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My REAL Computer Game

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The thread I made Computer Game isn't really what I wanted in my game.

The Character You Play as:Chiyoco


Note: my game will be updated soon


STAGE 0: Tutorial


Complete the tutorial.

Enemies: Non-Attacking Training Dummy

Reward: None

Boss: None


STAGE 1: Fort Roboticks


A enemy named Sprocket has created tons of robo-warriors to destroy all humans, you must take him out before its to late!

Enemies: Heavy Trooper, Robo-Swordsman, Robot Gunner, Ailen Gunner.


bosses stats: health:130, damage:10-20, ultimate move:The Way of Pwnage , special ability: he has the power to create robots, speed: 20 Boss

Weakness:water bassed moves or weapons

Rewards: 50% of health, Sprocket's blade, 5,000 gold.


Stage 2: Nooblies Hideout


A noob named Noobly has lost to people online 100,000,000 times, he was so fustarated he wanted to destroy the internet. (oh meh gawd.) Noobly watched a advertisement, the commercial had a incredibly powerful suit, so Noobly teleported to the area they had the suit and stole it, now this noob is a pwner and he destroyed the internet! (oh noes!) kill him!

Enemies: Noobish Swordsman, Noobish Spearman, Noobish Gunner, Noobish Gladiaror.

Boss:Noobly (duh)

Stats: health:230, Damage: 30-40, Speed:50,

Speical abilities:Thunder and lightning.


Stage 3: Underworld's Coliseum


There is a tortumeant going on in the underworld.It says the winner gets to be the conquer.We need to stop them at all cost or the earth is doomed!

Stage 1:Sprocket and Noobly

Stage 2:Fizzy

Stage 3:Dib

CHAMPION NUMBER 1: Stage 4:Mushigi

(once you get to stage 5 the music changes and it gets harder)

Stage 5: Spike

Stage 6:Bonecrusher (not the rapper : ()

CHAMPION NUMBER 2: Stage 7: Ultimate Omega

( the music changes and now the enemies are really hard)

Stage 8:Ulatras

Stage 9:Omega

Final Stage:LORD PWNAGE REward: 500 % of health and fiery sword.


Stage 4: The Moon

There is some weird things going on at the moon,like words on the moon, and weird creatures coming from it, you should go check it out.

Enemies: Swordsman Moon Spector, Spearman Moon Spector.


boss stats: 300 hp, 40 -50 dmg, speed:50. reward: ultimate armor and ultimate sword.


Final Stage: The end of the world (oh no!)

Oh no! The world is different! Everything is white and black and there black stripes around us!

You better go help them before its to late! Wait, can it be? It is Noobly!

Enemies: however there is no enemy but the boss.

Boss:Ultimate Noobly

Boss Stats: 600 hp, 60-70 dmg, speed:70



Once you finish the 4th stage you get to fight me, however, i'm not easy, before you fight me you need some powerful things otherwise you will fail epicly.

Apperance:I am blue and i have a spikey tooth sticking out of my eyes and I have all black eyes ( thats not how I look in person, my avatar looks like that. The clothes I wear is the fire and ice suit.And I have the fire and ice blade. I also have a orange trophy on my head.


Stats:800 hp, 80-90 dmg, Speed:98

Special Abilities:Levitation,teleporting,god powers,laser beams.

rewards: fire and ice sword, fire and ice suit, Zeamilon909's trophy.

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