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KH3D I am so pissed off!!!

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Why do they have to make a nintendo system when they just made two!!!! Why does Testyua numora do this to us. Having Birth By Sleep for the Psp is okay ,because the Psp isn't new to us and having 358/2 days for the ds isn't bad since alot of people have one... Now if I want to keep up with the story and have fun.. I am gonna have to buy the 3ds. Why can't they have this new game for the Psp or ds or Xbox 360 or Ps3 alot maybe even wii. Many people have those game systems. Please everyone help me feel better for this new game

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Well nintendo and square-Enix are friends in a way. But the main reason why Kh3d will be for 3DS is because nomura ASKED nintendo if they can put another KH game on the 3DS. Another reason is because the 3DS has an analog stick attached to it as well. And another reason is because of how good the graphics will be on the 3DS. So yeah

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lol that's definitely NOT nomura's choice, he's only game director, story writer and designer, not some square-enix finance shitass who's out for the money, thus publishing the games for 49512483129 systems and consoles

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It's a little sad :(

It will be hard for me to get a 3DS because im getting a PS2 + KH1 & KH2 for b-day and a PSP + BBS for Christmas.

My parents are gonna to fry me!!!! x(

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Well, the 3DS annihilates the current DS in about every way, and because Nintendo systems tend to sell very well. Really, any console/hand held they put it on is gonna make someone mad. Maybe they wanted to test out this new system? Because it is pretty cool if you look up the details. I was gonna get a 3DS anyway.

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Well nintendo and square-Enix are friends in a way. But the main reason why Kh3d will be for 3DS is because nomura ASKED nintendo if they can put another KH game on the 3DS. Another reason is because the 3DS has an analog stick attached to it as well. And another reason is because of how good the graphics will be on the 3DS. So yeah


thats not an analog stick, well, maybe it is, but it is used to control the 3D effects

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I don't have a xbox 360 or ps3. Just ps2, wii, dsi, and psp. But I don't mind it being on the 3ds. Cause I'm gonna save bday money and christmas money and sell some stuff to get it. And I'm going to get the 3ds anyway so I don't care if its on it. Plus the graphics will be beast. Of course a wii kh game would be nice.

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Well my plan is to reunite money and sell my DS as the 3DS plays DS games. That way I'll be able to play 358/2 days, Re:Coded and KH3D. You should do the same.


Exactly what I'm going to do with my DSi. From what I'm hearing though the 3DS is going to be mildly expensive (well above the $200 price mark). Hopefully when I trade in my DSi it'll reduce more than half the price.

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Why are you complaining? I only buy the main games for KH(plus BBS), and i know evrything about the story. I dont need to buy any KH games for the handhelds cause instead of wasting my money, I watch the walkthrough on youtube, like I did with COM, RE:COM, and 358/2 days, and I know everything, you dont need to buy the game and spend more money, especially buying a 3DS for 1 game, makes no sense, unless your goal is to collect every handheld and console ever made. Playing it or watching it will make no difference cause its the same game.

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3D is getting really overrated. Nowadays it just really sucks. Leave it to IMAX please.


Anyway I agree :C I love my DS right now, but since 3DS uses old DS im gonna trade it (only for new games like 3DS) Seriously.....really pointless...

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"just released two!"


The DS was released in 2004. The Wii was released in 2006. Stop whining. The gaming industry does not revolve around you. >.>

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I'm pissed of as well. But that's why we have Youtube, right? If i don't have the console for a game i just watch cutscene and other videos on Youtube, so i can follow the story

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I'm pissed of as well. But that's why we have Youtube, right? If i don't have the console for a game i just watch cutscene and other videos on Youtube, so i can follow the story


Yeah that's what I'm gonna do. Besides, since they are making a system, couldn't they make it able to play movies and such? I don't think I'd mind it so much if they did.

But this is why I'm getting a psp. I wanna watch FF. And I want bbs.

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lol that's definitely NOT nomura's choice, he's only game director, story writer and designer, not some square-enix finance shitass who's out for the money, thus publishing the games for 49512483129 systems and consoles


Kingdom Hearts is his series so it would make sense that he chooses the systems they are on...

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Well if you think of it this way. The 3ds will not really be new when Kh3d comes out because it'll take at lot of time to plan make it. BBS hasn't fully came out yet in the NA. BBS took them 3 years to make. By the time KH3D comes out the 3ds should have lowered in price and you'll have plenty of time to save up for it.

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Well nintendo and square-Enix are friends in a way. But the main reason why Kh3d will be for 3DS is because nomura ASKED nintendo if they can put another KH game on the 3DS. Another reason is because the 3DS has an analog stick attached to it as well. And another reason is because of how good the graphics will be on the 3DS. So yeah


thats not an analog stick, well, maybe it is, but it is used to control the 3D effects


Actually it is an analog stick. There is a slider (like the volume control on DS lite) on it that adjusts the 3D effects.



3DS has more games than just KH. See if the other games coming out for it interest you. It is pointless to buy a system for one game, which is why I am not getting a psp.

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Well nintendo and square-Enix are friends in a way. But the main reason why Kh3d will be for 3DS is because nomura ASKED nintendo if they can put another KH game on the 3DS. Another reason is because the 3DS has an analog stick attached to it as well. And another reason is because of how good the graphics will be on the 3DS. So yeah


thats not an analog stick, well, maybe it is, but it is used to control the 3D effects


Actually it is an analog stick. There is a slider (like the volume control on DS lite) on it that adjusts the 3D effects.



3DS has more games than just KH. See if the other games coming out for it interest you. It is pointless to buy a system for one game, which is why I am not getting a psp.


yeah, im interested in distidia and crisis core, another reason why im getting the psp

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