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Lady Aleister

~|Minor Miracles|~

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Some children are born in this world with powers...called Minimums.

Minimums are rare powers, and only a select few have them.

In order to figure out who these people are, at a young age, boys and girls are sent to a testing site called Falcultas Academy.

If they pass the training course, they are accepted into the school.

Not everyone is accepted. A lot of people get turned down...and some of these people do have abilities, they just don't know how to show them.

Not everyone graduates, but a few manage too.

After they graduate, they are given a diploma and left to do whatever.


A place called Cafe Nowhere is offering jobs to people who are Minimum Holders to get a good amount of money.

But why would you accept a job at this place when there are way better jobs out there?

Because people literally hate Minimum Holders because most people are jealous of their powers.

Cafe Nowhere is the only place that seems to offer Minimum Holders jobs.

So will you get a job there and know you are safe with them...or will you go alone and die?


This is a roleplay based off of the anime Hamatora. You do not have to watch the anime unless you want to. However, it is not required.


For someone that has watched the anime, I would like them to Private Message me please.


Minimum Abilities--

Rules of Minimum Abilities:

1- You can use the ones from the anime!

2- You can also make new abilities!

3- New abilities cannot be over powered.

4- No abilities should be overpowered!!

5- Use your abilities wisely and not foolishly.


7- Be creative if you make a new ability.


Known abilities from the anime:

Electric Minimum- Allows the holder to control electricity.

Mighty Script- A tablet that has the ability to see 10 min. into the future at one place, and only one place, she chooses to see the future at. It takes about two min. for this process to work. (Contact me if you want this ability!!!)

Sonic Minimum- Able to travel at the speed of sound, only while listening to music. However, the user must make some form of sound in order to use it.

Detecting Minimum- Allows the holder to detect weak spots, illness, pain, and even death. This ability can be helpful in battle.

Small Miracle- Gives the holder an immense amount of strength, however it can be overused and stop for an amount of time.

Midnight Minimum- Gives the holder more strength and speed. The holder is capable of picking up heavy things and is able to withstand exhausting work. The power is stronger when the user is mad.












Character Sheet:






Minimum Holder?:

Minimum Ability?:

Got into Falcultas Academy?:

Graduated from Falcultas?:

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL):

Theme(s) (OPTIONAL):  




Thanks guys for signing up!

Edited by Neko-chan

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Name: Kahutora Amaza

Age: Twenty-four

Gender: Male


Posted Image

Biography: A fairly intelligent man from a fairly wealthy family, Kahutora was supposed to be the rightful heir to the wealth of the Amaza family, but due to his status as a Minimum, he was declared 'ineligible' by a jealous and ruthless cousin. Instead, he was shipped of to Falcultas in the hopes of passing. He failed horribly, as his Minimum power failed to amaze and work properly. This destroyed Kahutora's ego, especially when he was disowned by the Amaza family due to his failure at the academy. That is where he found Cafe Nowhere, and where this story begins.

Minimum Holder?: Yes

Minimum Ability?: The Detecting Minimum

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes

Graduated from Falcultas?: No

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL):

Posted Image

Kahutora's family's wealth comes from a variety of industries--the most prominent being weapons manufacturing. Kahutora owns an A1-Shaker--a fairly powerful handgun.


minor miracle

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Name: Ryoshi Yamiko

Age: 14

Gender: Male


 Posted Image




Biography:  He has never actually had friends because of his ability. He is very smart and after all graduated from age 14. His family was very poor and often had no light. This kind of gave him the "darkness" ability because he had almost no light (except the sun) in his life. His family was happy that he had been enroled into the School, and had enough money to support him until graduation. He current lives back in his house.

Minimum Holder?: Yes

Minimum Ability?: Darkness Screening---- This user can use darkness to his manipulation, turning the darkness into any image he desires. The Image could do little damage to someone but is meant to scare poeple away

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes

Graduated from Falcultas?: YES (WOOH Class of 2014 xD)

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): Black Scythe

Theme(s) (OPTIONAL): (Main)



(Post-Battle Theme) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLuc4auxiPU


(Battle theme) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dMWSGxKGfE


Minor Miracle

Edited by DawnofRiku

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Name: Dagon Valefar

Age: 18

Gender: Male


 Posted Image

Biography: Dagon was never the brightest kid, especially not with his power. He can turn himself into any nightmare, that his foe had. he can tell your fears by looking at you.

