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Would You Rather...

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Vexen as my teacher. "Valet? He's the product of pure research!" (Talking about me and my avatar) :)


Would you rather get to have a squat battle with Zack from FF7 Crisis Core, or get to use that Skateboard from Kingdom Hearts 2 in a Skateboarding contest?

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Ummm... Skateboarding contest. Seems like fun.Would you rather sniff a used golf ball or a used tennis ball? (I have nothing creative to ask right now xD)

Uh... A used tennis ball. Because a golf ball may have been in worse places...Would you rather have Zexion as your English teacher, or Xemnas as your headmaster? XDPeace!

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Xemnas. I could collect some hearts for him and he would make sure that I only get As in my exams  xD


Would you rather have Marluxia as your big brother or Larxene as your big sister?

Edited by Felixx

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Larxene as my big sister. Even though she's all PMS, I've always wanted a big sister.


Would you rather be able to eat all you want and never get fat, or be able to grow a tree made of money?

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Larxene as my big sister. Even though she's all PMS, I've always wanted a big sister. Would you rather be able to eat all you want and never get fat, or be able to grow a tree made of money?

Eat all I want and never get fat. Food brings the greatest of pleasures. Would you rather live forever or die in the next five minutes?

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Live forever I suppose. I'd rather not, but dying doesn't sound like something I'd wanna do right now.


Would you rather be stuck in a room with pc and internet, but not be allowed to leave, or live outside in the woods?

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Computer. I can do most of the things with my smartphone as well.


Would you rather know when you'll die or how you'll die (note: you can't prevent the death with either knowledge)

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When I die.


Would you rather have a small part in a really good movie, or be the main actor in a realy bad movie. (Props to Jeff Kinny or whatever his name is)

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Hmm... a building with lots of floors. At least there's air conditioning.Would you rather be locked in a old worn down hospital with a insane killer or be stuck in a maze for two years with horrendous creatures roaming around it every night?

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Kiss a dead shark.


Wouldst you rather spend one night in a haunted house or one minute in a room full of spiders?

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Since both would really freak me out, I choose the minute with spiders. 


Would you rather be naked in a really hot desert for 24 hours or naked at the Norph pole for 24 hours?

Edited by Felixx

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Naked at the hot desert, at least you'll be naked when it's too hot, rather than naked when it's too cold because your nudity would make it even more chilly :)Would you rather all the worlds you hate were in KH3, and all the worlds you like/love weren't, but a main character lives...


...or all of the worlds you love are in it and all of the ones you hate aren't but one of the main character dies?

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I'd rather have the second option, because I'd be interested to see how the KH universe handles a death like that. Remember the Goofy "dying" scene? It was awesome! 


Would you rather be the main character in Dark Souls for a day, or watch the Mario Bros movie ten times in a row?

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Breathe underwater!! That'd be epik!! :D Would you rather be able to shape-shift into any object (that's not human or animal) you want or or have the power to become invisible?


Welcome to KH13!!! Wait a minute...*looks at your avatar*...kinda seems familiar...*looks at your name*... never heard of it...*sees you in my friends list*...now I'm confused... BAMM!! You are TehEpikFoxTurtle!!! Mind=blown.


@topic: I'd choose the power to become invisible. I could do soooo many things with it (good things, of course xD )


Would you rather have the Keyblade or a lightsaber?

Edited by Felixx

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Welcome to KH13!!! Wait a minute...*looks at your avatar*...kinda seems familiar...*looks at your name*... never heard of it...*sees you in my friends list*...now I'm confused... BAMM!! You are TehEpikFoxTurtle!!! Mind=blown.


@topic: I'd choose the power to become invisible. I could do soooo many things with it (good things, of course xD )


Would you rather have the Keyblade or a lightsaber?

Hahahah yup that's meee :3Keyblade, I mean have you SEEN the transformations I can do with them! XDWould you rather live the life of Riku or Roxas?

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