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Homosexuality in Children's Video Games

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It's also shown that kids are deeply impacted by what the people around them do. For instance, a little boy who might not have chosen to play with Barbies if he was an only child will play with them if he has an older sister who he observed playing with them. Kids will mimic what they're shown in the world, so if they're taught that boys do this and girls do that it's a horrible lesson they'll carry with them for probably life. If all influences in the world were taken away it's likely there'd be a pretty even mix. It might be skewed that yeah, 60% of girls prefer dolls while 40% prefer Legos or something of the sort. There's still a large number of kids who are being taught they should conform to how a certain gender should dress/act/play before they even understand it. I'm exhausted so that was probably terribly worded but hopefully you get my point. 


There were antifeminist women back when we were still fighting to get the vote - were they right too? Of course not. One intelligent woman saying there's no need for feminism doesn't change the fact that it's needed in women's lives. It might impact some women less than others, and thankfully we've gotten (mostly) even on a legal standing, but there's still a social issue. There are still women being murdered for being women (see that sick Santa Barbara shooter, the Canadian antifeminst shooter, and like 100000 other sources) there is still a bias that is preventing women from going into STEM fields. There is still a bias in the courts - for example, MRAs and antifeminists like to claim that women get an advantage when trying to get custody of a child. Women more often get the child because it's not often contested, but when it is, it's more likely for a man to get custody even if the mother is able to show that he isn't a fit parent. In most cases if the father tries to get sole custody he'll win unless the mother can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt he's like a rapist or a child molestor or drug abuser or something serious that the courts are unable to ignore (and in some cases he can still win the child). There's the issue of contraceptives and women's reproductive rights - something that has literally nothing to do with men, but when it comes to a vote, 81% of Congress is male (which means men are getting to decide what women can do with their bodies). Which brings me to another issue - 81% of Congress is male when it should be somewhere around the ~50% mark. There is still the issue of rapists rarely being prosecuted (only 3% see jail time and the military desperately tries to cover up rape statistics and ignore the problem) and the fact that in 31 states a rapist can sue for custody of their rape baby. There is still the fact that 1 in 4 women will be sexually abused (and more women have been murdered by their boyfriends/husbands than have been killed in all of America's wars in the past 20 years in a very short period of time - in ~5 years. That doesn't even begin to talk about how many women are abused.) There are still the people who claim the wage gap (which is proven by government statistics to exist) isn't real. There is the fact that with the advent of the internet we're seeing how many men regard women as lesser. We don't need feminism in the same way we used to, but there's a plethora of awful violent issues facing women today. Would you rather we ignore this laundry list of issues and let women suffer, or would you prefer we keep fighting the feminist fight to make things equal? 

You didn't watch the whole video...and even if I tried to refute you like before you will just say it's because of the "patriarchy" and try to dismiss everything I say using that statement.

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You didn't watch the whole video...and even if I tried to refute you like before you will just say it's because of the "patriarchy" and try to dismiss everything I say using that statement.

I never ever tried to refute you by saying the patriarchy lmao you just made that up.


And no I don't plan on watching an hour long antifeminist video - I know all the antifeminist views, I've heard the arguments. I'm not going to waste an hour listening to someone say I don't need equal rights

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I never ever tried to refute you by saying the patriarchy lmao you just made that up. And no I don't plan on watching an hour long antifeminist video - I know all the antifeminist views, I've heard the arguments. I'm not going to waste an hour listening to someone say I don't need equal rights

and I've heard all of the feminist views and I don't agree with them.

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I've clicked quote 100000 times and nothing's happening so sorry that you won't get a notification that I posted (or that you might get 100000 if they show up after I click post lol)


but let's recap because I'm confused now


Me: Present an argument as to why gender roles are bad and feminism is necessary

You: "you will just say it's the patriarchy and dismiss everything I say"

Me: Points out I have never ever done this

You: "i don't agree with feminists"


???? that literally has nothing to do with what I said lol. I mean we can either get back on track here or continue discussing this privately because it appears not only have we gone offtopic and started talking about feminism, but now we've even gone offtopic from that.

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