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Destiny Beta

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Oh so today I was able to get the Destiny Beta and I have to say that the game is loads of fun! though I noticed when I grow a level my damage that i do doesn't increase.


Anyone else have this game?


I got the PS3 version since I can't afford a PS4 just yet, but the gameplay is fun!

Edited by Ratchet

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Have it for the PS3 also. I think it's pretty neat, cool and a fresh experience for a FPS, but it didn't "wow" me as I hoped. It was still a great expereince, I'm currently max'd out the beta level cap on my Warlock and going to start a Titan class for fun. When I was playing it felt like Halo + Call of Duty + Diablo 2 and 3 gear customization + a pinch of Skyrim, which isn't a bad thing it was pretty darn awesome, but like I said it didn't "wow" me. I guess it's because I played so many shooters and MMO that Destiny didn't feel any different for me.

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it's supposed to be a RPG! the damage should increase otherwise it takes it away 

I dun recall it being called a RPG. I thought of it as a mixture of Halo and Brink, where it's only online and you just play your role for your team correctly. Damage shouldn't increase, as that unbalances the gameplay for everyone. It'd be like Uncharted all over again. People with higher levels doing better than those who dun spend much time playing it. Even if I'm lower leveled, I should be able to take on someone who is higher leveled than me. Halo and CoD allow this balance, Uncharted does not. In Uncharted, I could be using the same loadout as an enemy player, but he's much higher leveled than me. I empty a whole clip right into him and he shoots two bullets into me and I die. That should never be the case.

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I dun recall it being called a RPG. I thought of it as a mixture of Halo and Brink, where it's only online and you just play your role for your team correctly. Damage shouldn't increase, as that unbalances the gameplay for everyone. It'd be like Uncharted all over again. People with higher levels doing better than those who dun spend much time playing it. Even if I'm lower leveled, I should be able to take on someone who is higher leveled than me. Halo and CoD allow this balance, Uncharted does not. In Uncharted, I could be using the same loadout as an enemy player, but he's much higher leveled than me. I empty a whole clip right into him and he shoots two bullets into me and I die. That should never be the case.

You grow levels, and gain new weapons/armor to me that is more like a RPG.

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You grow levels, and gain new weapons/armor to me that is more like a RPG.

That's in tons of games though, even ones that aren't RPGs, such as Halo (Bungie created that as well, no doubt they'd reuse a few ideas). There's more to RPGs than growing levels and gaining new items.

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That's in tons of games though, even ones that aren't RPGs, such as Halo (Bungie created that as well, no doubt they'd reuse a few ideas). There's more to RPGs than growing levels and gaining new items.

This is all you need to make it a RPG


1. Play as multiple Characters through a story which Destiny has, different class's 

2. Growing Levels and learning new abilities


thats it, and Destiny has both of them so I'm going to call it a RPG.

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This is all you need to make it a RPG


1. Play as multiple Characters through a story which Destiny has, different class's 

2. Growing Levels and learning new abilities


thats it, and Destiny has both of them so I'm going to call it a RPG.

Okay, but that doesn't justify that your damage should increase. That would unbalance the gameplay between the players. It basically singles out someone and doing so loses a customer's interest. At the core Destiny is mainly a First Person Shooter. FPS games generally balance out weapon types and damage dealt by them. A sniper rifle or a shotgun is bound to be more powerful than an assault rifle, but two people using the same exact gun should deal the same amount of damage to each other.

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Okay, but that doesn't justify that your damage should increase. That would unbalance the gameplay between the players. It basically singles out someone and doing so loses a customer's interest. At the core Destiny is mainly a First Person Shooter. FPS games generally balance out weapon types and damage dealt by them. A sniper rifle or a shotgun is bound to be more powerful than an assault rifle, but two people using the same exact gun should deal the same amount of damage to each other.

I thought the game was supposed to keep players at the same level for online or an I wrong?

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