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Anime | Manga Sword Art Online II

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i'm still curious about one thing though is it just the Gun Gales Online arc we're getting or is Mother Rosario being put in there with it to give us 25 episodes like how we got 25 episodes last time with the Aincrad Arc and Elfheim Arcs together

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If im not wrong isnt GGO going to be released this summer? :3




I wonder what kind of twisted secret is behind GGO program? Cant wait!!~

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Alright, Crunchyroll just confirmed that they'll broadcast Sword Art Online II on July 5th!


Get ready everyone! :D


If im not wrong isnt GGO going to be released this summer? :3TYANKYOUTHANKYOUFINALLYOURBACKKIRITOANDASUNA!I wonder what kind of twisted secret is behind GGO program? Cant wait!!~

Actually, Asuna's apparently not going to be in this one much, unfortunately. We're getting a new female protagonist instead. : I hope that the fourth arc has more Asuna.

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are your hopes high for Sword Art Online II? 

                                     (Gun Gale Online)


mine are :3 



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Oh geez, I've really been slacking with the news here. We've got a whole month of news to cover... And not just any news... PROMO TRAILERS!





Those are the articles I found. There are apparently 5 promos, but I've only found 3 so far.


Direct Youtube links:



Also, for those curious, those songs in those trailers are the new opening and ending. They sound nice so far. Also, the last bit of news, as stated in the second link I posted, is that there's going to be a special giveaway for the premiere event. They're giving away signboards with signatures from a few very important people to SAO. I don't quite get how it's supposed to work, though... Either way, we've got a lot of interesting stuff coming up!


Also, just 9 more days until season 2 starts! Get ready to log in again, everyone!

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Those songs aren't doing it for me this season, maybe I'll just have to hear the actual opening bit to give my final judgement. I do like the title choice very fitting for the Gun Gale Online world, it looks like they'll head back to ALO some time down the road as well. I guess it is following the Light Novels/Manga more so.

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Hey there everyone, how's it going!? Omg, I just saw the trailer for Sword Art Online II, and it looks to be just as action packed and beautifully animated as SAO I!!!  I don't know if someone already made a topic about this, (I seriously hope no one has made a topic about this.) but you all need to see this trailer!  I'm psyched to see Kirito and the gang again!!! :D


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I'm quite excited for SAO II. I've watched all the episodes leading to this point. (Including SAO Extra edition). Let's hope they can top off this series even better then before. Lots of fans getting hyped for the premiere. Very interesting.

Edited by CrownedCyborgHDMaster

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Well everyone, less than 24 hours until SAO2 premieres. Are you all ready? I'm hoping that Hulu Plus will get everything at the same time as Crunchyroll, otherwise I'm completely screwed. xD

Yeah, Hulu has really saved my neck from Crunchyroll's "wait a week if you're not premium" thing. xD I seriously hope its the same with SAO2, cause I don't want to wait.

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Yeah, Hulu has really saved my neck from Crunchyroll's "wait a week if you're not premium" thing. xD I seriously hope its the same with SAO2, cause I don't want to wait.

I found some Hulu schedule yesterday saying that they're getting it today. They don't have it up quite yet, though. I think that Crunchroll just started streaming it though, so we've got some time. Their servers are completely DOWN right now, so we'll all be waiting a while (Unless Daisuki's got it up. I saw they apparently have it, but my computer doesn't like that site, so I couldn't see how their stream's working.)



Also, for those curious, that Hulu schedule: http://www.webpronews.com/heres-whats-new-on-hulu-and-hulu-plus-2014-07?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+webpronews%2Fall+(WebProNews%3A+Index+Feed)

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If you guys want another good site check out Daisuki.net they're reliable and official like Crunchyroll and other main anime hub sites, and offer free streaming as well as ad frees on their apps. Really good site if your wanting to watch the latest animes for no fees. 



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Well, just watched episode one...



This first episode was mostly exposition, which was a little boring. Thankfully, it seems like we're getting into the action next week. The whole thing with Death Gun was cool, too, although one of my friends spoiled what's going on there to me earlier...


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