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Neku Sakuraba

Threat to all Minecraft?

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Hey guys,



So recently, a former employee of Mojang has made an accouncement. He plans to start complete chaos too all Minecraft users. The reason behind this is supposed to be "revenge" for getting fired. He has put a new mob in the game known as Entity303. Not much is entirely known, but here are some interesting bits about him.The developer said: "This new monster will be worse than "Herobrine."" Wait- what? I thought Herobrine was fake? All this time, theyve been hiding him from us. Well, not from me. Over the past year I was doing few recording sessions. One was for an Alpha playthrough. This is when it started. I believe Herobrine is trying to communicate with me and a few other selective players. He never attacks me. The main thing he really does is making strange buggy sounds to my game, and crashes me a lot. He uses only one word when he places signs. "Hjalp" which means "Help" in Swedish. I believe Herobrine was never really evil, he was a secret, and he was trying to protect us all along. I know this is crazy but it's happened. Entity303 is a very rare sight. When the player first encounters him, he's known to add a crucial folder into your game. Folder name being: "MAKEAWISH." There is really no way to stop Entity303. He usually speaks in hex, but can be translated. Somethings he's said is that Herobrine is a pathetic eyeless teddy bear. I told him he's a lifeless doll who never got played with. I shouldn''t have said that. Commonly I see things on fire, when there's no lava around. Herobrine always seems to "watch" me from time to time. I know this seems like spam or a big hoax but this is all real. So if you play Minecraft, (and it doesn't matter WHAT version. From PC, to console, to Pocket Edition) Please be wary. The employee vows that everyone will know him by the end of 2015.

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One time on minecraft on pc I think that Herobrine was watching me as I played mincraft. I turned around and seen a sign that said "I'm watching you." which really creeped me out.  I wasn't on an online server. 

Edited by Zeldablade7

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I don't play it but sounds like a creepy pasta

This is in no way meant to be a Creepypasta.

One time on minecraft on pc I think that Herobrine was watching me as I played mincraft. I turned around and seen a sign that said "I'm watching you." which really creeped me out.  

That's a good thing. He's just watching over you.

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This is in no way meant to be a Creepypasta.

That's a good thing. He's just watching over you.

Well, it sounds like a Creepypasta. Anyway, I doubt it's possible for just 1 person to do something like that, without it being fixed very quickly.

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Well, it sounds like a Creepypasta. Anyway, I doubt it's possible for just 1 person to do something like that, without it being fixed very quickly.

The thing is, Mojang is completely ignoring him entirely. They won't respond or anything. Before they'd just say they can't talk about Herobrine, but they won't even respond about Entity303.

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The thing is, Mojang is completely ignoring him entirely. They won't respond or anything. Before they'd just say they can't talk about Herobrine, but they won't even respond about Entity303.

Just an idea, but maybe they're ignoring him because of the whole Don't-Feed-the-Trolls thing. (Does this sound condescending? If so, I don't mean it that way.)

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I haven't played Minecraft in ages (Fell out of it a long time ago), but this sounds more like some guy trying to screw with everyone. Neither Herobrine, or this Entity303 thing are real, it's just someone screwing with people.

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its nice to have stuff like this though. I was Playing Metal Gear Rising and a loading screen came up then It loaded for about 4minutes then Raiden was in the next area but he was talking about something that I never saw in the game.at first I thought some thing happened but I learned the cut seen skipped for some reason

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I have a few videoes up.... If you guys really want to see it. However, everytime I review these, they still scare me.

I would like to see them

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This is my most recent sightings of Herobrine requesting help. The only thing edited is the music. Herobrine actually makes that screeching noise. 

At one point in the video, I mention Alpha servers. I thought that was the case, until Entity303 comments appeared. Edited by Neku Sakuraba

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This is my most recent sightings of Herobrine requesting help. The only thing edited is the music. Herobrine actually makes that screeching noise. 

At one point in the video, I mention Alpha servers. I thought that was the case, until Entity303 comments appeared.

Wow. I would be scared to if Herobrine was just standing there waiting for you to come in his direction without you knowing.

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1: in order for this to work, the person would have to publish an update patch out, people who mod Minecraft, and a lot of people in general check the load up screen when it starts, and it will always notify you of an update. Always. That's the only way for it to change anything in the game at all whatsoever unless it's with a mod pack, which dosent change every copy of minecraft. When the game updates, but the patch dosent promote to a higher jumber (were at 1.7.9, so it would update to 1.8.0) then it would be suspicious.


