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Final Fantasy characters you want/think will appear in Kingdom Hearts III

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I want Tifa, Cloud and Sephiroth.

And of course I'd be happily surprised if Vanille and Fang were there... :3 But I think that if they will bring someone from FFXIII it will be Lightning, not them.  

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I want Tifa, Cloud and Sephiroth.

And of course I'd be happily surprised if Vanille and Fang were there... :3 But I think that if they will bring someone from FFXIII it will be Lightning, not them.  

Regarding the Final Fantasy XIII characters you mentioned, most likely all of them plus others :D

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Regarding the Final Fantasy XIII characters you mentioned, most likely all of them plus others :D

How can you be so sure? I doubt they will bring that many FFXIII characters. : O Everything's possible though.

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Sounds like you guys want a Final Fantasy game that has the most popular characters and stuff smashed into one game...



(All the past final fantasy characters that have appeared plus Lightning and Noctis and more Antagonists; Gilgamesh, Kefka etc. )

I don't even care about the "most popular characters", I just want freaking Gilgamesh. : I don't really care for the FF characters after VII, anyway.

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How can you be so sure? I doubt they will bring that many FFXIII characters. : O Everything's possible though.

Final Fantasy XIII is both the most hated and the most loved (after Final Fantasy VII) by fans, plus, it's the first next-gen Final Fantasy after the PS2 and became so popular to push the developers to make it a mini Saga like Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X (have you noticed that all the most popular Final Fantasy are those who were the first next-gen?) Now, Final Fantasy VII characters make the biggest Final Fantasy group in Kingdom Hearts, accordingly, I have reason to think there will be a significant number of Final Fantasy XIII characters as well, in Kingdom Hearts III, since it's growing popular like it happened with Final Fantasy VII :D

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--Characters that I'm almost sure we'll see again:Leon, Yuffie, Cid, Aerith, Sephiroth, Cloud, Seifer, Vivi, Raijin, Fujin, Tifa--Characters that I'm not sure we'll see again:Auron (what happened to him? I think he's dead once for all), Zack (maybe he's dead too...)--Characters that I'm almost sure we'll see for the first time:Lightning (I don't like her, but Nomura is in love with her), Vincent Valentine, Rinoa, Noctis--New characters that I'd love to see:Shadow (FFVI), Gilgamesh, Cecil (FFIV), Garland (FFI)*



*I think Nomura will introduce the FF bad guys in a new trilogy.

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Final Fantasy XIII is both the most hated and the most loved (after Final Fantasy VII) by fans, plus, it's the first next-gen Final Fantasy after the PS2 and became so popular to push the developers to make it a mini Saga like Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X (have you noticed that all the most popular Final Fantasy are those who were the first next-gen?) Now, Final Fantasy VII characters make the biggest Final Fantasy group in Kingdom Hearts, accordingly, I have reason to think there will be a significant number of Final Fantasy XIII characters as well, in Kingdom Hearts III, since it's growing popular like it happened with Final Fantasy VII :D

Well, you're right. But FFXIII really is both hated and loved by the fans, so it would be pretty risky for Square to put too many FFXIII characters in there, since I'm sure some people would get really annoyed. After all, whereas some people (like me) really like the XIII-saga, I know many people really really really hate it.  I'm expecting that Lightning will be there, alongside with maybe two/three at max more characters.

I dunno, I have personally nothing against FFXIII, or having characters from it in KH3 (as long as they leave room for other crossovers as well, like TWEWY) xD Though honestly speaking I don't care that much about Lightning, let alone Snow. But I'd like to see many other characters... like Vanille&Fang, and Noel! I also really like Yeul and Caius.

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Well, you're right. But FFXIII really is both hated and loved by the fans, so it would be pretty risky for Square to put too many FFXIII characters in there, since I'm sure some people would get really annoyed. After all, whereas some people (like me) really like the XIII-saga, I know many people really really really hate it.  I'm expecting that Lightning will be there, alongside with maybe two/three at max more characters.

I dunno, I have personally nothing against FFXIII, or having characters from it in KH3 (as long as they leave room for other crossovers as well, like TWEWY) xD Though honestly speaking I don't care that much about Lightning, let alone Snow. But I'd like to see many other characters... like Vanille&Fang, and Noel! I also really like Yeul and Caius.

