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KHRecoded Re:Coded HD Cinematics.

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I think they are looking really good. I'm so happy they added fight scenes. That battle with Data-Riku looked epic. I hope we also get to see the fight between Data-Sora's Heartless & Data-Roxas. The extra time they are putting into this really seems to be paying off & should be worth the wait. I wish they would have put a bit more time into 358/2 Days, because now it just seems a bit less relevant without those key battles, it just feels left out or something. I felt like 358/2 Days had 3 key battles & that was with Saïx, Xion & Riku...I'm sure we all would have liked to have seen that. Why should Re:Coded get the extra mile, but not Days? Because it has less scenes, or because people didn't feel like it was relevant? I'm glad it is getting that extra touch, but it just makes days seem like less than what it is, if you understand what I'm saying.


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I think they added the fight scenes to make recoded more interesting. Days had a really long and good story so it didn't need those fights scenes as much as Recoded needs them in my opinion

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I think they added the fight scenes to make recoded more interesting. Days had a really long and good story so it didn't need those fights scenes as much as Recoded needs them in my opinion

yeah, this actually looks more interesting than the days scenes were.

Probably because they aren't eating ice cream half the time.

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