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Lady Aleister

~|Minor Miracles|~

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Mmmkay, so I decided to finally sign up. I actually have three character sheets filled out, but I feel like I can only handle two right now so I'm just gonna rp with two people. xD (God the stupid maintenance thing screwed me up so bad) I put so much thought into this.


Name: Venice “Slowpoke” Cryce

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Posted Image

Biography: An only child, Venice has a close relationship to his older cousin and parents, especially his mother. He had a happy childhood growing up in a quiet little neighborhood on the other side of the country. He was bullied constantly for numerous things, including a small gap in his front teeth however, which led to his social awkwardness and withdrawal especially when put on the spot. He looked up to his older cousin as his closest friend, so much so that he still wears the oversized gloves and boots his cousin gave to him. He was mostly a happy child until he discovered his miracle ability. After discovering said power, he was shunned in his neighborhood and his older cousin began to avoid him. Because of this, his parents sent him to Falcultas Academy hoping he’ll be able to live as a semi-normal boy. He gained the nickname he hates, ‘Slowpoke,’ because of his terrible running speed. He has a bit of an attitude, and he’s a slight control freak. Despite this, he’s a very caring and friendly boy who will do anything for his friends. He’s also very self-conscious when alone with his closest friends.

Minimum Holder?: Yup.

Minimum Ability?: Energy Minimum- Can create energy knives and can use energy to move objects around. Using too much energy can cause the user to nosebleed or grow  fatigue. (So not creative I know I spent days trying to think up of something else)

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes Sireee

Graduated from Falcultas?: Lol he wishes (No)

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): A balisong knife he bought from a flea market (without parents permission)



Name: Delano Merihim Langdon

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Posted Image

Biography: Born to a hardworking father and mother, Delano grew up mostly by himself due to the long working hours his parents had to endure. He hated his father for letting his mother work so much, as he loved her with all his heart. However as he grew older, people began to get sick around him. Unknown why this was, and why he wasn’t getting sick, he soon discovered his minimum. After his mother passed away due to sickness, his father sent him away in shame. He’s very sweet and helpful, however it’s unknown what his true intentions are. Now he attends Falcultas Academy in order to see the abilities of others.

Minimum Holder?: Yes.

Minimum Ability?: Pestilence Minimum- The user can inflict illness by physical contact onto others, which gradually become more fatal over time. The user can also manipulate insects to pass the illness as well as small rodents. The illness can only be healed by the blood of the user.

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes.

Graduated from Falcultas? Almost. (#SeniorFTW)

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): Two Kunais.

I couldn't think of any themes for them /shot
Edited by Aqua7KH

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Mmmkay, so I decided to finally sign up. I actually have three character sheets filled out, but I feel like I can only handle two right now so I'm just gonna rp with two people. xD (God the stupid maintenance thing screwed me up so bad) I put so much thought into this.


Name: Venice “Slowpoke” Cryce

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Posted Image

Biography: An only child, Venice has a close relationship to his older cousin and parents, especially his mother. He had a happy childhood growing up in a quiet little neighborhood on the other side of the country. He was bullied constantly for numerous things, including a small gap in his front teeth however, which led to his social awkwardness and withdrawal especially when put on the spot. He looked up to his older cousin as his closest friend, so much so that he still wears the oversized gloves and boots his cousin gave to him. He was mostly a happy child until he discovered his miracle ability. After discovering said power, he was shunned in his neighborhood and his older cousin began to avoid him. Because of this, his parents sent him to Falcultas Academy hoping he’ll be able to live as a semi-normal boy. He gained the nickname he hates, ‘Slowpoke,’ because of his terrible running speed. He has a bit of an attitude, and he’s a slight control freak. Despite this, he’s a very caring and friendly boy who will do anything for his friends. He’s also very self-conscious when alone with his closest friends.

Minimum Holder?: Yup.

Minimum Ability?: Energy Minimum- Can create energy knives and can use energy to move objects around. Using too much energy can cause the user to nosebleed or grow  fatigue. (So not creative I know I spent days trying to think up of something else)

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes Sireee

Graduated from Falcultas?: Lol he wishes (No)

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): A balisong knife he bought from a flea market (without parents permission)


If I am right, this is a human silver?

