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Unpopular KH opinions

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-Only Sora-Donald-Goofy and Axel-Roxas-Xion feel like a trio of friends.


-KH1 is almost unplayable to me because of its relatively primitive/clunky controls, which sucks because atmosphere-wise, it's probably the most memorable.


-I don't hate any character, nor do I think they deserve the effort of hating on them.  At worst I'm indifferent to them.


-I give Kairi the benefit of the doubt that she'll get more development down the line.


-I don't agree with the notion that keyblades are becoming less meaningful because of the dozen or so characters who have them.  Keep in mind we're talking about an entire multiverse of inhabitants who don't have keyblades, not to mention there was once an entire army of them...


-I prefer Riku's shaggy dog hairstyle over his latest 'do.


-Disney doesn't make the game less serious; you just can't take anything seriously unless it features blood and death.  I love Donald and Goofy.

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-Only Sora-Donald-Goofy and Axel-Roxas-Xion feel like a trio of friends.


-KH1 is almost unplayable to me because of its relatively primitive/clunky controls, which sucks because atmosphere-wise, it's probably the most memorable.


-I don't hate any character, nor do I think they deserve the effort of hating on them.  At worst I'm indifferent to them.


-I give Kairi the benefit of the doubt that she'll get more development down the line.


-I don't agree with the notion that keyblades are becoming less meaningful because of the dozen or so characters who have them.  Keep in mind we're talking about an entire multiverse of inhabitants who don't have keyblades, not to mention there was once an entire army of them...


-I prefer Riku's shaggy dog hairstyle over his latest 'do.


-Disney doesn't make the game less serious; you just can't take anything seriously unless it features blood and death.  I love Donald and Goofy.

The reason because of the keyblade being less important in many peoples eyes is because in KH1 we were told we were the keyblade master and the chosen one and it was kind of cool because you felt like you were the only one who could save the world. Then after KH2 it kind of became less of a deal because when even Lea who doesn't even need a keyblade gets one, shit goes overboard. Not to mention all of the neo organization is getting keyblades.

Edited by Cucco

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I actually very much enjoyed the expansiveness of the worlds in DDD and hope they implement it in KHIII. The level of detail in the worlds made me truly happy to explore for the first time, instead of just grinding through the Disney parts to get back to Sora's crew.


Furthermore I liked the story of DDD, the game-play, and the spirits element. I also thought the themes for the worlds (Pranksters Paradise and Country of the Mouseketeers especially) were very fun and catchy and caught the initial element of "okay there's no searching for lost friends or battling ancient evil JUST YET so have fun with this!"


I honestly anticipate an element of romance in KHIII. The crew has matured quite a bit and it's time Sora and Riku settled down. What I will commit murder over is if Nomura decides to play the love triangle game which is ever so popular right now.


Lastly I'm just really sick of all the characters and their intense blue eyes. Can we please have a broader range of color? Brown eyes! Black eyes! Purple eyes! It makes me so angry that we can immediately define bad guy vs good guy based on their eye color...

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No, but it's unpopular to say i disliked Re:Coded for the gameplay, which the majority of the people said was amazing.

I'm pretty sure I've seen a lot of people who hated the gameplay, too.

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Days was awful in every way, story wise and gameplay wise

Xion was a pointless character, never needed her in KH. She was just added to artificially extend Sora's quest of ending suffering (which already seems bloated)


Re:coded's story was not pointless. Just because it didn't reveal as much as other titles doesn't mean that it was not worth your time


I wish Axel would have died in KH2. I loved him as a character but he just seems to be back for fanservice. And he didn't need a keyblade either.


Command Deck is an incredibly unbalanced system: I admit melding was fun in BBS but you often get the best commands accidentally by grinding early on in the game. Cool downs also seem like a cheap trick to balance gameplay. You're just dodging until you can use a command again. In KH1, you could use all the magic you wanted, but had to be careful of resources. If they wanted to use it in KH3 in some way, I'd be somewhat okay if they just incorporated into the magic command in some way, but I'd still prefer not.


I don't want 1 game a year. They are taking out cool features out of the remixes because of the demand of some fans. A fully playable HD Days (even though that game still sucks, I still would have loved this feature), Online Mirage Arena and Capes.  I realize it's a lot of work and they probably wouldn't have put some of these features in anyway but the one game a year policy is not helping.I'm afraid KH3 is going to come out rushed because of the impatient fans. I would wait 10 more years for the perfect game

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Axel is so moronic sometimes, as well as stubborn. 


Dammitt Ansem, pick a body already, you silver haired freak! 


Jodie Bensen As Ariel + KH = I'll play the hell out of that


Tron is a dumb film AND annoying world. 


Xion is more tragic than Namine. 


( Don't kill me) 

I wish Riuk had died in DDD, so we'd get tragedy AND a new character. 

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--- Eraqus should have had more scenes/cameos through the series


--- Riku and Sora are only friends, but strangely have more chemistry than Sora and Kairi. Serioulsy, if Sora was a girl instead of a boy, Kairi wouldn't even be necessary.


--- Aqua is the best female protagonist in the game


---  in KH1, Sora seems more like a 10  year old than a 14 year old.


--- The Kingdom Hearts manga explores the aspect of the characters better than the game does.


--- Roxas should not come back in KH3


--- Master Eraqus' passing was just as sad as Xion's


--- Xehanort and Riku are related


--- Xion's charater is over-hyped


--- the " Hearts of Pure Light" concept is ridiculous


--- Kairi's outfit and hair looked better in KH1


--- The game relies to heavily on the concept of friends


--- Riku becoming Master instead of Sora, is great

Edited by Pandy Monium

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Well it's a little too late to not ask for romance. It was hinted at in KH1 and in KH2 sora even fantasized about dancing with kairi. I think it's gonna happen in KH3 whether people like it or not.

Finally, I'd say.

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KH1: neverland was almost has bad has atlantica.

CoM: Riku's story was better.

KH2: port royal and Tron worlds were awesome and we need more like them! Kairi is very developed and deserves less recognition has a damsel in distress and more has a superhero!

Days: this was infinitely better has a game! This game could rival BBS and is a lot more interesting!

BBS: had the best neverland. Terra is awesome!

Coded: has a great story and is a pretty good game

3D: way too easy, time travel makes sense, sleeping world stuff doesn't, and Sora is a saint in this game and is almost nothing like his Kingdom Hearts 2 self! Seriously we know he's not the smartest, but this game took that to a whole new level.

Handheld games are better than console games cuz you can take them with you.

Kingdom Hearts 3 shouldn't be coming out quite yet. Especially not next year. Maybe late 2016.

BBSV2 needs to happen!

They need to show Sora and Riku's family after mentioning them.

The spinoffs are awesome and I'd like more!

And lastly I think people don't understand #SquareBeFair. I personally agree with them. It's not about the pin it's about the discriminating.

That's all I have.

Edited by VeNate13

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