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KHDays Is the Infamous Icecream Line Silly?

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The other day I found myself arguing with someone over whether or not the "Who Else Will I eat Icecream with!?" Line from 365/2 Days was a stupid thing to say. I personally think it isn't. But I was wondering what other people thought... So yeah.


Also. I'm Godawful at starting topics.

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If you watched only that scene and nothing else, it may seem odd, but if you paid attention to the story, it's really meaningful.


...Then there's these people who don't think and just laugh.

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Fool. I don't think Roxas was serious about who he was going to have ice cream with. He was just letting Xion know that she was one of the only people he wanted to have ice cream with. Roxas was telling her that she can't leave.

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"Axel, what's a friend?"


"Oh...a friend is like someone you have ice cream with.."


"So does that mean we're...friends?


Or it went something like that. Don't expect me to have the actual script of the game in my hand. It shows Roxas' naivety and with his seemingly loose understanding of friendship, but the story reveals that he has a very strong and firm visualization of what a friendship is. It's just that "eating ice cream together" is the only thing Roxas has ever known. The only thing that he knows represents a friendship. 


Come on. If you had the social intelligence of a toddler and someone you trust told you that friends are people that are supposed to play with tofu together, that's what you'll probably build your beliefs of friendship around that. (unless someone points that out and tells you that its not true which no one in kh 358/2 ever did).



Edited by khdayskh1314

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I used to think that the line was stupid, until i realized i was being silly myself. Roxas just associated eating Ice Cream with Friendship, so it's even more symbolic and sad because he'll never be able to be with Xion again. :

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It was a bad translation.  It didn't have the heartless double meaning in the original language.

One more reason for me not liking KH in English.


I've found 3 reasons only today, huh.

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It's sorta both! At a glance it sounds dumb, but when you realize that eating ice cream with his friends is all he's ever done with them then it's not.

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