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Here Are 10 Things You're Going to Regret in 10 Years

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That article popped up on my FB newsfeed. I usually don't click their things but I clicked this one out of curiosity.


Dat #10 doe. I mean the articles pretty vague and could apply to nearly everyone so eh, but yeah. That's why ever time I second-guess my weirdness I just think "well, I'll regret not being myself when I'm dying so I mind as ell do it now."

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I guess I'm better off than I expected since half of those are things I'm currently working on, and the other half aren't issues to begin with.  The waiting until tomorrow part is probably the hardest thing I'm working on, next to settling for less than what I deserve--that one's hard to judge because it's hard to judge what I deserve to begin with.

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Gotta admit I'm guilty of 10, 5, and 1. I'm also probably the reason some of my friends are guilty of number 3 (I feel bad about that now :().


Actually, number 5 is interesting. In some aspects, I do look forward to change in growth. However, on the arguably more important stuff, I'm resistant. Freaking angst, man, it's killer. X_X

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