt lighter for some reason. Cautiously he strolled towards the stranger. "Hey I'm Gallan another one of the poor souls forced into exile. Pardon my noticing but you don't look like you're from around here." He held a cheerful expression as he spoke and constantly tried to see if there was anything about him that would give out a clue as to what the strange vibe this person was giving off. 'Hmm i didn't see him in prison and i definitely didn't see him get thrown in ... But his skin isn't pale like the other Avernties so he must have come here recently ... But the empire only sends people here once a year so this guy must have arrived not so long ago.' he thought to himself as he waited for an answer.

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Hi looked up and down at Gallan. "Um H-Hi, I am H-Hi Kokoro," he said with shock and confusion. Someone else was here, and he couldn't believe his eyes, and after what he said he had realized that he wasn't "around here." "You are correct, I am not around here. I was at a campfire, and suddenly, here I am," Hi said. This world was different to the one he was at, so he started to act differently, but still keeping that fun and smart "flame" inside of him. "Um, excuse me but may I ask a question?" he said. Hi would've assumed that he was going to say yes, so he just asked away. "What is the place, and how am I here?" he asked. His part of the day had been rough after being swooped into a unknown world. He then stood up, and waited for the answer.

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Gallan's expression turned a little more serious. "Well I'll explain as best I can. I have absolutely no idea how you got here ... As a matter of fact I am interested in it myself it could be a way out. As for where you are well ... This place is called Avernum and it's basically the underworld. The rulers of the surface have been using it as a prison for those they simply don't like." He said the last part while clenching his fist. What Hawthorne does is both brilliant and ruthless. Because of this most people of the surface don't dare rebel against his rule and despise him more than anything. "If you want to know how to get back to the surface or your world I'm interested in that as well. Everyone who was sent here wants to get out." He sighed predicting what Kokoro would say. He tried to smile but the whole empire thing didn't put him in the mood.

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"I regret nothing. If this was supposed to be a punishment, that won't make any difference.", Elisabeth thought. She promised herself she wouldn't change, no matter what happened. She spread her wings and started flying.There was something softening in the sensation of air passing across her feathers, even when she was just flying in circles next to the cave's ceiling. She breathed heavily while landing on the floor. Flying as an eagle did not give her the freedom she wanted. With a fragile green light, her body returned to normal. The girl ran her hands through her blond hair, wondering what could she do now. At that moment, she finally noticed she was not alone. "They were probably exiled, just like me.", she thought, despite of her being fearful.



(It's my first time RPing, and I'm not confident writing in English, so sorry if I did any mistake.) 

Edited by Morrisone

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"What the ... Where the hell am I?" To him this was strange as  something can get. His gaze wandered around the cavern. 'How did i get here? What is this place? Am I the only one here?' Were some of the questions that were going through his head. At least one of his questions got answered by an Eagle turning into a girl. Considering the shock he went through right there he almost passed out but managed to somehow keep his consciousness. After recovering from the shock he decided to go see if he can find out where he is and more importantly how to get out of here. "Hey you there!" He shouted while running towards Elisabeth. "Sory to bother you but can you tell me where I am? I'm kinda lost." He smiled as he said the last part."Names Firo by the way."

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"Thankyou for the info," Hi said. "Plus if you want to just call me Kokoro-san, it's confusing between my name and the word 'H-E'," Hi continued. At that moment he heard someone's voice and turned around. "Gallan, look over there, someone, no two people are here also," Hi said. He had began to walk up a bit to look at the two characters. He suddenly stood in spot once he saw Elisabeth's wings. "What the-," he said. He had began to walk closer to them but slowly. He was kinda excited to see other people were here with him,b but he didn't want to just yell and surprise them. He had reached close enough to Elisbeth and Firo to have a conversation with them. "Um, so you guys were sent down here too," he said with a kinda sad face. "Well, since we have never seen each other, hello, my name is Hi Kokoro, but it's best if you call me Kokoro-san," he said with a smile. He walked up a bit more just to be more comfortable with them.