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Well, the picture yesss~ I was going to give a hint of who the picture was but IT'S NO USE

AQUA! It's been a while!!! :)

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We should talk xD

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The internet sends it's regards.

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Character Sheet:

Name: Kuroki

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female


 Posted Image


Biography: Not much is known about Kuroki, however she has a weird grudge against Minimum holders. However, she actually is one. 

Minimum Holder?: Yes.

Minimum Ability?: Type 0: A powerful minimum that Kuroki doesn't use a lot, unless she is in battle. It allows the holder to be anywhere in a 10 meter radius, yet be nowhere. Technically speaking, the allows the holder to appear anywhere in this 10 meters without moving. Literally, it is teleportation. 

Got into Falcultas Academy?: No. 

Graduated from Falcultas?: No. 

Weapon(s): Two Swords she carries on her lowerback.

Theme(s) (OPTIONAL):  



Edited by Neko-chan

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I know this sounds stupid cause I'm new to RP, what do I know. Doesn't the environment have to be specified so we know if It's day time, night time, raining, sunny, etc?

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It is night right now, I havent been very good with this roleplay, I am sorry

No need to apologize, you haven't done bad with it at all, It's going just fine ^_^

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It's okay, miss neko

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Thank's guys, but still I am going to try harder.


As am I. I need to post some more, but I've gotten a bit lost with what everyone is doing. Would someone mind aiding me in getting back into it?

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As am I. I need to post some more, but I've gotten a bit lost with what everyone is doing. Would someone mind aiding me in getting back into it?

As off right now.. I think Kyle (Me) is in his apartment sleeping, Erin (Sandra) Is sleeping on the rooftop of my flat, Sora (Oathkeeper) is about to go home.. Um.. Hali (Rikunobodyxiii) is still in Cafe Nowhere.. Ryoshi (DawnofRiku) is in Cafe Nowhere. As for everyone else I don't know.

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Okay, so if you haven't been to Cafe Nowhere, then I would go there if you want to cause it is night right now. But, if you do go there, then the Cafe owner, Koneko, will bring you to where Kimiko, Hajime, and Dawn's character is. 

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Okay, so if you haven't been to Cafe Nowhere, then I would go there if you want to cause it is night right now. But, if you do go there, then the Cafe owner, Koneko, will bring you to where Kimiko, Hajime, and Dawn's character is. 


Yes, that is where my character is right now. Last thing I had him do was enter the Cafe, but I wasn't sure to do because no one seemed to be reacting to his presence as of yet. I'll just post again, this time trying to get some more interaction in.

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Hey guys? Would you say I've improved, the first mistake I made is still bugging me and i don't know If I've done better than it or not, I presume It's better cause no one is scolding me for it.

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Name: Kyle Satoshi

Age: 16

Gender: Male


 Posted Image

Biography: Kyle is a Young boy who wanders aimlessly looking for a purpose in life and desperately looks for answers to his childhood and the death of his dearly departed parents. Kyle is a student at Falcultas Academy, he is a very quiet boy who focuses on his life, this in turn makes him struggle to find friends. Kyle does what he thinks is right and will do anything to protect those who means most to him. He is generally lively around those he knows and is friends with.

Minimum Holder?: Yes

Minimum Ability?: The Summoner Minimum allows the user to manipulate the feelings in his heart and manifest it as a creature depending on his feelings at the time, also depending on the feelings Kyle has at that point, it will determine the strength of the Summon (I.E Sadness will Summon a Weak Creature, Anger will Summon a Strong Creature.) However, when the Summon takes damage, it also affects Kyle himself, inflicting pain on Kyle.

This is Kyle's SummonPosted Image

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes

Graduated from Falcultas?: No

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): A Long sword and Throwing Kunai. In some instances he can also wield a second sword that is summoned.

His regular sword.Posted Image

His Summoned Sword

Posted Image

Theme(s) (OPTIONAL): Burn My Dread (From PERSONA 3 {Reincarnation Version}) : 





Since you wanted me too because of changes, Re-accepted. 

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