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Shall we try a more complicated RP?

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Roxas mused to himself, It might be easier if I just knock him out, but nah I would have to wake him up when the meeting actually starts... Resigning himself to a long wait, Roxas began running through the drills for one of the few spells he knew.


(Hint: If something shocking happened he might accidentally use said spell)


(Oh I dunno, Axel start shouting again or something to break Roxas's concentration. I haven't decided which spell yet either)

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(lolz ok XDD)


"Oh shut up Roxas." Axel said irritably. Then, seeing Roxas trying to concentrate, he grinned and began singing at the top of his lungs, "I'VE GOT A LOVELY BUNCH OF COCONUTS, DEEDELEEDEE, HERE THEY ARE STANDING IN A ROOOOOOOW!!!!! BIG ONES, SMALL ONES, SOME AS BIG AS YOUR HEEEEAD!!!!!"


(ok so it seems out of character, but i can actually see axel doing tat XDD is tat good for breaking roxas' concentration?)

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Roxas, startled by Axel's terrible singing(term used lightly), accidentally acitivated his favorite spell. Roxas, thinking quickly, aimed said spell at Axel. A bright, red flame flew out of Roxas's hand and sped towards Axel. Whew, the worst a fire spell will do to Axel is muss up his coat... Roxas thought relieved.




(btw kh2_rox how did u know that was my favorite song?)

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"GAH!!" Axel yelped in surprise. Then, realizing it was only a fire spell he glared at Roxas. "...You know how long it takes to get this dang thing cleaned? A looong time. And-" He pointed a finger at Roxas, "you'll be doing it."

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Well at least a good argument will kill some time. Roxas thought deviously. "What?!!! This is the thanks I get for saving all our lives?!!! You were trying to kill us!!! Death by decibel!!!", Roxas decalared wryly.


(that song would have REALLY been annoying)

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"What!? You saved all of our lives!? Gimme a break." Axel retorted. "And I was NOT trying to kill anyone." He sat back in his chair. This was getting him even more irrritated than he already was. He took a book out of his pocket and began to read. But, unable to concentrate he shoved it back in his pocket and began to twiddle his thumbs...again.

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Oh well, Roxas mused, at least maybe now we can have a little peace and quiet while we wait, and I got out of cleaning Axel's coat. He decided against practicing spells again and instead turned his mind to the question that gnawed at his curiousity most of the time. Why did the Keyblade choose me?

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Aw man...with how long the Superior's waiting, everyone could go get a snack(he was getting hungry), go reak havok upon some random world, and read a 500 page book and STILL be back in time, Axel thought. He sighed and looked at the ceiling, which just so happened to be white, just like everything else in the room...well...except the people that is. Why is everything in here white...but we wear black? He wondered. Who was the decorator for this place anyway?

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Demyx jumped up and said "How about we go to the beach?"..."you know do littel swimmin, get stung by jellies, go see moose in canada?"

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