Dagon was born into a middle class family and had a pretty normal life until the 9th grade in normal school, he then figured out his powers, and he's now going to school for them. Dagon is smart, and is pretty tall.

Minimum Holder?: Yes

Minimum Ability?: Nightmare Minimum (The user can read the fears of someone or something, and then can appear as the detected thing/item)

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes

Graduated from Falcultas?: No

Battle theme: 



Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): 

 Posted Image 

This was his favorite thing to kill with... a Combat Cleaver, specially made for tearing through bone and flesh with ease...


MINOR miracle

Edited by Stitches7769

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Character Sheet:

Name: Rika Bishop

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35000000/Kairi-3-kingdom-hearts-35066785-774-1032.jpg Yes Kairi. Sue me.


An exceptionally bright student in Falcultas, she gets in trouble all the time for listening to music. She has played a few pranks but otherwise keeps her head down.

Minimum Holder?: Yes

Minimum Ability?: Light Medium - works exactly like the Sonic Medium, except she has to have some form of light touching her target. She uses a lighter mainly, but when she needs to travel far Rika has a pocket spotlight in her hip bag. When she listens to music she can focus better, allowing for more accurate movement/attacks.

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes

Graduated from Falcultas?: No

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): extendable baton and extendable bo staff.

Theme(s) (OPTIONAL):  




Character Sheet: 

Name: Sora Takagi

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Biography: A poor girl working at Cafe Nowhere to make a living, she attends Falcultas and does her best to do good. But that doesn't stop the blackouts, waking up covered in blood.

She is terrified of what happens when she blacks out.

Minimum Holder?: Yes

Minimum Ability?: Dominion Minimum: Removing her outermost upper piece of clothing (jacket, shirt, bra, as long as the outermost from her skin is removed) causes wings to sprout. This gives her flight and a sort of feath blade attack, as each feather is razor sharp. If Sora has blacked out, the wings appear completely black. If she hasn't gone through a bad episode, she has pure white wings.

Note: She must sing a few bars of a song for wings to appear.

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes

Graduated  from Falcultas?: No

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): she carries a heavy magnum handgun, but it never has been fired. Hidden on her body is four knives and a razor whip, all of which are used when she wakes up.


Minor Miracles

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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You aren't done, so I will give you time.

Too a long time to figure out Sora's Minimum.


Luckily Three's beastly form gave me some slight room. (Whew)

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Name: Kyle Satoshi

Age: 16

Gender: Male


 Posted Image

Biography: Kyle is a Young boy who wanders aimlessly looking for a purpose in life and desperately looks for answers to his childhood and the death of his dearly departed parents. Kyle is a student at Falcultas Academy, he is a very quiet boy who focuses on his life, this in turn makes him struggle to find friends. Kyle does what he thinks is right and will do anything to protect those who means most to him. He is generally lively around those he knows and is friends with.

Minimum Holder?: Yes

Minimum Ability?: The Summoner Minimum allows the user to manipulate the feelings in his heart and manifest it as a creature depending on his feelings at the time, also depending on the feelings Kyle has at that point, it will determine the strength of the Summon (I.E Sadness will Summon a Weak Creature, Anger will Summon a Strong Creature.) However, when the Summon takes damage, it also affects Kyle himself, inflicting pain on Kyle.

This is Kyle's SummonPosted Image

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes

Graduated from Falcultas?: No

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): A Long sword and Throwing Kunai. In some instances he can also wield a second sword that is summoned.

His regular sword.Posted Image

His Summoned Sword

Posted Image

Theme(s) (OPTIONAL): Burn My Dread (From PERSONA 3 {Reincarnation Version}) : 



Edited by Scottish Skarmory

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Name: Kyle Satoshi

Age: 16

Gender: Male


 Posted Image

Biography: Kyle is a Young boy who wanders aimlessley looking for a purpose in life. Kyle is a student at Falcultas Academy, he is a very quiet boy who focuses on his life, this in turn makes him struggle to find friends. Kyle does what he thinks is right and will do anything to protect those who means most to him.

