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Homosexuality in Children's Video Games

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Considering I rarely make same-sex couples in any game (I just always end up trying to make a long family tree in the sims 3) it doesn't bother me in other games whether it's there or not, but I could understand people being annoyed.  A lot of people with simulation games like to simulate their own life, and if they're homosexual and unable to do so it's unfair, same way people would be pissed off if the a game like the sims ( most popular simulator) no longer allowed any form of dating at all, straight or gay, 'cause it's an aspect people like to play with.  Company's could always set it in the parental controls to turn off same-sex couples if the parent's are against it or think it's like a parental divorce and you needa wait til they're midteens to break the news, then again what parent ever looks in parent controls and doesn't just throw a console with 18+ violent games at their 10 year old to shut them up.  Even if Nintendo did include same sex couples in their japanese release I doubt it would get past the censoring western localizing teams do to the games.  Same reason there's no real mention of Yoshi's transexual partner here.


I went off on a ramble.

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Not sure what opinion to have on it. I mean, you can always crossdress your character, right? (Not familiar with tomodachi life.) I know in Hrvest Moon: ANB, if you REALLY want to, you can (eventually) alter your characters appearance to that of the opposite sex. Clothing isn't even questioned, you can literally wear whatever you want - the clothes are gender neutral. If you want to unlock opposite-gender hairstyles and faces,you'll need to unlock the hair salon, and then the witch. Sorry if this sounds insensitive. Some companies just aren't ready to take a plunge like this. I think the excuse for, "it's just a kids game" is kind of poor though. I mean, plenty of kids don't even question homosexuality and either a)don't care or b)think nothing of it.

I agree, actually. I myself am Gay, and yet I agree that same-sex couples, for the time being, should be kept out of Children's games. It does seem like they're making it a joke, rather than anything more serious. Equal Rights is, and will probably continue to be, a sensitive subject here in North America, so putting in Children's games will probably make the parents upset about either mistreatment of the couple, due to it seemingly being a joke, or upset that such a couple would exist in the video game.

Actually I take what I said back. You're right, and I completely agree. I swear to god I firetrucking cringed when I heard someone once say, "Nobody takes gay marriage seriously anyways." Still hold a lot of resentment for that. Edited by Ghost

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Unfortunately, whether or not its intended, players and the world at large are going to see any video game as a public statement of the developer's values. Take Blizzard Entertainment for example. Many of their fan base have been asking for more diversity in their games when it comes to women, homosexuality and the like. However, Blizzard started off as an all Male white dominated culture that played games developed by white males. They aren't against women or homosexuality, they just simply live and develop according to what they were brought up thinking was cool. They never intended on making a statement. But unfortunately they do. They all do. 

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Yeah, kid's shouldn't really be exposed to same-sex marriage or stuff like that until they can fully understand the concept. I mean, I sure don't want my future kids to come up to me and ask, "Why are those two boys kissing?"

Not because I think it would scar them or anything. They're just kids, who're still learning about the world. Throwing in something that might confuse them wouldn't be a good thing.


There's also the problem with religion as well. I'm not slamming on anyone in any way, but there will most likely be religious parents becoming outrages about homosexuality being exposed to their children. Gotta respect those folks too. Now, if it's a game that's rated T for Teens, and THEN the parents let their six year old kid play it, and that game has gay couples in it, then that's totally on them for not checking the back of the box.

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IMO it doesn't matter if same sex couples should be there or not. I get in a life simulator some people can be annoyed, but I've seen a lot of games getting backlash for not including same-sex relationships when these games normally have nothing to do with relationships or any life simulations.


If they want, children games can have homosexual relationships if it makes sense to have them (you know, if there are also heterosexual relationships in the game) but it doesn't have to have it. Games aren't made to take a political stand, and its sad seeing companies get backlash from the community because people think that everyone has to convey in some way their political stand in their products.

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I'm straight, and I completely support same sex marriage, and honestly, I don't really care if there's same sex marriage in video games or not. However, that's just for my play in video games. For children to play, I kinda have to remain mostly neutral, leaning more for your idea of no same sex marriage in video games, or maybe at least certain video games, I mean it's a very sticky subject. The thing is, this is a loose loose situation for developers, especially for companies that want to create games like Tomodatchi life where you can marry. Because, if you choose to include homosexuality or not, you're going to get attacked regardless: (And I am NOT being biased)


Nintendo including Homosexuality:

Parents, religious players, and homophobic persons will get very angry and complain to Nintendo that including homosexuality in the game is inappropriate, or too mature. Also, even homosexuals, wither they're gay, bi, etc. will be angry to see homosexuality being portrayed in a 'joke' manner.


