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Wolf on the Run

Red Eye's and the Key

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The brunette stood there in silence before she simply blinked from the sudden turn of events. ..Eh?  Perhaps the fact that that could have been her only ticket home was now walking away from her. It wasn't really her fault that he couldn't handle the truth, but at the same time, she really didn't consider how he would react to all of this. "W-Wait a sec..!" She moved to catch up to the two of them, not even trying to apologize in order to get on his good side. She was overly determined to leave this foreign place as she already proved that she couldn't last there on her own for even a few minutes. "Could you perhaps ditch me after helping me out?!" She called before noticing something rather strange about Naomi side from the eye ability. Now that I think about it, Naomi didn't try to get back at me for doing that to her...What's up with that? Does he serious not know what's up with his own sister? 

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Ren walked around the town in Destiny Islands and grew more agitated among the friendly crowd. Everyone was friends with everyone, no one was hostile and this made Ren slightly lose his grip on his sanity. "(How can people be this comfortable? It's impossible. No one's angry at anyone, they're all getting along way too well, it's making me sick.)" Looking for a way out, Ren searched for a cover from the crowd and the glaring sunlight, seeking shelter inside the first building he came across. Turning around, he found the library he entered a complete mess. In the distance he found three strangers staring at him, as if he had intruded on something. "(Oh great, more people...)" Walking over to them, Ren put on his most convincing smile, which even he was having trouble pulling off, and stopped a couple of feet from them. "Hello, I was wondering if you could help me. You see, I'm lost and was hoping you could help me find my way home. I live very far away, and I don't know my way out of the city." Ren chuckled lightly. "(This is aweful! Making conversation with these lesser being is simply annoying and distasteful, but maybe if I push them far enough, they'll tell me what happened here. I need to find out if there were any eye users here and question them on why I'm still alive.)"

Edited by Oblivion 22

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looking to Ceres with a slight smile Blake turned towards the portal Deo had created and began to walk towards it as he gave a slight wave to Deo when he suddenly noticed someone staring at him from the library door or at least from what was left of the door anyway stopping in his tracks Blake stared at the boy in front of him and gestured to both Deo and Ceres in a way so to alert them without alerting the new arrival "You two we have a new arrival so just to be safe if needed you to be ready to run through the portal on my mark if he's a threat I'll try and hold him off but if he really is a threat go straight into the portal and dont wait for me shut it closed right after going through dont wait for me to follow no matter what" Being sure to relay his message to Deo and Ceres Blake walked around the portal and towards the new arrival with his keyblade already in hand and his eye's glowing red suddenly stopping just before the new arrival Blake glared towards him "I must say its rather suspicious for someone to show up in a place like this just after there being a large battle here normal people would more then likely avoid this spot for some time to come but you didn't so tell me who are you depending on your answer i might strike you down (Its a good thing i manage to attain a list of names and false names for the Red Eye members without them knowing so i can deal with this guy right away if he's a threat)"

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Deo looked up as Ren walked into the store. He quickly got his hands up,his fingers in the shape of an X.


"If you're with the cops I totally had nothing to do with it this time!"Deo hissed. Ceres glanced over at Ren,listening as he asked for help about finding his way back. Deo smiled. "Wait Blake~ Maybe he is lost. Why didn't you say so? I know this place almost as well as I know the colonies! Now do you live around the beach or maybe up north in the richland area?"Deo asked with a friendly smile. But Ceres saw more. Around the boy as he spoke,his breath appeared in Ceres' eyes in the shape of black scribbles and dust as it covered him,hazily,sort of like when the tv starts to go on static over a program. Ceres couldn't help but to smile a bit. Her eyes,this eye power,was so much helpful. Even if it wasn't helpful in battle,it was helpful in much more.


"You're lying."Ceres said. Deo turned to her and tilted his head at her response. "You are lying. You are not lost. I can see it all around you."Ceres said to the new arrival as she took a step closer to Ren. "Whenever someone lies I can see through their lies because from the breath of the lies they tell dark particles come out,and cover the person,and right now you're very covered. You did arrive here on purpose,but you aren't looking for your way home,are you?"Ceres said with a slight smirk. "Now,why don't you clean your mouth from lies and tell me the truth? Maybe then the particles will disappear and I'll be able to see your face better."Ceres smirked as she stood besides Blake. Deo chuckled to himself and rubbed the back of his head.


