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The Truth About the Console War

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So lately I've noticed the console war really ramping up everywhere, be it on youtube, IGN, gamespot, facebook, you name it. It's gotten to the point where i'm completely and utterly ashamed to call myself a gamer. When are people going to realize that no matter what comment you make about specs or exclusives or about how "gay" fans of anything else are, you WILL NOT change anyone's opinions. On IGN's video about who, according to the people, won E3, the comment section is pretty much 90% fanboys arguing. All the console war, or anything that has to do with gaming anymore is just hoes whining about how much better theirs is that yours. I have been a neutral gamer, I have had every Nintendo console since the N64, every Xbox since the first, and a PS1 and PS2, as well as a DS, Gameboy Advance, PSP, and 3DS, and i'm saying this now: I will NEVER get a PS4 for one reason, the same reason I will never get an android phone or a gaming PC: Its fans don't respect the opinions of others. Think about it, you practically never see any Nintendo fan troll, and very rarely see an Xbox fan troll. Anything that has to do with specs is just PC's hating about how "inferior" consoles are, and anything about exclusives or games of any kind, really, all you see is just sony ponies talking about how much better the PS4's exclusives are, how much weaker the Xbox One is (which is now less than the difference between the 360 and PS3), and how gay nintendo is. So can anyone explain to me the logic behind that? When will people realize that no matter what you say, you'll never convert anyone, no matter what you're talking about. You won't get a PC to buy a console, you won't get an Xbox One fan to buy a PS4 and you won't get a Wii U owner to sell it for scrap, so just stop trying. All you're doing is wasting your time and effort. Please keep the comments on this thread civil guys.

Edited by CrownKeeper13

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LOL. You don't see Xbox fans in the console wars? Lol. It takes two sides to go to war.


Anyway, console wars are just a bunch of rubbish. Just ignore them.


Buy the console/s you want, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you want better hardware, get better hardware, if you want to play Nintendo games, play Nintendo games. It's so simple. Just ignore the console wars.

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The console wars are usually fought by kids who are like 11 and think their opinions are 100% factual. No point in paying attention to them or let alone the YouTube comment section. YouTube has the worst community for any site ever. 

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I've actually seen a few Xbox fans be jerks too (PlayStation vs Xbox comes to mind, and they were a bit more forceful last gen from what I remember), but I get your point. Console wars are pretty stupid. I personally don't care for Xbox because it doesn't have anything that interests me, but I don't go on and on about how it's completely inferior to Nintendo or Sony systems. It's just a personal interest. It's also really frustrating having people get on my case simply because I wanted/own a Wii U. It's just a console, and I'm just one person. Why the heck does it matter so much that I don't worship a company like the fanboys do? Console fanboys are some of the most disrespectful people I've ever had to deal with, and it pisses me off. It's really sickening having to be part of a community where other people who like the same thing as me have to be so aggressive towards those who don't like it, or prefer something else. I couldn't care less if someone else likes or doesn't like what I like, that's their own freaking business. People need to actually understand that these days instead of forcing everyone else to agree with them.

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I said rarely, Xbox fans are very rarely the aggressors 


I agree that console wars are annoying and pointless, but both sides are just as bad. If you haven't seen many Xbox fans or Nintendo fans be just as bigoted toward their favorite console as Playstation fans then you're either ignoring it or you haven't been around the internet enough lol

Edited by Queen Tery

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I thought that thing died down a lot recently. I haven't seen a destructive fanboy war in forever. But the ones I have seen, the Xbox fans are the agitators, Nintendo fans just sit back, usually because they like all the other consoles themselves, PlayStation fans are taking the blunt of it (being that once they take the hit, they fight back just as bad), and PC fans come in acting like a younger version of the Xbox fans (younger in terms of how childish most of them usually are).  

It's been a long time since I've seen it, but this is the usual pattern I see with each one.

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One sided and tunnel visin like that is the reason why still have console warriors. It takes two to tang and things have totally died down. But if you want some fanboys and their illogical raging to stop you from enjoying the video game medium then that's your initiative, I pretty stupid one but your nonetheless. Just don't let it get to you man cause their just some ignorant morons arguing over the internet about....get this....a box of  PLASTIC AND METAL.

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I agree and.. 

Fool. The majority of people who play video games do not partake in this war. It is a minority. Don't even pay attention to it.

MasterXemnas is that you? i thought you were Sora96 with that pic.

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