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Anime | Manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: SC English Dub Stream

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Yeah, that's right. Crunchyroll and English dubbed anime. Don't see that too often.


Anyways, it seems that the newest season of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime, Stardust Crusaders, is already set to have a dub. Sort of. I mean, after this, I'm sure we'll have a full dub of the show after it ends in Japan. You know the drill.


I'm fairly excited for this, considering that actors like Matthew Mercer, Patrick Seiz, and Richard freaking Epcar (that'st the current voice actor for Ansem btw) are confirmed to be in the dub.


Now, I'm a fairly new JoJo fan too, but from what I've researched, it makes sense that SC is already in the process of getting a dub; in America, SC is the most recognizable part of the JoJo story, partly thanks to the Capcom fighting game and the OVA series that were released way back when. And quite frankly, SC is becoming my favorite part of the story too. No offense to the first two parts, but SC is when the series REALLY gets good, and getting a dub on that asap is pure $$$.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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just saying but if you just put the initials in the title, not alot of people will know what you're talking about.

anyways, i'm also new to JoJo and I'm little bit past halfway of the first season.I hope I can finish it and move onto Stardust Crusaders before next week.

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just saying but if you just put the initials in the title, not alot of people will know what you're talking about.


This thread is only for the people that actually know what the initials mean.

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