"I sometimes wonder if it'll be all the same when Zero comes back. If he can't ever lie without her knowing how else will he end up joining me on those parties like we used to."Deo chuckled.

Edited by Stardustblade358

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Looking to the both of them, realising that he wasn't fooling anyone, Ren's smile dropped into his usual frown. "Looks like you two have seen hell, am I right?" At a move of his finger tips, Ren's keyblade appeared in his hand. Ren wasn't sure if Blake was going to attack him, so he remained on guard in his presence. "So, I assume it was you guys who busted this place up... Must be because of the eyes. I'd say Keyblade, but it looks like only you have one and the eyes are much more special than these blades." Ren kept his eye on Blake, not looking for a fight, but ready to defend himself if needed. "(As long as I don't activate my eyes, then he won't know I have them...)" Looking at Ceres before turning to Blake with a sigh, Ren put a hand on his hip. "You wanna know why I'm here? I got sick of all the awkward tension outside. Tell me if I'm lying now shorty." Ren frowned at Ceres before turning back to Blake before he got the chance to try anything.

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Looking to the boy in front of him with dead serious eyes a stronger glow came from Blake's eye's "Your stupid reason for being here aside I also asked who you are and since your not answering I'll make you answer" Suddenly launching forward with a shock wave that knocked Ceres on purpose Blake pulled his sword to his side ready to strike the boy in front of him down "Whether or not your her by accident or not your pupils narrowed when you noticed my eye's turn red that alone is enough of a reason for me to suspect you of something your hiding to much and i don't like that for that reason I'm knocking you out" suddenly reaching the boy with rapid speed Blake swung his blade 

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Ceres' eyes softened as she looked at the boy. The particles carefully moved away from him and disappeared,where now she could see him clearer. " Shorty?! Well...You're not ly-"Before she could finish that sentence Blake had launched forward,sending a shockwave that knocked her to the side. "WHA!"Ceres fell back on her bottom as she watched Blake attack the new comer. "Blake what the hell don't attack him he hasn't shown any danger!"Ceres yelled as she quickly stood up with the help of Deo.


"You can't blame the kid,after what happened here in the library just moments later a stranger casually walks in? He must be on high alert,you don't know if he's good or not."Deo said as he watched the confrontation between Blake and the new comer. "He's quick in making his decision though."Deo said as he watched.


"That's not the point! Not everything is solved with dumb violence!"Ceres hissed.


"Well violence saved your sorry @$$! I know you're a pacifist but you have to realize that violence sometimes is needed for the good of yourself and others. Either you liekd it or not if Blake nor you nor I had resorted to violence we would've been dead by now wouldn't we?"Deo glared as he spoke harshly. Ceres didn't had an answer for that.


"I still don't see how it justifies for Blake to knock him unconcieous!"Ceres said as he turned to the two fighting again. She had the sword handle on her ship,her hand over it. She didn't know if to interrupt was the right thing,or just let it happen. She just didn't know. "I know he's tense but they don't have to fight if they don't pose a threat in the first place."

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Ren gritted his teeth as Blake dashed at him, jumping away and raising his Keyblade in defence. "(He's fast...)" Ren blocked the attack, skidding to a halt on the ground and holding his opponent back. "Not bad... Almost had me by surprise, even though I didn't take my eye off you." Ren's grip on his blade tightened. "(He's within my range, if I use my eyes now,  it'll be game over for him... But then my secret will be out without knowing anything about this damn curse. I need to win the fight without him finding out I have the eyes and without letting him die... Sounds easy...)" Ren thought to himself, his own sarcastic nature bouncing back at his face. Ren swung his and Blake's blades downwards, knocking Blake himself with his shoulder. Ren backed away a little, holding his blade out to his side and throwing it narrowly past Blake's head to draw his attention. He then ran at Blake, summoning his Keyblade back to his hand and pointed it straight at his neck. "Don't think you can act so cocky just because you have both a Keyblade and an eye power. From what I gather, Keyblades and eye powers are rare as it is, let alone when one person has both. So, stop attacking me before I take your head off."

