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Okay, am i the only one tired of people sayin SoKai or SoraxKairi, and in my opinion, i think its obvious that SOMETHING will happen Romantically in KH3 between the two. But its just getting annoying all the complaints about no Romance between them... it seems like it will happen eventually so STOP!!!! Please am i the only one that feels like it will happen in KH3?

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In the first game it seemed like there would be something. One drawing each other feeding themselves Paopu Fruit. But then, nothing. And I don't know if we should expect something.

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I don't see it/ I don't want it to happen. I think this series is more about friendship than romantic love and I don't really want a cliche romance in this already cliched story in my opinion. (not hating as I generally enjoy the KH plot)

I agree. If anything, It will be too cheesy. Sora doesn't know how to act with girls ex. That awkward hug with Kairi. Some say that the hug was supposed to be a kiss, but I haven't seen any proof of that being saidIf Nomura wanted them together he would have done it in KHII, honestly.

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I agree. If anything, It will be too cheesy. Sora doesn't know how to act with girls ex. That awkward hug with Kairi. Some say that the hug was supposed to be a kiss, but I haven't seen any proof of that being saidIf Nomura wanted them together he would have done it in KHII, honestly.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Since there is so much trio symbolism in KH (Sora,RIku and Kairi etc.) that this series is more focused on friendship and working together more than a partnered romance and to be honest I'd rather the cliche' of friendship than a forced romance which has had little development.

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The end of KHIII will probably be Kairi pecking Sora on the cheek, all the characters looking at the stars from Destiny Islands, the screen fading black with some last-minute dialogue about friendship and all that served on a silver platter, and roll credits while you yourself cry in sadness, bliss, satisfaction and joy for playing the game.

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Well things have gotten stale between the two. I can't say whether their relationship will be revived in KH3 or not.


But come to think of it, if they were to kiss or something like that THEN SQUARE ENIX FINALLY HAS TO PUT A BLUSHING TEXTURE ON THEIR FACES. 


This detail in particular has bothered me for a looooong time. Since there are a couple of instances throughout KH that people say "your face is so red!" when i see nothing at all. 


Like for example when Zack asked Aqua for a date.


And when Roxas, Xion, and Axel talked about love.

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*Waits for Kittens Javelin and Princess to start their rant about how Sora x Kairi will be canon*

You forgot about me :P Either that, or you have no idea who I am. I'm leaning toward the latter.Now I won't rant for too long, but I think Sora and Kairi is/will be canon. I mean the hints are all there. I won't go into detail, but basically I hear people saying that Kingdom Hearts is a game series about friendship, and I completely agree with that! But a little romance can't hurt, can it? I mean a lot of the Final Fantasy games have romance in them, don't they? And don't even get me started on Disney! So why can't Kingdom Hearts get the same treatment, huh?Peace! Edited by CaelumMare

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If your a Fairy Tail fan click here.




Everyone saying no romance in Kingdom Hearts is like saying no romance in Fairy Tail.

If you are a Fairy Tail fan, and you are well caught up click the spoiler.




Fairy Tail has romance look at Jellal x Erza one of the best pairings (and my favorite paring) i have ever seen.

and yet everyone says Fairy Tail is about friendship not romance Hello have you not seen the beauty of Jellal x Erza's kiss scene?




Fairy Tail has it's share of friendship, just like Kingdom Hearts and it has it's share of the fans saying there is no romance in Kingdom Hearts. But Fairy Tail does have a bit of romance because of Hiro's last series Rave Master,  just like Kingdom Hearts has it's romance because of Final Fantasy and Disney.



Edited by GotMilk5101520

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*Hangs head in a bit of shame* ...I don't see SoKai happening...I'm sorry I just don't...I know, it's odd......I'm gonna get a lot of flak for this... :(

Me either.....to me they just seem like best friends, and I don't really get a huge "romantic" vibe from them..... Sora hugs her,  just like he hugs Riku. They're all friends. The most of a connection I ever saw was when Sora imagined him and Kairi dancing together in KH2,  but that's it. It's as if there's a little crush there, but that's about it. Maybe in later games when they become adults they'll take their relationship to greater heights, but I doubt there's gonna be any lips locking anytime soon.

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It will happen, I'm sure. But I'm not sure it will happen in KH III.

i can see it now Sora grabbing Kairi by the hand and looking I to her eyes and speaking in French "Oh baby you will be forever in my heart"

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