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The Grid Question KH3D

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I just played through Sora's story in The Grid, and now I am wondering what Young Xehanort meant by The Grid being a real world? If it is truly a real world then a dream one, then why are there Dream Eaters in it? It doesnt truly make sense.

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But he said something about it not being a dream world?


A bunch of guys on GameFAQs are taking it literally, but I always saw it as Xehanort trying to screw with Sora's head again.

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Wasn't Sora In a dream of a dream? I don't know anymore KH DDD didn't really explain what the hell is going on. Each KH game got worse and worse with explaining things.


And the first time I saw Kingdom Hearts, I thought it would be an easy game with a simple story line, never have I been so wrong. 


By the way, it was Riku who was inside Sora's dream and thats all I could figure out

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From what i got from it, anything can be real inside a dream. the game took place in sora's and riku's mind (anything can happen in the mind) so in a way, its real, but a the same time, its fake.


now if you excuse me, i'm gonna ride Hikari (my flygon) over the rainbow and into the sunset while playing Simple And Clean on my Ocarina of Time with the Kingdom Key strapped to my back. why? becouse i can (in my mind) xD

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I just played through Sora's story in The Grid, and now I am wondering what Young Xehanort meant by The Grid being a real world? If it is truly a real world then a dream one, then why are there Dream Eaters in it? It doesnt truly make sense.

I guess Young Xehanort wanted just to confuse him in order to make him one of his vessels (In fact that's what happens later at the end of the game)But I'm not 100% sure.

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So I've been thinking about this a bit more and I've decided they could be lying to Sora and it could be a sleeping world. Of course if that's the case then there's the whole debate on data can't sleep. But computers can be put in sleep mode where maybe they can relive recent activities and memories. Of course even with this explanation it still doesn't answer all of the questions about this world. Nomura should really explain more stuff like this!

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