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Attention Twilight fans.

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Edward from Twilight is in Forward Township watching the unveiling of the next Twilight movie. I don't know if anyone here knows. But i live across the river from where he is filming. Yep. Litteraly. I saw his Helicopter and now i am amazed the world famous Edward is over their watching the new Movie.


Life Rocks.

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If you can get a hold of them Im sure Spike or Angel would be able to RAPE take care of him.


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Pedophile fairies? I'm on it.

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You called?


Thankfully the fandom is dying down. It'll likely die after the Breaking Dawn film is released. And Justin Bieber has dug himself a fame grave with all this stuff being revealed about how he treats some fans and his stage manager.. maybe then the world can be at peace

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Do any of you realize that he actually HATES being Edward and thinks of Twilight as some fat Mormon's wet dreams? And the least you can do for the poor contract-binded sap is call him ROBERT PATTERSON. I'm sure he's watching his own performance for teh lulz. And do you realize that Kingdom Hearts yaoi fangirls are stereotypically WORSE, as no gay man really is like that? And since most yaoi fanfiction writers DO NOT know what gays are actually like, they just make one of them like a girl. AkuRoku? Roxas might as well be diagnosed for PMS in some of these horribly thought out pieces. The main way I tolerate yaoi is if it's a joke. And shown like two gays in an actual relationship. Yes, I am straight.

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