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New Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX screenshots released (+ pin revealed)

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Correct me if I'm wrong but are all the screenshots from the new or remastered scenes in re:coded, also the pin is derived from the box art of coded(see attached). Is is possible that this is just a "Re:coded limited edition". I find it hard to believe that this is all we are getting, after all  the survey was put out to everyone. 


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while the fact that the pin is officially a part of the disney pin collection (which is awesome because pin collecting is a big thing in the parks, so the fact that KH is finally being recognized in Disney parks), I'm quite dissapointed.... either way I'll be importing Japan's CE, but still. Hope there's a CE they announce between now and December

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This doesn't deserve to be called a limited edition, it's basically just a pre-order bonus. Compared to the Japanese CE, this is pretty pathetic.

Buuuuuuuut........I actually like it. I'm a big fan of pins, so to have a KH one is awesome.


Something i've noticed though, the NA announcement reveals the box art while the european announcement doesn't. Is the box art for Europe going to be different I wonder?

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So there's definitely no artbook?  I assumed it'd be revealed later.  A way to make sure they match equally in size is to yano... include an artbook 


Even without a pin I'm sure a full sized Wayfinder wouldn't have been met with some animosity.  It feels like more of a collectable.  On the bright side if you keep your pin for a while til the LE is done you could probably sell it separately for a good amount to the Disney pin collectors.


I actually feel kinda happy that EU + AUS get included.  

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This doesn't deserve to be called a limited edition, it's basically just a pre-order bonus. Compared to the Japanese CE, this is pretty pathetic.

Buuuuuuuut........I actually like it. I'm a big fan of pins, so to have a KH one is awesome.


Something i've noticed though, the NA announcement reveals the box art while the european announcement doesn't. Is the box art for Europe going to be different I wonder?


I think they're just being lazy in updating the box art on the retail sites here.  

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Amazon.com only just got it today. It'll come to every other retailer soon.


I'm waiting for GAME since that's the only I always preorder from, loyalty points :D

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I just want another art book.


And a figurine.



And an OST


Basically the Japanese LE.



But an Art book would be priority #1 for me atm.



On the topic of those screens, I'm loving all of them. They just look great! I wonder if Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie will get voices?

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This doesn't deserve to be called a limited edition, it's basically just a pre-order bonus. Compared to the Japanese CE, this is pretty pathetic.Buuuuuuuut........I actually like it. I'm a big fan of pins, so to have a KH one is awesome. Something i've noticed though, the NA announcement reveals the box art while the european announcement doesn't. Is the box art for Europe going to be different I wonder?

I agree it would of been a limited edition if it included more stuff but a pin!? That should be the pre order bonus if anything.

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I don't care for the pin! Just a pin added doesn't make it a limited edition! I'll definitely get the game (looks brilliant and better than the first game)!!! but might just not bother pre-ordering just to make a point!!! Is it just me or does anyone else agree?

Edited by AndrewHankinson

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A pin Square Enix, a freaking pin...and what's Japan getting again? Oh nothing, just 1.5 and 2.5 bundled together with a freaking bluray disc of some of the best reworked music of the ReMIXes, as well as a Play Arts figure of Limit Form, the best looking Form of Kingdom Hearts 2! How could you do this to us? Do you think we're stupid or something? The pin looks great and everything, but you can't honestly believe that we'll be okay getting JUST THE PIN AND NOTHING ELSE! I mean, 1.5 came with an artbook, a freaking artbook! At least give us that. I mean...come on!

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