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TLOZ: Guess what the Zelda U trailer really is.

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It's actually a legitimate cutscene. 


The prove that I found is on a website and on miiverse. 


Here's the Link to the website. http://www.gengame.net/2014/06/aonuma-zelda-wii-u-trailer-wasnt-just-in-engine-it-was-actually-gameplay/ The website also has something he said on miiverse to prove that this cut scene is an actual cutscene so check it out


Every zelda fan on here get on this hype train. xD


What could this mean for Zelda U? Could this mean that we will be able to go in that same area that we seen in the Zelda U trailer?  

Edited by Zeldablade7

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I really hope so! I would like to be gunned down by that enemy and dodging explosions, haha. 

I hope this means that they are almost finished with the gameplay development. :)

When I first watched it I thought it was a cinematic trailer, but when I heard about this news I was really excited to see what zelda U will have for the players for year. 

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When I first watched it I thought it was a cinematic trailer, but when I heard about this news I was really excited to see what zelda U will have for the players for year. 


Yeah, same here. :) For that being actual game play graphics is quite impressive. I'm glad I have a Wii U, this is my most anticipated game for my Wii U. :)

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Yeah, same here. :) For that being actual game play graphics is quite impressive. I'm glad I have a Wii U, this is my most anticipated game for my Wii U. :)

It's my most anticipated game on the wii U too. That's why I got the wii U. xD

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Could be, Though it's hard to say since there is little to no info about Zelda Wii U. :/

Edited by Katy10nt

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