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"Ceres if for reason's like this violence is sometimes needed this guy refused to give his name and for that reason I cant see him as trust worthy only someone with an agenda refuses to speak there name so for that reason i refuse to trust him" Suddenly looking to the boy in front of him with his eye's still glowing red Blake spoke "As for you..." Suddenly and without warning Blake vanished from in front of the boy and suddenly appeared behind him as he did this Blake smashed the hilt of his keyblade into the back of the boys head knocking him out cold now looking to the boy out cold on the floor Blake glared "Don't go threatening people when you can't even hold up your threat" looking away from the boy and looked towards Ceres and Deo Tristan's face grew slightly calm "Grab a chair I'll die him up" as Deo did as Blake said Blake took the enemies keyblade and held it in his own hand to prevent the blade from leaving his site following this Blake caught the boy by the collar of his shirt and dragged him over to the chair Deo had prepared once on the chair Blake placed his hand on the boy's chest and from Blakes hand emerged strong magical chains which tied the boy to the chair with no way of getting out until Blake said so "Now lets wait for our guest to wake up shall we" 

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Ren slowly awoke in the chair, looking up to find himself chained to a chair as Blake looked down at him. Ren sighed again, his eyes becoming slightly dull and bored with the situation. "Hooray~... I've been beaten~..." Ren exclaimed without enthusiasm. Taking another look around, Ren could now see the portal that lead to Hollow Bastion from where he was sat. "Planning to go on a shopping spree? Drop me off at home while you're there, you guys are boring. I mean, seriously, who the hell knocks you out and chains you up just for being observant? ... Well I guess it was a little more than observant." Ren then began to ignore Blake, finding that engaging himself in conversation was more entertaining. "Did I over do it? No, he had it coming. He threatened me for just showing up. And I thought the guys back home were rude... Not that I care, he'll probably go die with that kind of attitude." Ren looked up at Blake with a frown. "Still here are we? Then come on, entertain me. A year of solitude has done nothing but bore me."

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getting rather annoyed by the boys method of speaking Blake walked towards the boy in the chair as he did the boy looked to him and out of nowhere Blake grabbed a book and smashed it into the boys head "Your annoying and for the record i already died once because of my attitude and i dont plan on dying a second time until i save my little sister so the last thing i need is to hear you mouthing off like you are but if you still feel like mouthing off dont worry i got plenty more Blake chops were that one came from now then spill it who are you and what do you know about the Heat Haze you reacted to my red eyes so I'm guessing you know something no it's not guessing anymore its a fact you know something even if it may be something i already know" 

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Ceres sat on a corner,hiding her face within her long sleeves of the kimono. "I'm surrounded by brutes!" Ceres simply hated it. But there was no way of avoiding it. At all. Deo patted Ceres' back. "There there Ceres,you'll learn to love the bloodshed."Deo encouraged. He knew of that small percent that Ceres barely showed that she could seriously injure people if she was angered enough. The only known person to calm this completely down would be Zero,and he wasn't around. But Deo couldn't help but to think that maybe angering her around enemies wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. Ceres looked up at Ren. "Such sour tone..."Ceres muttered as she stood up and pulled up a chair,sitting by him. Glancing at Blake and then back at Ren. "I will agree your welcoming has been rather...harsh,to say the least,but we encountered a dire situation just moments earlier. Needles to say it almost killed us."Ceres said. "Correction,one of us."Deo smirked as he glanced at Ceres. Ceres quickly picked up her chair and slammed it against Deo's head,causing a huge bump on his head. "Say one more word! I dare you!"Ceres hissed. Deo whined on the floor as Ceres settled the chair back down and sat down. "Hollow Bastion is your home then? Maybe you could help us..."Ceres then drifted off. She couldn't ask for help in this matter. She glanced at Blake and sighed. "Like Blake said. If you know something about the Heat Haze,it would be nice if you would share the information,because we have information too."Ceres said. Maybe the boy will lighten up and talk. "I don't think we've even properly introduced. I'm Ceres. That's Blake. That's Deo. What's your name?"

Edited by Stardustblade358

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Ren frowned at Blake, finding him even more boring than before and getting slightly agitated that he couldn't rub his head a little. "Talk about no fun..." Ren looked over at Ceres, keeping any and all emotion hidden from view. "Okay, not really nice to meet you. I'm Takada and, before you say anything, yes I'm aware that I just gave you a fake name. Names are very important in this world and it's generally best if you keep yours to yourself." Ren rest his head back, looking up at the ceiling with a dull expression. "Ceres, tell Blake to be quiet and not to make threats he can't follow through without cheating. He's telling me this ridiculous back story that I'm not even interested in. As for me helping you, I guess I could, but that doesn't mean I will... Not for free anyway." Ren suddenly leaned in towards Ceres, making sure not to break eye contact with her. "Tell me what you know about the Heat Haze and I'll get you wherever you want."