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Before he got an answer he heard Kokoro walking closer. "Well now it looks like there are more people down here ... I don't know whether to be relieved or not. Names Firo Prochenezio ... Call me Firo" He said in a warm manner. Although this meant there are more people down here some might not be so friendly. The smell of sulfur was a bit annoying and the air was a bit staler than what he was used to. The city they were in looked abandoned and emptied out aside from that there were no other signs of life besides them. The nearby vegetation ruined the road some time ago and most of the walls had cracks. This feeling was uneasy for him. Then he saw that there was an underground river not so far to the south. As he gazed further west into what seemed to be a mist he could dimly make out the lights of a city. Perhaps there was an entire civilization down here at some point. "Hey guys do you see that? I aint sure but it looks like a city." He said as soon as he confirmed that he wasn't just going crazy.

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Gallan flowed kokoro and soon found himself in a group of four. 'Oh boy what am i getting myself into?' he thought to himself then he heard that there is a city to the west. "Well till now about 96000 people were sent to avernum so far by the looks of it most don't make it. So far i think the best thing to do would be to go the nearest city and get some leads on getting out however ... if it were that simple people would be coming back often. Hmmm ..." he got lost in thought thinking of every possible explanation and how likely it is in other words bad news. In any case he decided it would be best to keep quiet about their chance for getting out. He put his right hand on one side of his head. In a sigh Gallan mumbled something then glanced at Firo.'Another person from a strange place ... Does this happen often?' he thought to himself before going quiet again.

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Elisabeth missed the sensation of the wind shaking her hair. She was afraid of going crazy if she spent too much time there. "Y-Yeah...By the way, my name's Elisabeth.", she said. People from that place were probably not the most friendly, but the idea of being able to see a real city gave Elise's heart the chance to calm down a little. "People can live here, so it's not that bad, is it?", she asked, while cleaning the sweat from her nervous hands. Although she was trying to be optimistic, she felt she wouldn't last much in Avernum. It was not a place for someone like her, even if she was a skilled archer. Elisabeth sighed. In those circumstances, she trusted the strangers more than herself. 

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"Ah as I see you guys were sent down here too!" Hi said. He stared at Elisabeth, and then changed his eyes to her wings. He then glanced at Firo, and looked at both of them from a few feet back. "Well, it's not like we are sent down for a death game," Hi said. He then looked at a rock, and sat down on it. He could barely stand up straight so he decided to sit on a rock. The rock was comfortable to him, and he soon became "at home" with it. "Now, let's see, your Elisabeth," he said while pointing at her wings. "And your Firo," he said while pointing at him. "Well over there is a guy named Gallan, I just met him." "I would say that he is very helpful, so if you got questions ask him." 

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'So Elisabeth needs something to take her mind of things ...'  He laughed a little before using somehow literally flying up into the air but only for a short time moments before coming back down "I looked around and i have a slight understanding of where we can go ... that is if you are interested." He smirked a little arrogantly but still giving of that "I've got everything under control" vibe. He decided the best thing to do now would be to blow away the mist. He muttered something before a strong wind started blowing from him in all directions. 'Now then lets see where this takes me.'

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"What just happened? First turning into an eagle now flying without wings ... I must be going crazy or somethen." Firo said in amazement of what he had seen again this place was over the top strange. "Well if you wanna go I'm up for it there's nothin else to do so at least this should keep me from getting bored." He chuckled and leaed on one of the nearby abandoned buildings walls. But something about this place just didn't seem right to him an disturbing chill ran up his spine and daepite the warm air something cold felt like it touched him on the forehead.

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Elisabeth gulped. Since she was going to enter there, the place got more frightening. "Alright, let's go then.", she said. Staying where they were didn't look safe too, so that was a good reason for exploring. When a green light covered her body, it became smaller until it reached the size of a big bird. Dark brown feathers started to cover it, white feathers covering only her head and her newly formed tail. Her arms were substituted by huge wings and her feet became small, yellow and with sharp talons. A sharp yellow bill appeared where her mouth was before. In a few seconds, she was an eagle. Flapping her wings gave her confidence. 

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"Woah, h-how did you do all of that?" Kokoro asked. He had stared at Elisabeth for a bit, looking at every inch of her body, trying to terminate how she had did it. He soon gave up hope and sat right back on the rock. "I think we should go out there too!" Kokoro said. "I mean we will never know if it's safe or not if we don't go, but it is a great risk," he continued. He started to stretch and let out a huge yawn, then he just laid back on that rock, and put his fist in the air. "Oh well," Kokoro said. He had just sat there for a moment and got right back up. "I'm going. Gallan had gave some info, so I feel kinda safe," Kokoro said. He then began to walk out of the cave.

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