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How did you get into the KH games?

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The question is in the title but i decided to tell you guys my own story of how i started and how KH has affected my life :).




Okay so the story begins of me being 7 years old, its my birthday. My dad had promised me a game and i was PUMPED i had just started to like video games. So i open the package and i see this wierd blue covered game witha big blue heart on it ''Kingdom Hearts''. First im like what is this? Then i notice some old faces Donald and Goofy im like cool its a Disney game. I look at the back cover and i notice other familiar faces from Disney. I watched alot of Disney and read Donald Duck comics so i was really getting excited for this game. But well being a dumb 7 year old understading the game was hard. I remember i didnt really play it much since it was really hard at first, it was always the ''mystery game'' where this kid is falling inside the ocean. And i was STRUGGLING. But after awhile things started rolling i started to understand the story and the game became much more fun. I also really started to like Sora(no homo) and i remember wanting to be just like him and help everyone :P. KH quickly became my favorite game and i played trough it many times. Then when i grew up i started to notice sequels that had been released to it and i was so happy :D. Every year my birthday gift was a new KH game unfortunately not the hand console ones ( except 3D). In life friends and important people come and go (not all of em of course xP) but KH was always there on my shelf and i could always play it when i felt like it and it is still there to this day so KH has been with me my whole life almost and i think its safe to say, made me the young man i am today. And with the upcoming release of KH3 i see its going to be a big part of my life for a long time....and that is the best! ^^





Yes i know i didnt only answer the question but told alot more but hey i just got sucked into it :P




Eager to hear from you guys :P ^^

Edited by Oblivion16

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Back when the first kh game came out, I was only 4, so naturally I was a bit too young to understand what was going on. My sister however, was 18 so she got the game for herself. I never actually got to play the game myself, but I do remember watching her play from beginning to partway through traverse town since she started playing after I was asleep so I would stop asking her for a turn. Fast forward to when I'm eleven and I'm watching someone's lp of gta: vice city who decides to go on a 10 minute rant about kingdom hearts. Since the other person on that lper's channel was a huge kh fan who had lps of kh 1, com, and 2 I decided to watch them, which led to me falling in love to the story. In what ended up being a crazy coincidence, I finally got my turn playing kingdom hearts more than 5 years later on that same copy of the game, and same ps2.

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My cousins were big into Final Fantasy at the time (and my whole family is big into Disney) and I'd come over every Saturday. They let me sit and play Kingdom Hearts for hours. I've loved the franchise ever since. 

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I was 13 (yes, I know, I'm an old man lol) and I saw the commercial for the fist game.Instant want. 


P.S. Your avvi looks like Sora is about to go Game of Thrones on Kairi.

OH SHIT xD it actually kinda does xD o god...

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It was my sophomore year in 2010 and I got bored on Christmas Eve waiting for dinner. I found KH2 collecting dust in our basement so I popped in the disk and was instantly entranced. My parents had to practically drag me away from the PS2 x'D

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Honestly enough, when I first saw the trailers to KH2 when I was ten, it looked like absolute garbage and the concept ridiculous. Then my cousin accidentally left his copy in my house, boredom and curiosity took over (can never say no to a game anywhere near me I haven't played yet) and the rest is a fixed point in time. 

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I dont remember how i got into it (maybe it was a youtube video or something) but my first actual KH game was BBS and i love the shit out of that game to this day. I really got in to it when i played KH2 over 50 times now i play the story every month to get ready for 2.5 :P

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One word...


When I first saw her, I didn't know what took over me but I suddenly wanted to know her more. I wanted to know her world, her story... Everything. So I got the game to figure it out. I don't regret it.


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I got a disc in a magazine with a bunch of demos on it and KH was none of them. I played the demo a lot, so my dad bought me the actual game. I was a child, so it was hard for me, I never got past Hollow Bastion. I kinda forgot about it as the years went by. I remember getting Chain of Memories for Christmas, despite not knowing it existed...I didn't care for Gameboy or the card battle system at my young age, so I never got past Traverse Town & I lost the game. Years go by and I see KH2 in a magazine, my interest had been revived. I thought KH2 looked so cool. It was the first KH game I actually beat, so defeating Xemnas was an amazing feeling. However, I was never motivates to go back to the other titles or keep an eye out for the next game. 6th grade rolls around, my first year of high school. This is where I meet my best friend. One day at lunch we were talking about video games & he mentions KH & amazing it is. I had a brief idea & I was eager to have things in common with my nnew found friend, and so my obsession begins. I play through the first game and beat it for the first time and it felt amazing. My friends stays the night one night and brings over a game called Re: Chain of Memories, which at the time I thought was just like a crappy remake of the first one.....silly me. My interest in CoM was so low, I forgot that it had existed, but when I found out it was a remake of the gameboy game, I bought it immediately. Beating Sora's story was quite the accomplishment, Riku's story, not so much, BUT YOU GOT TO PLAY AS RIKU!!! I then replayed KH2 & beat it just in time for 358/2 Days to come out. The rest is history & I'm not the super fan I am today. The only sad thing is, that my friend doesn't even like KH anymore.....like wtf? However, this series was basically the foundation of our friendship (which is funny considering the games are about friendship.) We are still the best of friends almost 7 years later & for that I'm greatful. I xherrrish our friendship & I blame KH. :)

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In 2007,during when I want to buy PS2 (I was 10 years old back then...),I always wanted to buy KH Games since that game was the first attracts me when I read some game magazine.Not only I love Disney,but I love the collaboration between Final Fantasy and I was like "This game is too perfect to be true...",and so,I'm buying the first KH game in my life and move on with another one to see where this game leads...

Edited by Hazimie

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I played KH2 first because I saw the trailer on Disney Channel and I thought it was cool and for years I was plagued by dreams of Heartless,Nobodys, and being a Keyblade Wielder so after 3 years of recurring dreams at 9 years old I bought it the night before Christmas and I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!! I had seen FF7 and FF8 in the game magazines but to see Disney clash with such a critacally acclaimed series I fell in love. I felt sad for Roxas, I loved SoKai, I loved Riku, and I loved everything about the series then became obsessed for awhile then took a 2 year brake but came back to a trailer of KH3D. I became a member of this wonderful sight the day of KH3's announcement trailer at E3 2013

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I don't have a backstory of how I was introduced to the game. If you knew me, you would find that I had a first life, whom I call v1.0 (or another name which shall not be mentioned currently, for I assume that there may be children among us, and I do not wish the term to be miscomprehended as condescending), and a second life, and that I do not enjoy remembering my first under any circumstances. Therefore, the only story about how I got into the Kingdom Hearts series will always be that I was born into a world where I had preset memory of what I liked and disliked. Further, my first taste of video games was my brother bringing v1.0's video game case to my hospital bed, and the first Kingdom Hearts game I had ever played was Kingdom Hearts II. Of course, let it be noted that this does not mean that it was my brother who succeeded in getting my attention set on Kingdom Hearts. The interest was there from the start, since creation.

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