Edited by Oblivion 22

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The brunette stood there in silence before she simply blinked from the sudden turn of events. ..Eh?  Perhaps the fact that that could have been her only ticket home was now walking away from her. It wasn't really her fault that he couldn't handle the truth, but at the same time, she really didn't consider how he would react to all of this. "W-Wait a sec..!" She moved to catch up to the two of them, not even trying to apologize in order to get on his good side. She was overly determined to leave this foreign place as she already proved that she couldn't last there on her own for even a few minutes. "Could you perhaps ditch me after helping me out?!" She called before noticing something rather strange about Naomi side from the eye ability. Now that I think about it, Naomi didn't try to get back at me for doing that to her...What's up with that? Does he serious not know what's up with his own sister? 


(I just realized that there were two Ren's. I am sorry Oblivion!!) 


Ren looked at Sonya, he didn't want to disappoint her, but he was going to have to. 

"Look, I don't know how to get you to Twilight Town. Do you know how?" Ren asked in English, looking at the girl in front of him. 

Naomi looked at Sonya. If you don't remember, Naomi had lost her memory of Sonya after she threw her. 

"Who are you?" she asked, managing to speak English, looking at the girl. 

Ren looked at Naomi like she was crazy.

"W-What do you mean, Naomi?" he asked. 

Naomi looked up at her brother, pointing at Sonya. 

"Who is she?" Naomi said again in English.

Ren shook his head. What was going on? 

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looking to Ren with a look of distrust in his eyes Blake crossed his arms "I see no reason why we should tell you anything we know about the Heat Haze when you wont even give us a real name (At least the fake name he gave isn't on the list of Red Eye's members but still its better to be safe and remain weary of this one for now)" pulling away from his position Blake walked over to Deo and handed him a strange key "This is the key to undo the binds i placed on him I'll leave it to you whether to decide whether or not he's worth trusting" Suddenly throwing Takada's keyblade up into the air as the blade came back down Blake caught it and threw it down the hallway of the library causing the blade to sink deep into a wall "I leave him to you two as for me..." Suddenly turning away Blake walked towards the library exit "I have somewhere i need to go alone by the way in regards to the queen... actually never mind it's probably not important" Upon reaching the door of the library in a flash of white Blake vanished from sight

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"I wouldn't be asking you if I knew how to get back myself!" She replied with a slight amount of annoyance in her tone. "And geez thanks for the false optimism back there saying that you could help me..." Sonya was just about close to snapping on the male, but she wasn't going to leave them just yet, not while Naomi had an eye ability of her own. The brunette looked down at her as she said something, a brow slightly raising at Ren's reaction to it. You mean to tell me that you didn't know your sister had amnesia?" She asked. Although that is a bit weird. If he doesn't know about her having the eye ability and this amnesia, then are they linked somehow... Sonya placed a friendly smile on her face as a hand was held out towards the ravenette. "I'm Sonya. It's nice to meet you. Say...do you that your eyes can change to red? Do you know how you do it?" She was taking a different approach to get some information out of her, staying on her good side and speaking a bit slower in case she wasn't that good at English. A slight glare of the eyes went over to Ren, indicating for him to keep his mouth shut and not to interfere. If she wasn't going to go home right away, her best option was to learn more about the heat haze through any means necessary.

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Watching Blake vanish, Ren turned back to Ceres and Deo, sighing at Blake's persistence to keep him restrained. "So, you going to let me go now that grumpy is out of the way? No, of course you won't unless I give you information." Ren looked at the scattered books on the floor to see if he could find anything of use, but there was nothing in site. "(What can I say to get them to let me go? No... Not let me go... I think I have an idea.)" Ren smirked as he looked over at Ceres. "Okay, you want in to Hollow Bastion Castle? I know how to do it. All you have to do is capture someone else with the Red Eyes and then make a trade for whoever it is you want to get out. Living in Hollow Bastion, there's a guy called Ren who has the eyes and he also protects the city from the Heartless. He likes to keep the fact that he has the eyes a secret, but I know he has them, I've seen it. You know I'm telling the truth." Ren smiled to himself, for the third person description of himself could not have been any better. "I don't care if you keep me chained up until we get there, just let me help you."

