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Unpopular KH opinions

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-KH2 was too linear

-DDD was confusing as shit

-DDD was difficult

-Nomura only really cares about the Japanese players

-358/2 days was a great game but a terrible movie

-Re:coded looks like a great movie but the game was boring and generic




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KHI is the best game in the series

KHII and BBS are great games, but not nearly as good as most people say

BBS was way too easy, even on Critical

Re:Coded and DDD were good games

Kingdom Hearts should not have romance between the original characters. Period.

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KHI is the best game in the series

KHII and BBS are great games, but not nearly as good as most people say

BBS was way too easy, even on Critical

Re:Coded and DDD were good games

Kingdom Hearts should not have romance between the original characters. Period.

Well it's a little too late to not ask for romance. It was hinted at in KH1 and in KH2 sora even fantasized about dancing with kairi. I think it's gonna happen in KH3 whether people like it or not.

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-KH1 was way to hard probably because I suck

-The worlds of DDD was way too big

-The card system in Chain and Re:Chain is annoying
-None of the KH games are way too easy probably because I still suck

-Vanitus is sexier than Sora (I'm very torn on this)
-Coded and Days had some pretty crappy graphics, even though it's a DS game.

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I really dislike Re:Coded. I didn't like the gameplay, and i felt the story didn't really contribute to KH at all, since the main things in it were summed up in 3D anyway.


I actually like the idea of Final Mix. I just wish they were released here though. I wouldn't mind if they had FM DLC that was released here either.


COM's gameplay wasn't that bad. It honestly was just an earlier version of the Command Deck, plus it introduced alot of new moves like Firaga Burst and Mega Flare which we never saw with KH I or II. I honestly liked it.

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Donald is actually ridiculously useful in KH2, if you use his Fantasia limit break. It's like dropping a flak cannon on your enemies. It's especially good in the tournaments in Olympus Coliseum for wiping out large mounds of enemies quickly.


I like the Disney villain bloc in KH1 more than Organization XIII.


Out of all the companions I had in KH2, I actually found Riku to be the most disappointing.


I really enjoy playing through Wonderland and Atlantica.


re:Coded is underappreciated.


Xion really isn't that bad of a character. I can see why people are annoyed that she kind of hijacks a lot of 358 Days, but on her own, I think her own story is pretty good. Maybe I'm just a sucker for AI that becomes sentient, but I still think it works.


The 100 Acre woods levels are some of my favorite parts of the series, and always give the fuzzies.

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I actually love xion to bits and pieces


I really like re coded, it was a nice break from the storyline and hella fun.


Romance should stay between the Disney characters. (No idiotic fighting that way. Well ok maybe not. but still)


I have mixed feeling on soras kh2 outfit


Dreams eaters are Firetrucking cute as hell and I kinda hope we see them again


The handheld games are not useless

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-Since KH2 Sora is overpower,its not fun when the protagonist doesn't seem to be facing any challenge and because of that his optimism became really annoying.Roxas,Ven,Terra,Aqua and Riku are much more interesting.


-KH3D almost ruined the entire serie with time travel and nobodies with hearts


-I hate COM and its gameplay,but the boss battles are actually fun


-Aqua needs a new voice-actor for KH3


-Organisation XIII is the only reason why I like the Kingdom Hearts games


-I don't hate Xion,she's okay and I don't mind seeing her again in KH3,but she should have never existed to begin with.358/2 DAYS had a really good story,but it would have been even better without her.


-I hope KH3 doesn't have multiple storylines like BBS and KH3D and I'd like Sora to be the only playable



-Saix/Isa is awesome,he's the best character in the serie

Edited by Isaix

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--I really liked the card system in Chain of Memories, on the GBA any ways it's awkward on the remake.

--Xion and Terra are easily the worst characters in the series.

--Kingdom Hearts 1 isn't all that great of a game.

--Neither is Days.

--Re:coded was fun to play. Stupid non-existent story but fun to play.

--I liked KH3D but story is so topsy turvy.

--The dialogue in the games isn't the best.

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Days is both boring story wise and gameplay wise.

Re:Coded is fun gameplay wise but not story wise (this isn't really unpopular though?)

If it wasn't for the internet, people wouldn't know about the collector's edition and would be more happy with the pin.

Each of the kh "side games" (more than midquels) were integral to the story and still count as a KH title.  Having a numbered title or being on a home console doesn't make a game any better.



There should have never been any mobile games. Everything should have stayed on console


If it wasn't for the mobile games Nomura would have left the series at KH2.  He felt it ended fine there.  So no Days, Coded, BBS, DDD or KH3.  

Tabata: The very beginning of it started late one night, Nomura was explaining the contents of the mobile phone on a white board and the idea arose.

Nomura: At that point, I wasn’t thinking about continuing the Kingdom Hearts series. But I had this concept… And it began from that sort of talk…

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Days is both boring story wise and gameplay wise.

Re:Coded is fun gameplay wise but not story wise (this isn't really unpopular though?)

If it wasn't for the internet, people wouldn't know about the collector's edition and would be more happy with the pin.

Each of the kh "side games" (more than midquels) were integral to the story and still count as a KH title.  Having a numbered title or being on a home console doesn't make a game any better.




If it wasn't for the mobile games Nomura would have left the series at KH2.  He felt it ended fine there.  So no Days, Coded, BBS, DDD or KH3.  

Tabata: The very beginning of it started late one night, Nomura was explaining the contents of the mobile phone on a white board and the idea arose.

Nomura: At that point, I wasn’t thinking about continuing the Kingdom Hearts series. But I had this concept… And it began from that sort of talk…


What on earth is this from? Birth by Sleep was planned when Kingdom Hearts II was still in development.

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Well it's a little too late to not ask for romance. It was hinted at in KH1 and in KH2 sora even fantasized about dancing with kairi. I think it's gonna happen in KH3 whether people like it or not.

I know, but you asked for opinions. My opinion is that KH doesn't need romance.


I really dislike Re:Coded. I didn't like the gameplay, and i felt the story didn't really contribute to KH at all, since the main things in it were summed up in 3D anyway.


I actually like the idea of Final Mix. I just wish they were released here though. I wouldn't mind if they had FM DLC that was released here either.


COM's gameplay wasn't that bad. It honestly was just an earlier version of the Command Deck, plus it introduced alot of new moves like Firaga Burst and Mega Flare which we never saw with KH I or II. I honestly liked it.

It's not unpopular at all to say you dislike Re:Coded. Just saying. :/

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- I like the Axel, Roxas, Xion trio better than SRK and TAV

- DDD was a disappointment

- I don't like KHI as much as Days, KHII, and BBS

- I am not really looking forward to KHIII because I am worried it will flop

- KHII Sora is hotter than KHII Riku. People like Riku because he looks exotic (blue hair and aquamarine eyes) = He is an exxxotical

It goes like this:

KHII Sora> KHI Riku> KHII Riku> KHI Sora 

Sora got some beauty rest between CoM and KHII

- I prefer the old graphics rather than the new graphics. 

- Xion was a cool character.

- Vanitas is not sexy. Sora looks better. 

- I don't want to play as Kairi nor have her as the tutorial character; I rather save her as a DiD

- Xehanort should live in the end.


Um, that is it for now.

Edited by HikariYami

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I know, but you asked for opinions. My opinion is that KH doesn't need romance.


It's not unpopular at all to say you dislike Re:Coded. Just saying. :/

No, but it's unpopular to say i disliked Re:Coded for the gameplay, which the majority of the people said was amazing.

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