Nomura is famous for his attitude to worry about every kind of necessity a person could have, Final Fantasy XIII is indeed as much hated as loved, that's why it's once more a good candidate for Kingdom Hearts III: because Nomura always makes sure to have something epically enjoyable for those who instead enjoy different kind of things so, who like Final Fantasy XIII is happy, who doesn't like it will be happy for tons of other cool stuff Nomura will give us xD

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Cloud and sephiroth, (because of that battle they had in KH2, i wanna see the end of that clash). I haven't played FF before so i can't really decide on that.

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I doubt it would happen,but it would be nice if other FF character would appear as optional bosses even if they don't have any role in the story


I would like that. That way there could be many FF characters without them messing with the KH story too much, since there's quite a lot of characters already. A bit like Sephiroth in KH II, like how Cloud, Tifa and him were there but didn't really have anything to do with the actual storyline or anything. Though some new FF characters who'd fit the story too could be nice too.


I'd love to see Vanille, Fang, Serah, Caius from XIII. Though I think if we'll see someone from that game, it's most likely Lightning (that's nice too though). Maybe Serah could be possible. I doubt Fang, Vanille or Caius will make it there, sadly.. Caius secret boss or something would be cool though O.O


I hope we'll see Cloud and Tifa again, and older Zack.


Also, FFXII characters would be cool too, like Ashe, but I doubt they'll include those since Nomura once said that he preferred using his own characters in KH since it's easier and the XII characters aren't his. And the game isn't all that popular either.


And there must be Seifer. Just. Must.

Edited by mosokisa

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I'll like to see cloud and friends return. Also for new comers I'll like to see Lightning and maybe even Noctis show up (it can be treated as promotion for his game). If Noctis does show up I'll like for Stella to show up too. It'll be funny if Ignis shows up too as it'll be the second instance of a Square Enix character in KH sharing a voice with an original character (in this case Riku, the first case being Neko with both Roxas and ventus) in the Japanese version.

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Hmm, I agree that Gilgamesh would make for a great appearance in Kingdom Hearts 3, and as all of us assume, it'll probably be a secret boss fight in which Gilgamesh explains that he is a weapons collector and he's taken a particular interest in the Keyblade.  Long story short, he says he'll duel Sora and if he wins, he gets the Keyblade, but if he loses, he has to agree to be a summon! Hmm, hey, I like the sound of that, it could be a good topic for me to make!  And Vincent, Garland, Warrior of Light, Cecil, Golbez, Lightning, Noctis, Zack, and Gabranth would also make for great characters to show up!  And who could forget our beloved Sephiroth?  He's bound to appear since he's appeared in each of the numbered titles. :3

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Due to Leon and Cloud being my favorite FF characters, and i would say bring in Yuna, but they sorta messed her up as she is a fairy xD, but Leon needs his return, and i'd love him as a party member also...

Cloud and sephiroth, (because of that battle they had in KH2, i wanna see the end of that clash). I haven't played FF before so i can't really decide on that.

FF is probably my Favorite game Series behind uncharted aha, Although, I havnt liked a game past X, i do really reccomend it, although Kingdom hearts is sorta the whole "Avengers" or "Justice League" of the Final Fantasy Universe.. Imo atleast aha. But they are good games

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And there must be Seifer. Just. Must.

Oh, but we already know he's gonna be in there! xD It won't make sense if not...


And now that you mention it, I'd love to see Ashe too (Basch too..), but yeah, doubt it.

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Final Fantasy:

-Warrior of Light (just because he is THE WARRIOR OF LIGHT)


Final Fantasy 6:



Final Fantasy 8:

-Rinoa. (i'd like to see her relationship with squall in KH)


-Zell (c'mon he + sora and co = PERFECT FRIENDSHIP :D)


Final Fantasy 9:

-Zidane (same as zell)


-Steiner "Rusty"


Final Fantasy 10:

-Lulu (bwebs)

-Seymour Guado ('cause of chest hair)


Final Fantasy 13:

-Lightning (c'mon square-enix is in love with her, it's obvious that they're going to include her)


Final Fantasy 15:

-Noctis (free sponsoring for Final fantasy 15 and because HE'S BADASS)

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