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Deo looked down at the key with an amused smile. He'd never had such responsibility laid on him before. Ceres' eyes softened as she stared at the boy. She has always been sweet at heart,always truly looking for the better in everyone. Regardless. Even after such event that almost cost her life she couldn't help but to want to give everyone a chance. This kid was no different. Ceres tilted her head. "But,we don't want to kidnap red eye users...we just wish to meet and join them."Ceres muttered. She sat back as she sighed. "The reason we need to enter the Hollow Bastion castle is because of its psychological ward. There resides someone who suffered the same event I did. So I suggested for us to see him."Ceres explained as she sighed and looked down. "Blake has such a short temper I do apologize for him to get so protective over this situation."Ceres said with a slight smile. "For the fact that you're tied up...I guess to make it up a bit I could tell you what I know of the Heat Haze. Though it's not much."Ceres muttered. "Is that a good idea?! Blake doesn't trust this guy!"Deo yelled. "Cry me a river if anyone needs to get beaten up later tell him it's my fault."Ceres insisted as she turned to the boy. "I could tell you what I know and I can answer what you want to know about the Heat Haze. No problem at all. But I want an answer from you first?"Ceres asked as she pulled her chair a bit closer. "Why do you want to know about the Heat Haze? How does it involve you?" No simple person would even know or be interested about the Heat Haze unless they were involved. That's as far as Ceres knew atleast.




Through the intercom the doctors quickly heard the scream of pain coming from their lonely resident. They quickly turned to the cameras' screen and saw Azure in his bath. However it the water was red with blood as Azure held his side screaming in pain. "Someone help me!!!"Azure cried. The doctors quickly scattered in panic. "We have to send someone down there!"One of them yelled. "Are you crazy?! You know how dangerous he is!"Another complained. "We don't have a choice a patient is a patient we have to see what's wrong with him!"Another hissed. Eventually a group of doctors took the elevator down to the private room and quickly hurried over to Azure,pulling him out of his bloody bath. Moving away the bubbles they saw a slash on his abdomen. "How did you get this?"One of them asked,but all Azure would do was cry in pain. the doctors took out their emergency kit and quickly stitched him up. In a matter of minutes they were done. "There,it should be all done now. But how did you get this?"The doctor insisted. Azure sniffled. "Well,you know what they say,sometimes some people are just that clumsy..."Azure muttered as he looked up,his eyes glowing red. The doctors gasped as the sudden emotion of sadness and hatred started to consume them beyond their reasoning. "Why did we come here in the first place?!"One of them started to cry. The other one turned to the doctor with glaring eyes. "It's all your fault!" "My fault?!" Influenced by the pressed on emotions the two doctors started to argue before violently fighting with each other. Azure would enjoy the show but he had other plans in mind. He had to find a way to free Haseo,and he wasn't going to do it stuck in here. He quickly got dressed and picked up the handles of the blades,hiding them in his pockets. He picked up the doctor's card key and walked over to the elevator,going up to the first floor,leaving the doctors fight themselves to death.

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with a flash of white Blake appeared in Traverse Town's main square. With a slightly depressed look on his face Blake looked around the area with a bunch of flowers in his hand Lily's to be specific "It's been a year since i was last here huh hard to believe it's August 15th once again already" with both an annoyed and sorry look on his face Blake began to walk towards a nearby ally way. Upon reaching the ally a small plack with the name Katelyn could be seen walking towards the plack Black place the Lily's just below the plack and then sat down in front of it with a forced smile on his face "Hey Katelyn sorry I havent come to visit in a while I've been pretty busy but i wanted to let you know your Niisan all the work he's doing he's doing it so he can help you so he can make up for my mistake back then for my stupid arrogant mistake the mistakes..." tears began to role down Blake's face "the mistakes that made it so you'd be trapped in that place I'm sorry Katelyn I'm so sorry if i wasn't so stupid and arrogant back then..." Suddenly an image of Ren surfaced in Blake's instantly a sense of rage filled Blake's body and he slammed his fist into the ground "Arrogance like him arrogance like that does nothing but gets you killed"

