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Nick Sideris

KH13 Talk Show .

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I know it sounds like a really stupid idea (Erase this thread if someone has already started a similar one .)  but , lately , I've been thinking of starting my own Talk Show and this came to mind : KH13 could start its own talk show . I mean , you know , a show in which the host can talk about  Kingdom Hearts News , or even generally news about games . Heck , it could even be about Real Life stuff . 



I do know that you can do all of the above in KH13's forums but it really seems like an interesting idea to me . 



Thoughts ? 

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You mean like IGN's podcasts? It would be possible, but hard to do. I mean, there are already plenty of KH-themed podcasts out there. The challenge would be doing something different to those podcasts. Not to mention you'd have to get interesting people to actually do it consistently.

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Fool. DChiuch?

My thoughts exactly!


Admittedly, having some of the more zangy members of the forum here be the host would be... quite the spectacle xD

Edited by Javelin434

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I would support a KH13 podcast, but as Sora96 said, the challenge is to find hosts who are devoted and interesting. We're focusing on other areas of the site right now, rather than spending time looking for something like that, but if something were to come up randomly then we'd definitely consider it. So, if anyone is interested in starting a KH13 podcast, please PM me.

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There is a relatively new podcast team out there that KH13 could support, It's called the X-Keepers and is occupied by 5 big Kingdom Hearts YouTubers being HMK, SkywardWing, Soraalam1, TheGamersJoint and VoltEditzzz.

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There is a relatively new podcast team out there that KH13 could support, It's called the X-Keepers and is occupied by 5 big Kingdom Hearts YouTubers being HMK, SkywardWing, Soraalam1, TheGamersJoint and VoltEditzzz.

If we're going to do anything, I think we'd rather feature a home-grown podcast team or group, rather than a group from YouTube.

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I don't know, but would a animated talk show work. 

lol I am trying my best to start creating 3D graphics on Blender, and maybe a "Kingdom Hearts" characters talk show could happen, talking about the latest Kingdom Hearts news.

xD It's just a suggestion

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Hmm...this idea intrigues me...I like it. I wonder if it will ever come to fruition...and if so: How good will it be?



I don't know, but would a animated talk show work. 

lol I am trying my best to start creating 3D graphics on Blender, and maybe a "Kingdom Hearts" characters talk show could happen, talking about the latest Kingdom Hearts news.

xD It's just a suggestion

My quota prevents me from liking this but I really like this idea! :D

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