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Kingdom Hearts III possible release date

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Hey man, just read the article and I'm pretty sure the thing about KH3 coming out in 2015 was written by the author of the article because it's not actually quoted as Phil Spencer saying it. So it's possibly the writer of the article just having a guess at the release date :)

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I think that we can speculate KH3 release date when it's in the 2015-2017 range not right now though because it's too early to speculate that release date. To be honest I think that this guy is speculating the release date not saying a confirmed release date so don't get your hyped up right now.

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In the article it doesn't look like Phil Spencer said it though. It's not in quotations, it kinda looks to me like the author of the article said that. Which could just be his opinion or he thinks it's a fact when chances are it's really not.

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I wouldn't believe anything that isn't from SE themselves, others tend to just predict.  Did Haley Joel Osment not think it was gonna be this summer for example?  

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Right, but since PS4 version would come out before the Xbox1, then it would mean the ps4 version would be released in spring-summer 2015 WHICH IS BULLSHIT xD

No...they never said it would come out on PS4 first. They're coming out at the same time as with every PS4/Xbox One multiplat.

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No...they never said it would come out on PS4 first. They're coming out at the same time as with every PS4/Xbox One multiplat.

I know, I know, in fact I never said it was said such a thing! What I said applies only to the case in which there were separate releases, like I specified in my first reply xD

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They will definitely release it on both platforms at the same time, there would be no use in putting one before the other. 


Don't trust anything unless it's from Square. Even if for whatever reason, Sony says something as well.


We're all going to have our own opinions on the release date, but I wouldn't base my judgement off of something Microsoft came out and said.

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