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Ruby Rose

A Moment, Please

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"You have lost sight of the light within the darkness. And it seems that you've forgotten that you forgot."— AxelLots of people are complaining about the pin, no Collector's Edition, this, that, and the other thing. Just take a second to focus on what really matters regarding II.5:Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix & Birth by Sleep Final Mix are finally being released internationally!Seriously there's actual problems in the world, quit looking the gift horse in the mouth

This.Seriously guys? It's just a pin. xD Even though I have to admit that it's kinda silly that a pre-order bonus is just a pin, but plenty of other games had no pre-order bonuses so a pin is better than nothing. Besides, Square has a lot of more important things to worry about, like I dunno KH3 or FF15?

Plus, Square is busting their asses trying to give us what we want, so cut the awesome shape-named company some slack!Yeah, it's true that Japan gets all the good stuff, but it's because of Japan why we're getting KH anyway. After all, games like Fire Emblem was Japan-exclusive for most of the series, and that could have been easily KH also.Let's all be happy about what we're all getting and stop getting pissed off about things that we can't even do anything about.Fanbases man. The only fanbase that's worse than KH is probably Sonic the Hedgehog, Dr. Who and Hetalia. (Not being biased, just going by experience and the nasty people)

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Fool. It's a reminder of how Japan gets the good stuff. They already got the final mixes. Now that we're getting it, Japan goes and gets another thing. They are rubbing it in our faces.

I think you're reading into that a little too muchThe physical Kingdom Hearts games originate in Japan right? Then they have to export them across the globe via shipping correct? If so, it makes sense their home turf will get more goodies than those who import it. Do you think it's easy or cheap mailing all those pins/art books/collector's editions across the globe? And what if a shipment gets lost or stolen- then you just lost a bunch of moneyNo, it's a lot less risky keeping pre-order bonuses and the like in-country as that leaves far less travel time where things can go wrong. It just makes sense those who are closest (in this case Japan) will get the most stuff as they're already right there, whereas the rest of the world it has to travel a long wayThat's just my theory though, I don't believe Japan is getting these bonuses simply in spite of everyone else

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I think you're reading into that a little too muchThe physical Kingdom Hearts games originate in Japan right? Then they have to export them across the globe via shipping correct? If so, it makes sense their home turf will get more goodies than those who import it. Do you think it's easy or cheap mailing all those pins/art books/collector's editions across the globe? And what if a shipment gets lost or stolen- then you just lost a bunch of moneyNo, it's a lot less risky keeping pre-order bonuses and the like in-country as that leaves far less travel time where things can go wrong. It just makes sense those who are closest (in this case Japan) will get the most stuff as they're already right there, whereas the rest of the world it has to travel a long wayThat's just my theory though, I don't believe Japan is getting these bonuses simply in spite of everyone else

Fool. I'm just playing devil's advocate. I don't care either way.

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