Nintendo NOT including Homosexuality:Parents, homosexuals, and supporters of same-sex marriage will be angry to see homosexuality not being included, as it's implied that same-sex marriage is unequal/immoral.That's my opinion, and be mindful I am NOT being biased whatsoever to any religious groups, sexuality, or any group of persons. 

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I don't think children are already born with any type of prejudice. Their minds are way more malleable than grown people's, but if they only see straight couples in media, they'll probably think that it's the only normal kind of relationship. That's why I think video games should  include same sex couples. Children will form their character mostly based on their parents, their school and the media that entertains them. Than why not make the best to let any prejudice out of the kids lives?

If they grow up with same sex couples been shown as as normal as different sexes couples, and not as something to make fun of, or something that is an exception on society,  they won't find it strange at all. Rather than "break" prejudice, we should not form it at all.

I'm usual to work with children (usually 2 to 6 years old) and I don't see them making fun of anyone on their class. There's not "too fat", "too skinny", "too short", "too tall", or anything like that. They just accept one another and treat everybody equally. Older people should really learn from that.

And the only question I've ever got from a child about a same sex couple was: "Which one will get pregnant?" 

Edited by Morrisone

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Nintendo including Homosexuality:

Parents, religious players, and homophobic persons will get very angry and complain to Nintendo that including homosexuality in the game is inappropriate, or too mature. Also, even homosexuals, wither they're gay, bi, etc. will be angry to see homosexuality being portrayed in a 'joke' manner.

I'm not bashing you here, but I think it's hilarious that those people would be mad about it because nothing in the old testament applies anymore and with the new testament there's been a lot of controversy over the fact that it appears these verses may have been mistranslated (in most cases it appears the original text meant to say something against perverted people, but it's been continually translated as homosexual by prejudiced/mistaken translators, and now there's a lot of controversy over the mistranslations) so the bible literally says nothing about being gay lmao. 


But actually to your point: personally I wouldn't care if they're offended. They'll buy the games anyway, so Nintendo probably won't lose anything. And it's nobody's fault that they want to be closeminded and cruel, so I'd actually be kinda happy to see them offended tbh. Oh no, your poor child is being exposed to equality! (again, you didn't express an opinion so this isn't an attack on you or anything, I just wanted to comment on that particular paragraph) 

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*runs in to say something*I would like to remind you that there is a difference in between games dubbed safe for all ages, and games made for children.A game dubbed safe for all ages could have had many different demographics in mind, or just one and it simply ended up being dubbed safe for everyone.While on the other hand a game made for children IS a game made for children.*runs away*

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Besides, if I'm not wrong, the apology isn't just because there aren't homosexual relationships. It's because there WERE, but Nintendo patched it out.

There was, but through a glitch or bug. I forgot which specifically, but you get the point; it was never intended to be in the Japanese version as well.

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  Company's could always set it in the parental controls to turn off same-sex couples if the parent's are against it or think it's like a parental divorce and you needa wait til they're midteens to break the news, then again what parent ever looks in parent controls and doesn't just throw a console with 18+ violent games at their 10 year old to shut them up.

I think I' with Lexi on this one.  Sorry, Caity, but the idea of parental controls sounds like those religious people who want to brainwash their children (and not everyone is like this).  You have to be taught to discriminate.

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I think I' with Lexi on this one.  Sorry, Caity, but the idea of parental controls sounds like those religious people who want to brainwash their children (and not everyone is like this).  You have to be taught to discriminate.


I don't think they should be used, but to get around the complaints from people who would complain about it 'cause they just don't like homosexuality you can always give them the option with games like this to avoid "omg promoting gayness more like Nintenhomo".  The idea would be that the kid would have no idea at all you could have homosexual relationships (unless they are searching for it online, and if that's the case whys the parent even bothering anyway if they don't like these things and aren't monitoring their internet usage),

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I don't think they should be used, but to get around the complaints from people who would complain about it 'cause they just don't like homosexuality you can always give them the option with games like this to avoid "omg promoting gayness more like Nintenhomo".  The idea would be that the kid would have no idea at all you could have homosexual relationships (unless they are searching for it online, and if that's the case whys the parent even bothering anyway if they don't like these things and aren't monitoring their internet usage),

I think people are going to complain no matter what happens.  You can't please everyone.

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