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Lady Aleister

~|Minor Miracles|~

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Well then, how about I only go with the sonic blast side of it? That was the main aspect I wanted anyway, and you can have the traditional speed boost.

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Character Sheet:

Name: Kimiko Tateyama

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Posted Image With Black Hair

Biography: Discovered her Minimum ability before she went to Falcultas Academy, and managed to graduate the Academy. She uses her ability a bit carelessly, but loves her power. She needs money, and that is why she went to Cafe Nowhere.

Minimum Holder?: Yes.

Minimum Ability?: Sonic Minimum- Able to travel at the speed of sound, only while listening to music. However, the user must make some form of sound in order to use it.

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes.

Graduated from Falcultas?: Yes.

Weapon(s): Metal Bat.




Edited by Neko-chan

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Accepted Dawn of Riku!!

Thank you for signing up! 

(That class of 2014 thing was funny)

BTW I edited some stuff (Changed a theme and added one) 

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Character Sheet:

Name: Kimiko Tateyama

Age: 17 

Gender: Female 


 Posted Image With Black Hair


Biography: Discovered her Minimum ability before she went to Falcultas Academy, and managed to graduate the Academy. She uses her ability a bit carelessly, but loves her power. She needs money, and that is why she went to Cafe Nowhere. 

Minimum Holder?: Yes. 

Minimum Ability?: Sonic Minimum- Able to travel at the speed of sound, only while listening to music. However, the user must make some form of sound in order to use it.

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes.

Graduated from Falcultas?: Yes.

Weapon(s): Metal Bat. 




Accepted! :D(You would be accepted in my book but it isn't my decision ;3)

Edited by Scottish Skarmory

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Accepted Stitches!!You people are spelling miracle wrong ._.

I ACCIDENTALLY DID, AND WHY DID YOU CALL ME STITCHES, you actually know me so I don't care if you call me by my real name

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Disregard this because IDK what happened xD I clicked Edit and it Quoted for whatever reason.


Edited by Scottish Skarmory

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Guys, Neko told me to copy and paste this for you-


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and i will get you. 




I just dont feel that good right now and I am typing like a person with no grammar and I am trying to post on roleplays right now and I feel sick and I wanna lay down and just like cry. 

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and i will get you. 




I just dont feel that good right now and I am typing like a person with no grammar and I am trying to post on roleplays right now and I feel sick and I wanna lay down and just like cry. 

You do know you can postpone it for a little while until you get better Neko ;D, a little rest can go a long way.

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The Villain comes to the rescue! xD


Character Sheet:

Name: Ren Suzugamori

Age: 16

Gender: Male




Posted Image




The Leader of the Foo Fighter Team,the best Trading Cards Team in Fukuhara High.He was assigned to switch schools known as Facultas Academy as a temporary student because of his own agenda,to become the strongest Cardfighter there is.

Minimum Holder?: Yes

Minimum Ability?:

Ride the Vanguard - Ren was able to call real creatures from his Trading Cards,Vanguard,and make it as his companions.These creatures are known as "Vanguard".

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes

Graduated from Falcultas?: No

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): Trading Cards

Theme(s) (OPTIONAL):


Edited by Hazimie

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