2: Herobrine mod packs exist. You can't prove to me that you didn't do a mod pack to allow him to appear, can you? I doubt it.


3: the fact that someone messed with the top game of Mojang would at all, even the possible chance of it, would cause Mojang to go into action to make sure this thing did not exist in someone's game, as it would ruin the experience of the game. No duh. If they didn't take action, they could loose out on money from other players, as well as kill their best game series overall.


4:when your fired from a job, your accounts are almost instantly removed now a days for protection of files so other competitors can't get a hold of them via someone using the access they previously had to steal and sell data from the company, and you are also required by law to exist the premises within I think it is 20 minutes of being fired or your trespassing on their workspace. Now the day after, your fine to come back, but your not getting into your computer or any of the nessicary tools to make this sort of mob anyway, and making such a thing in twenty minutes is impossible, and to top it all of heavily illegal as its considered a hack, and data hacking, no matter how minor or huge it is, can land you big jail time. Getting fired from a job like that isn't worth 20 years of jailtime.

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1: in order for this to work, the person would have to publish an update patch out, people who mod Minecraft, and a lot of people in general check the load up screen when it starts, and it will always notify you of an update. Always. That's the only way for it to change anything in the game at all whatsoever unless it's with a mod pack, which dosent change every copy of minecraft. When the game updates, but the patch dosent promote to a higher jumber (were at 1.7.9, so it would update to 1.8.0) then it would be suspicious.2: Herobrine mod packs exist. You can't prove to me that you didn't do a mod pack to allow him to appear, can you? I doubt it.3: the fact that someone messed with the top game of Mojang would at all, even the possible chance of it, would cause Mojang to go into action to make sure this thing did not exist in someone's game, as it would ruin the experience of the game. No duh. If they didn't take action, they could loose out on money from other players, as well as kill their best game series overall.4:when your fired from a job, your accounts are almost instantly removed now a days for protection of files so other competitors can't get a hold of them via someone using the access they previously had to steal and sell data from the company, and you are also required by law to exist the premises within I think it is 20 minutes of being fired or your trespassing on their workspace. Now the day after, your fine to come back, but your not getting into your computer or any of the nessicary tools to make this sort of mob anyway, and making such a thing in twenty minutes is impossible, and to top it all of heavily illegal as its considered a hack, and data hacking, no matter how minor or huge it is, can land you big jail time. Getting fired from a job like that isn't worth 20 years of jailtime.

What mod pack do you know where Herobrine doesn't hurt you? Also, you can clearly see in one of the footage I was in Alpha. It is impossible to mod previous Alpha versions, or go online with multiplayer.

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What mod pack do you know where Herobrine doesn't hurt you? Also, you can clearly see in one of the footage I was in Alpha. It is impossible to mod previous Alpha versions, or go online with multiplayer.

There is a mod or a map for everything. It only takes simple knoledge of Forge or Mod loader to spawn in a new mob that can be docile. And you do know that nothing is impossible if there is someone willing to try to do it. Besides, I hardly believe your little story with the firing of a member due t the simple fact that there would be no way for him to insert this new mob. Something of this nature to be made a part of official Minecraft takes time, and I'm also certain that there is a guy who double checks the update registry as well as approves all updates of any kind. That guy who did it would also then be fired for allowing something like that go get out. You've yet to show me where your information comes from. Also take note that even if this existed in any of the versions, you would only have to load from the versions that it doesn't exist in to avoid it(which if you wanted to make it exist in previous versions, you would have to make it run with every version of minecraft, which would take literally days), or delete the folder you said supposedly pops up, which can be done via a number of ways(AVG file shredder or any other fileshreading program or antivirus can do this regardless of the program's danger levels) and it reappearing can also be blocked (again, putting a file name on an antivirus block list instantly erases it whenever it appears). Your supposed story is absolutely false, you have no phisical proof that can't be refuted easily, and it just isn't logical to think this exists.

Edited by Guest

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I get your point but this is in no way a lie. He's a virus. A hacker. Entity303 needs to be stopped. Herobrine is the only source I know who can help. Entity303 is possible for Vanilla in many ways. You could simply just add another mob in, similar to the way the new developers, Jeb and Dinnerbone add any new mob to the game. If this employee worked for Minecraft,min sure he has some experience with technology and other ways to spread Entity303.

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*backs away slowley*no offense, but this just sounds like a really bad creepypasta

It is a bad creepypasta.

Edited by Alph Art

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