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Ren stared at Ceres, trying not to break eye contact. "The person I mentioned before, the one with the eyes... He and his brother died on the same day and legends came about the younger of the two coming back from hell itself. Soon enough, the term Heat Haze was being used among certain individuals which led me to the assumption that there were more people with these eyes." Ren looked over at Deo, slowly realising that his only way out was falling to Ceres and that if he couldn't come up with a convincing answer, then who knows what would happen. "I want to know what causes the red eyes ability within individuals and how they come back to life." Ren looked back to the door, growing slightly agitated on whether or not Blake was going to come back. "(I want to be out of here before that grouchy kid comes back. If he shows up to fight me again, I'll take him out using my eyes.)"

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"He and his brother...Oh my..."Ceres muttered in a sad tone. Every time she heard about how those who have died on August 15 each story just seemed  much more tragic than the last. Deo remained unconvinced. "Well you do know that it's August 15 today."Deo said as he took out his sword in a hinting matter. "If you want to know that much about the Heat Haze I could simply send you there,no questions asked."Deo said. He was an idiot,a psychopath,a criminal,you could call him countless of insults and he wouldn't really mind. But if there was one thing that Deo did not had was regret for actions taken. Deo took out the blade from its hilt and tapped it right on the kid's neck and cheek. "I know I wouldn't mind because the faster you disappear the quicker it becomes less of a nausense for us and we can focus on bringing Zero back."Deo said. Ceres quickly grabbed the blade with her hand. "Deo you're going too far! You're not going to kill him are you?!"Ceres asked in a worried tone. "Well it's better that we kill him while its still August 15. That way he can see the Heat Haze first hand."Deo suggested. "Get your blade away we aren't going to kill an innocent person." "How do you know if he's innocent or not? He hasn't even given us his name. He could be a run away criminal for all we know."Deo said,not really wanting to get the blade away,even if it mean cutting Ceres' hand a bit. Ceres' eyes narrowed. She hated such rushing attitudes. Was it so easy for some people to take away a life? Ceres couldn't even bear such thought for a moment without cringing. She turned to the boy. "I'll tell you. Because truthfully I don't see how it will do any harm."Ceres said,ignoring Deo's glare. "The Heat Haze is a void created to hold the lives lost on every August 15. If you die in a group of two one of you will stay in the Heat Haze forever and the other will be given a power and another chance at life. I died with my fiancee in an accident and he decided to stay and I received the gift of being able to see through lies. That's all there is to it."Ceres explained,pretty much explaining it the way she saw it.




The elevator doors opened and Azure walked out. Some doctors noticed him and their eyes widened in surprise. "Azure,what are you doing up here? Where are the doctors?"One of the nurses asked. "Those two idiots decided to kill each other in my room so I decided that it would be good for me to go out and take a walk around the town."Azure said with a casual smile. The nurse looked at him nervously. "You know you shouldn't really go outside,the heat could only make you sicker. Come on,we can go visit Doctor Erza and maybe she can give you some lollipops while we solve the situation in your room."The nurse said as she held Azure's hand and started to walk. But Azure would not move from his place. "I want to go outside."Azure insisted. "Come on dear don't be so stubborn. Sick patients can't go outside."The nurse insisted. Azure's eyes narrowed as they started to glow. "I said that I wanted to go outside,now let go of me!"Azure yelled. The nurse's eyes turned dull,the emotions of sadness and regret suddenly taking over her heart. "Oh...ok..."She muttered as Azure had her let go and he walked outside,not intending to ever come back.

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"I wouldn't be asking you if I knew how to get back myself!" She replied with a slight amount of annoyance in her tone. "And geez thanks for the false optimism back there saying that you could help me..." Sonya was just about close to snapping on the male, but she wasn't going to leave them just yet, not while Naomi had an eye ability of her own. The brunette looked down at her as she said something, a brow slightly raising at Ren's reaction to it. You mean to tell me that you didn't know your sister had amnesia?" She asked. Although that is a bit weird. If he doesn't know about her having the eye ability and this amnesia, then are they linked somehow... Sonya placed a friendly smile on her face as a hand was held out towards the ravenette. "I'm Sonya. It's nice to meet you. Say...do you that your eyes can change to red? Do you know how you do it?" She was taking a different approach to get some information out of her, staying on her good side and speaking a bit slower in case she wasn't that good at English. A slight glare of the eyes went over to Ren, indicating for him to keep his mouth shut and not to interfere. If she wasn't going to go home right away, her best option was to learn more about the heat haze through any means necessary.


