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Robbie the Wise

Spoilers "But you knew that didn't you" My Teaser Trailer Analysis and Theory.

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I like your theory, it's sound and makes sense. I'm not too sold on the Heartless belonging to the Seekers of Darkness though. The only question I have would be the number of Apprentices presented by X. There were 6, not 7. And in Kingdom Hearts 7 and 13 are crucial numbers, which leaves me to believe that Nomura is holding a crucial piece of information. Why would he deviate from this? The only other instance of this is Ansem the Wise's apprentices... *Gasps as epiphany occurs* 

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The Fortunetellers' Master had 6 apprentices, and if your theory is correct, the sixth eventually led the other five astray, down a path of darkness. Ansem the Wise had six apprentices, the sixth, Apprentice Xehanort, eventually led the other five astray down a path of darkness. Omigosh why! Why is this? And with the line in the tome coming true with the result of the First Keyblade War, it's safe to assume that it will happen again. Many have assumed, me included, that Sora will kick Xehanort's butt and prevent the Keyblade War, but if history were to repeat, he would fail. Xehanort would win! 

This doesn't really have anything to do with your theory anymore, sorry. I literally just thought of this while typing.

Edited by awesomeinmyworld

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Ooo, I liked this discussion very much, and yeah, this is what Nomura does to us, the fans.  Just 40 seconds, and look at all the possibilities we're dealing with here.  It's truly mind boggling stuff.  We've yet to know what Xehanort has to do with the Sixth Apprentice, and of the Foretellers' fate, but I'm taking a safe guess that the first two or three hours of Kingdom Hearts 3 will likely focus on flashbacks of YX and YE and also flashbacks of the Foretellers so we can get more insight as to what happened to them.  This was a great read bro. ^^

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  On 6/9/2014 at 2:25 AM, awesomeinmyworld said:

I like your theory, it's sound and makes sense. I'm not too sold on the Heartless belonging to the Seekers of Darkness though. The only question I have would be the number of Apprentices presented by X. There were 6, not 7. And in Kingdom Hearts 7 and 13 are crucial numbers, which leaves me to believe that Nomura is holding a crucial piece of information. Why would he deviate from this? The only other instance of this is Ansem the Wise's apprentices... *Gasps as epiphany occurs* 

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The Fortunetellers' Master had 6 apprentices, and if your theory is correct, the sixth eventually led the other five astray, down a path of darkness. Ansem the Wise had six apprentices, the sixth, Apprentice Xehanort, eventually led the other five astray down a path of darkness. Omigosh why! Why is this? And with the line in the tome coming true with the result of the First Keyblade War, it's safe to assume that it will happen again. Many have assumed, me included, that Sora will kick Xehanort's butt and prevent the Keyblade War, but if history were to repeat, he would fail. Xehanort would win! 

This doesn't really have anything to do with your theory anymore, sorry. I literally just thought of this while typing.

The original master makes seven but as I mentioned in my post the fact that the Foretellers  were still looking to groom GoL suggest that the original master's plan didn't pan out.

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  On 6/9/2014 at 2:40 AM, devereauxr said:

The original master makes seven but as I mentioned in my post the fact that the Foretellers  were still looking to groom GoL suggest that the original master's plan didn't pan out.

Who was the seventh, Chithiry?

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mmm... It's interesting the part about the shape of the Foretellers' Keyblades, because they all have an animal in their Keyblades and Xehanort has one too.... So you mean that he could possibly be a reincarnation or a representation of the Sixth Follower... and who is the Master of the Foretellers?

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  On 6/9/2014 at 4:21 AM, Kaweebo said:

Interesting theory. I can't say I can fully buy into it, but it's a very interesting theory. 

Lol that's ok part of making theories is the debate that goes with it.


  On 6/9/2014 at 3:07 AM, Kevin_Keyblade said:

mmm... It's interesting the part about the shape of the Foretellers' Keyblades, because they all have an animal in their Keyblades and Xehanort has one too.... So you mean that he could possibly be a reincarnation or a representation of the Sixth Follower... and who is the Master of the Foretellers?

The Master of the Foretellers is the one who created the Chirithy. He had six apprentices whom he gave new names and presented five of them with tomes of prophecy.

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You're blowing my mind with these theories. One question; why do you think the 6th apprentice's name is Ansem. I mean I get why you think that, because of the video, but why do you think that's the name of the 6th apprentice as opposed to Xehanort just stealing Ansem, the Wise's name?

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  On 6/11/2014 at 8:32 AM, NO_HEART_XIII said:

You're blowing my mind with these theories. One question; why do you think the 6th apprentice's name is Ansem. I mean I get why you think that, because of the video, but why do you think that's the name of the 6th apprentice as opposed to Xehanort just stealing Ansem, the Wise's name?