Minimum Holder?: Summoner Minimum

Minimum Ability?: The Summoner Minimum allows the user to manipulate the feelings in his heart and manifest it as a creature depending on his feelings at the time, also depending on the feelings Kyle has at that point, it will determine the strength of the Summon (I.E Sadness will Summon a Weak Creature, Anger will Summon a Strong Creature.)

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes

Graduated from Falcultas?: No

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): A Long Sword

Theme(s) (OPTIONAL): Burn My Dread (From PERSONA 3) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj-Edr0k8TQ&list=PLw27dQWv4EjRXC0TqfVeU3T33xLI3MuHz&index=32&shuffle=3566





I see someone likes Persona.

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As long as Sora isn't half naked, accepted!And I forgot to mention Three.

I mentioned bra as an example. She isnt permanently half naked; her Minimum works as long as some form of upper outer clothing is removed. Silly Neko; I did post her in a maid costume :P

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I mentioned bra as an example. She isnt permanently half naked; her Minimum works as long as some form of upper outer clothing is removed. Silly Neko; I did post her in a maid costume :P


You have been accepted then -.- 




Name: Kyle Satoshi

Age: 16

Gender: Male


 Posted Image

Biography: Kyle is a Young boy who wanders aimlessly looking for a purpose in life and desperately looks for answers to his childhood and the death of his dearly departed parents. Kyle is a student at Falcultas Academy, he is a very quiet boy who focuses on his life, this in turn makes him struggle to find friends. Kyle does what he thinks is right and will do anything to protect those who means most to him.

Minimum Holder?: Yes

Minimum Ability?: The Summoner Minimum allows the user to manipulate the feelings in his heart and manifest it as a creature depending on his feelings at the time, also depending on the feelings Kyle has at that point, it will determine the strength of the Summon (I.E Sadness will Summon a Weak Creature, Anger will Summon a Strong Creature.)

Got into Falcultas Academy?: Yes

Graduated from Falcultas?: No

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): A Katana

Theme(s) (OPTIONAL): Burn My Dread (From PERSONA 3) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj-Edr0k8TQ&list=PLw27dQWv4EjRXC0TqfVeU3T33xLI3MuHz&index=32&shuffle=3566





ACCEPTED! I hope you got my message. 

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Character Sheet:

Name: Halioko Yagama

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Posted Image

Biography: The daughter of a famous metal artist, Hali grew up around music. With her mother's death when she was 6, she went with her dad on the road with his band, Dragon Ash, all over the world. With the band and support staff as surrogate family, Hali grew as a musician herself. While she could play many instruments adequately, she poured most of her love and talent into the drums.

About two years ago, her Minimum Ability manifested. After some discussion with her father, it was decided that Hali would go to Falcultas in order to learn more about her abilities. She recently got a job at Cafe Nowhere as a cook.

Minimum Holder?: Yes

Minimum Ability?: Sonic Blast Minimum; allows Hali to control and direct sonic vibrations. Must have a sound to work with, like the sound of other people, music or her own voice. Music is best, though she also favors blasts from the sound of a percussion.

Got into Falcultas Academy?: yes

Graduated from Falcultas?: no

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): two collapsible batons

Theme(s) (OPTIONAL): Badaboom by Van Canto



Minor Miracle



Changed first name.

Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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Character Sheet:

Name: Halioko Yagama

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Posted Image

Biography: The daughter of a famous metal artist, Hali grew up around music. With her mother's death when she was 6, she went with her dad on the road with his band, Dragon Ash, all over the world. With the band and support staff as surrogate family, Hali grew as a musician herself. While she could play many instruments adequately, she poured most of her love and talent into the drums.

About two years ago, her Minimum Ability manifested. After some discussion with her father, it was decided that Hali would go to Falcultas in order to learn more about her abilities. She recently got a job at Cafe Nowhere as a cook.

Minimum Holder?: Yes

Minimum Ability?: Sonic Minimum (with the addition or substituted twist of generating sonic blasts)

Got into Falcultas Academy?: yes

Graduated from Falcultas?: no

Weapon(s) (OPTIONAL): two collapsible batons

Theme(s) (OPTIONAL): Badaboom by Van Canto



Minor Miracle



Changed first name.





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