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Vampire Knight <3

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Why has noone made a thread about this yet? D8<


I can now safely say that Vampire Knight is one of the few animes that hasn't completely bored me to death. :'D


But, seriously, it's awesome. 8DDDD (Though I read the manga when I was 11 and it freaked me out. *fail*)


Mah favorite character is Idol Aidou. =w= ("HIIIIIII~!")



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I looove Vampire Knight. <333

I've watched the anime and read about 30 chapters of the manga. Kaname is so hot. ? 83


I hate Yuki, though. D:



Yuki....blech. >_< She's stupid and annoying, yet every guy is in love with her. *cough*Bella Swan much?*cough*

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I tired to keep up and then it started taking forever for the chapters to come out owo;; but I love the character artwork and the anime is sexy and yes Kaname is too (though Zero can be sexy too). o3o

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I didn't rly like the first season tbh o-o it was kinda mehh for me but the 2nd one was pretty good o-o It had action I rly liked since everyone was changing !

And it'll proly have a 3rd season when the manga moves along a bit to have a complete story x3

And yeah m Yuki is pissing me off rly :v And I'm pissed she never gets mad at Kaname for whatever reason . There are some stuff she could at least stand up but she always "Aww mah poor kaname ;-; , let me hug you"

And rly , the mangaka has a thing for "forbidden" love . Like her previous manga had a love between a highschool girl and a lil boy and now there's incest

Even though there were hints that kaname and her weren't siblings and in the latest chap it is clarified for good but still , pretty creepy to see her call him Onii-sama and then kiss or whatever >_>


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