Let's say for a  moment everything I say is true and that during the original Keyblade War upon shattering the X-Blade the Lights and the Darknesses hearts were also shattered and forcibly ejected from their bodies(Similar to what happened to Ventus in BBS). If Xehanort somehow stumbled upon the sixth Apprentice's fractured heart when he traveled the corridors of Darkness perhaps we now have an explanation for Xehanort's obsession. Now if this did occur I would think the fractured heart would at first have little to no influence over Xehanort maybe influencing the form his Keyblad took. However as we know from DDD exposure to light and other hearts nutures a heart to grow. Also in the precedent set by Roxas harboring Ven's heart forcing the heart into extreme emotions can streamline the process to the point where you can force the heart to awake. One thing people always tend to over look was that Xehanort was most vunerable during the time that he and Terra struggled over control of Terra's body. It was during this time that Ansem the Wise was perfoming strenuous psychological test on Xehanort's heart. Now I have argued in the past that if Xehanort truly lost his memory it was at this point not only did he get them back but whatever Ansem did put Xehanort in complete control. However what of the strain of those experiments also awoken the sixth apprentice's heart and for brief periods of time he gained control of his body. Xehanort as himself and in the forms of Xemnas and Ansem SoD viewed themselves as far above Ansem the Wise so why would they take his name it makes little sense. However that scene suggests a lapse in control for both Terra and Xehanort based on Braig's reaction who was his right hand man and knew all of Xehanort's plans from day one.What does make sense is that the Master of the Foretellers gave his six apprentices new names before dissapearing something Xehanort would later copy in the future. Is this mere coincidence or did the sixthe apprentice have more control then we realized.

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  On 6/11/2014 at 1:23 PM, devereauxr said:

Let's say for a  moment everything I say is true and that during the original Keyblade War upon shattering the X-Blade the Lights and the Darknesses hearts were also shattered and forcibly ejected from their bodies(Similar to what happened to Ventus in BBS). If Xehanort somehow stumbled upon the sixth Apprentice's fractured heart when he traveled the corridors of Darkness perhaps we now have an explanation for Xehanort's obsession. Now if this did occur I would think the fractured heart would at first have little to no influence over Xehanort maybe influencing the form his Keyblad took. However as we know from DDD exposure to light and other hearts nutures a heart to grow. Also in the precedent set by Roxas harboring Ven's heart forcing the heart into extreme emotions can streamline the process to the point where you can force the heart to awake. One thing people always tend to over look was that Xehanort was most vunerable during the time that he and Terra struggled over control of Terra's body. It was during this time that Ansem the Wise was perfoming strenuous psychological test on Xehanort's heart. Now I have argued in the past that if Xehanort truly lost his memory it was at this point not only did he get them back but whatever Ansem did put Xehanort in complete control. However what of the strain of those experiments also awoken the sixth apprentice's heart and for brief periods of time he gained control of his body. Xehanort as himself and in the forms of Xemnas and Ansem SoD viewed themselves as far above Ansem the Wise so why would they take his name it makes little sense. However that scene suggests a lapse in control for both Terra and Xehanort based on Braig's reaction who was his right hand man and knew all of Xehanort's plans from day one.What does make sense is that the Master of the Foretellers gave his six apprentices new names before dissapearing something Xehanort would later copy in the future. Is this mere coincidence or did the sixthe apprentice have more control then we realized.

Holy response. Thank you for your insight. So you believe that during the experiments on Xehanort's heart, maybe the 6th apprentice was awakened? Sounds very possible. I'm completely onboard with your theory, I really like it. I think Xehanort would have allowed the 6th apprentice to take shelter in his heart while still on the islands & then was given the ability to use corridors of darkness to escape the island. However, your response raised another question; if the 6th apprentice was awakened by the experiments, then what made him lose control again? Or do you think that Ansem, Seeker of Darkness is the 6th apprentice? Xehanort used the darkness, but he wasn't obsessed with it like Ansem SoD, so I'm thinking the part of Xehanort's heart that was the 6th apprentice got control over his heartless. Xehanort was more obsessed with the War & Kingdom Hearts, than he was pure darkness. I'm not sure where I'm going with this. So you believe there just so happen to be two people with the name A name in the KH universe, one the king of radiant garden & the other the 6th apprentice that found a home in Xehanort's heart?
  On 6/11/2014 at 2:23 PM, TheFrozenNobody said:

sorry i didn't read it you wrote a essay

This theory is actually good. Very well thought out & could very well be possible. You should take the time out of your oh so busy day & give it a read.

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  On 6/11/2014 at 7:05 PM, NO_HEART_XIII said:

This theory is actually good. Very well thought out & could very well be possible. You should take the time out of your oh so busy day & give it a read.

can i like get a summary of what it is about that is way to much for just a theory lol

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It's not surprising what Sora said. Although Sora acts silly, he is actually more clever than he seems. Chain of memories has alot of good examples of it.


But to get back on topic..


Xehanort leaving the islands is never explained, but he would have had to use one of the known the methods of traveling to other worlds.


  • I doubt he had a gummi ship, so perhaps he did the same thing as TAV
  • KH1's ''method'', but that only takes you to Traverse town when your world is destroyed, so that's out the window, because you would then need another mode of transportation and the worlds didn't get messed up back then. So that is not a possibility

      2. The only other option, which is probably the most likely, is he could pull a SRK and build a raft.


But the only time that ''worked'' was when Kairi's letter somehow got into the realm of darkness from Destiny Islands, and when King Mickey's letter somehow got to Destiny Islands from Disney Castle. So it's possible that the ocean leads to other worlds, but when Sora and Riku use the raft in DDD.... they nearly drown. It's risky to say the least.


Or the magic sky train..... but I don't think that goes to destiny islands and it possibly didn't exist back then ( as we only see it in kh2). 

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