Ren didn't say another word, her simply looked away from Sonya and let her talk to his sister.

"T-They do?" Naomi asked, however, it was in Japanese.

"She asked if they do." Ren snapped.

Naomi looked around, but she knew she couldn't see her eyes.

"I-I dont know how it happens..." Naomi muttered.

"I just know...when I get mad sometimes, I feel...different." Naomi managed to say in English. 

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"I see... So that's how it works..." Ren looked down at the ground. "(The Heat Haze is a prison for those who die together on August 15th... But that would mean... That bastard is still...)" Ren ground his teeth together in frustration, slowly beginning to realise that his revenge wasn't quite complete. "(I have to make sure that he stays dead with no way out of it. He has to pay for what he did... And I have to use these dumbasses to get there. That kid, Blake... He reminds me of Tetsuya, always thinking he knows best and that he can boss me around, but I've had enough of being told what to do. Tetsuya could never understand why I hate interacting with people, but it's the simplest thing in the world. They're all idiots who give in to emotion. It makes them weak. They honestly believe that trusting other people can make someone's life better. HA! What a load of crap!)" Ren looked up at Deo who was talking about killing him when his fists started to tighten, the darkness from earlier starting to surface again. "You think you can kill me? I'd like to see you try old man. From where I'm sitting, you can't do anything besides hold up an empty threat. You wouldn't even last three seconds in a fair fight with me and you know it. You're nothing but a coward! Now let me out of this f***ing chair!!"

Edited by Oblivion 22

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A pleased smile went over to Ren, as she was content with his cooperation, before she looked back at Naomi. "I see..." She said, almost as in thought. So when her eyes glows, she turns more violent...or stronger? Geez it's be a pain to have her around when she's on a tantrum... A finger was tapped to her chin. But then how does the amnesia tie into that? Emerald eyes glided back down at Naomi, as an idea came into her head. It was probably going to leave her injured a bit if her assumption was right, but Sonya didn't really care, as she always went along with risky situations. "Okay! Ren if you don't mind, I'm gonna try something." She said, clapping her hands together. Before he can even answer, she quickly moved, her eyes glowing red as she stared straight at Ren. She wouldn't want him to see what she was about to do to his sister. A foot swiftly kicking Naomi in the stomach, not hard enough to knock her out but enough to at least enrage her. Sonya backed up a bit, planting her feet into the ground. "Come at me, Naomi! You want revenge for that, don't you?!" 

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Ren seemed disappointed about the answer. Deo on the other hand was thinking of something else. "Old man?!"Deo yelled. If it wasn't for the fact that Ceres' hand was still on the end of the blade Deo would've slit the kid's throat by now. Ceres was about to say more when the boy became hostile once more. She backed away from her chair in surprise of the sudden anger that really didn't give any warning before coming. Deo on the other hand seemed please at this anger. "You don't think I can kill you?! I have sliced up a man in pieces and eaten him with soy sauce and I can do the same thing to you!"Deo smirked as he glanced at Ceres with a calm expression,changing it to calm her down. "See,Ceres? Do you really want to let this kid out of these chains? He could kill us for all we know,or worse. You see why you can't simply trust everyone? Blake was right,this kid is dangerous. Even after we have told him what we want he still is violent towards you isn't he?"Deo said as he pretty much was trying to teach Ceres a lesson. Ceres couldn't take her eyes off the boy. He seemed to uncomfortable,but who wouldn't be tied up to a chair? "Well I would be as violent if I were tied up to a chair and threatened to get killed by strangers. So of course he'll be volatile!"Ceres said,listening to reason and logic. Deo sighed. In a matter of moments he had spun his blade,removing it from the kid's neck,as it now rested across Ceres'. "You need to learn that not everyone in this world has good in them."Deo hissed. Ceres didn't move but her glare to Deo didn't soften either as Deo pressed more as a small trickle of blood went down her neck. "Do you trust me yet?" Ceres gulped. "Yes...I know you wouldn't harm someone innocent of fault.."

Edited by Stardustblade358

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