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Kaneki Ken

Deciphering Kingdom Hearts III Trailer

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I created this thread where we take apart pieces of the new Kingdom Hearts III trailer and try to analyze what will come in Kingdom Hearts III.


Please do not post fangasm posts about How epic the game will be. By using the new information we received in the trailer, what kind of theories can you come up with to better understand the cryptic game known as Kingdom Hearts III?

Here is the trailer, so you don't have to switch tabs and windows to see the trailer.



My Questions following with Theories:


What is the meaning of the Kingdom Hearts trailer?


Basically, Nomura is not going to give us a game about Sora rallying up the new Keyblade War and saving the ones who had fallen (Roxas, Xion, Namine, The BBS Trio), Nomura is going big. It's not gonna be a typical 20hr KH game. It will be on a larger scale thanks to PS4/XBONE capabilities. This game may last 60hrs if Nomura want to make the game freaking long. KH3 is going to give us a history of the Keyblade war and how it leads up to Seeker of Darkness Saga.


Who Are the conversing characters?


We do not know, however, some people who played the Japanese versions of KH games may be able to recognize the voices. But as far as who they are, we don't know much. But I can tell you my side of view. These characters could be the former keyblade wielders out in hiding in others worlds we haven't visited, or past/present/future reincarnations of Xehanort. Or maybe brand new characters that may be a part of something bigger, something bigger than just KH. Remember gais, this is a saga series. KH will continue after KH3. What if the ending of KH3 has a dramatic effect on the universe? What if it starts something crazy?


Who are the "Lost Masters?"


They are possibly former keyblade wielders. There could be a chance that a keyblade can reject the person's heart should they go in a wrong direction. Sora or Riku is given a quest to find the rest of the keyblade wielders, meaning its not just Sora and Riku and others wielding keyblades. There may be others out there that are not aware of the situation. We probably see new keyblade wielders in KH3 instead of the typical setup of Destiny Island trio, The Twilight Town quad, and BBS Trio.


This is very interesting. Who knows what Nomura is gonna give us for KH3. I think we may get one more trailer, but we don't if they will. All could be revealed in E3 next week. And I'm gonna pull a fakie and tell my parents I'm staying late in MIDI class to work on Project when I'm actually gonna sit down and watch E3 Sony presentation. It's a devious plan, but worth it.

Edited by Xamtweth-ReMIXed

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Pure conjecture, but it could be that the shadowy figures are Eraqus and Xehanort in their apprentice days a the the 'lost masters" are the Foretellers from Chi. We may get insight as to when Xehanort first learned about the Keyblade War and why he became so obsessed with it.


Then again, it's possible nothing in the teaser could make it to the final product.



Please note that I am  fully aware that this is NOT the case due to Nomura wanting the keep Sora as the MC after the Seeker of Darkness Chronicle but if he hadn't said that, it would be an interesting twist if this was a foreshadowing of KH 4 that will appear near the end of KH3, the two people who are talking were future apprentices, their "Master" was Sora, the "lost masters" were Riku and Kairi and the "Keyblade War" they mentioned was actually the final battle with Master Xehanort which by this time had become known as "The Second Keyblade War"

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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1. It is building the backstory for the game, and the hype for the game


2. I'm going to say it is Young Xehanort and Young Eraqus. The falling hair of the guy on the right, looks extremely similar to that of Eraqus's, he also seems to have some kind of long sleeve like Adult Eraqus, the guy on the left also pays some resemblance to Young Xehanort, and he seems to be wearing some kind of glove. The guy on the left also seems to be fascinated with the Keyblade War, just like Xehanort, plus they speak of a Master, the only I see as being possible with all that can be seen and heard in the trailer, is that those two people are Young Xehanort(in the left), Young Eraqus(on the right), and the unseen Master who teached them the way of the Keyblade, and surely got Xehanort fascinated with the Keyblade War.


3. The Lost Masters, will either be masters who lost their hearts to the Darkness, just like Master Xehanort, or they will be masters who are in hiding, till the day to fight against the all powerful Darkness arrives, in other words, they are the 7 lights

Edited by tlozbj

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Okay what I'm getting from this is:


Two Keyblade apprentices, who have a master, talking about the Keyblade War, which apparently already happened for them, a story about "lost masters" and a prophecy of the universe being shrouded in darkness and devoid of light.


The two guys are possibly Eraqus and Xehanort. The "lost masters" are the Foretellrs, like Kumo said, or something else. The prophecy suggests that something bigger than the True Organization is going to be a threat in KH3, at least it does to me.

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The one on the right has a scar on his left eye, along with the hair,sleeves,etc. I'm pretty sure its Young Xehanort and Young Eraqus. Also YX sounds to be already tainted by darkness and seems to be confronting YE in his coy way about knowledge he thinks has been withheld from him and kept between YE and their Master, and YE acts as if he is oblivious to his animosity saying things like "Yep, the master loves telling that story." but when YX brings up the Lost Masters his tone slightly changes with "Nope, Where'd you hear about that?" then YX sensing the falter follows up with " On that land shall darkness prevail and light expire...But you knew that, didn't you ?". To me it looks as though this YX is older than the one we see in KH3D judging from the neck and jaw line. 

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The one on the right has a scar on his left eye, along with the hair,sleeves,etc. I'm pretty sure its Young Xehanort and Young Eraqus. Also YX sounds to be already tainted by darkness and seems to be confronting YE in his coy way about knowledge he thinks has been withheld from him and kept between YE and their Master, and YE acts as if he is oblivious to his animosity saying things like "Yep, the master loves telling that story." but when YX brings up the Lost Masters his tone slightly changes with "Nope, Where'd you hear about that?" then YX sensing the falter follows up with " On that land shall darkness prevail and light expire...But you knew that, didn't you ?". To me it looks as though this YX is older than the one we see in KH3D judging from the neck and jaw line. 

But Eraqus got that scar from Master Xehanort when they had that falling out. See?https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=88an68l35TkNevertheless I agree that it's him. Maybe Normura is going to change it so that the falling out happened much earlier? Then again, the teaser still seems to take place when they were on the best terms hmm.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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