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Velvet Scarlatina

Should I get a Wii U?

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I'm really, really tempted to buy a Wii U now. I'm not sure if it'll be worth $300, or however much it is now. If I do get it, the first game I'll get is Mario Kart 8, so a Wii U plus the $60 that is worth, I'm not entirely sure about blowing my money on that. Perhaps in a month, I can save enough from my job, but I don't want this to just sit on my shelf.  pay rent, insurance, and all those grown-up stuff, so spending my money on something I'll hardly use doesn't appeal to me, really.


If someone here can convince me to buy one, though, I'll consider it.

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sure Mario kart is great and all but don't buy a system if you're not going to commit playing it for years to come. this also means investing in the system where you'd only truly profit if you buy other games for it as well (or rent w/e) if you don't think like you wont or not able to then dont

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The Wii U is a beautiful system that has poor marketing. If you get one, I'd recommend getting the Mario Kart 8 Wii U Bundle. You'll get everything you need to start racing for just the price of the deluxe console.


However, are there any titles that interest you otherwise? Zelda, Pikmin, Donkey Kong? If so, then it's definitely a good idea to grab one. Not to mention that if you're into Zelda or Pikmin,  you can grab The Wind Waker HD or Pikmin 3 for free by registering your Mario Kart 8 code on Club Nintendo.

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I bought a Wii U a while ago and all it has done is play a few games and collect dust. To me there is nothing worth playing on the Wii U right now.


Not even Mario Kart 8?!


------------------------------------------------------You should. Their currently is a bundle available, that includes Mario Kart 8, the console, a Mario steering wheel, and a Mario Motion Plus controller, for only 329.99, and when you register Mario Kart 8 in Club Nintendo, you also get to choose a free game to download. 

Their also are quite some great games for the system, like Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, New Super Mario Bros U, Nintendo Land, and The Wonderful 101, and it also has some good incoming games, like Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, X, Super Smash Bros, Zelda U, Sonic Boom, plus what they reveal at E3. The Eshop also have quite a nice selection of older and newer games, for reasonable prices.

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I've had a good experience with my Wii U up to now, but it's up to you whether you want to invest in a console that isn't selling too well or not.

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just got mario kart and i've loved it so much i've played it more than my pc. Games to watch out for are X, Fire emblem cross shin megami tensei, zelda, super smash, bayonetta 2, hyrule warriors, A new project from the makers of metroid prime, and a new IP from the man himself Shigeru Miyamoto. The future is bright for the wii u.

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If you're interested in it, you should definitely get it. I recommend the Mario Kart 8 bundle, if you're most interested in that game. Not to mention that you'll get a free game download for registering MK8, along with points that you can potentially use to get a free Virtual console/Wiiware game through Club Nintendo. There are a lot of other great games on there too, like Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD, and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. It's totally worth the money.

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My plan is to buy a 3DS XL this year, and next year buy a PS4 or Xbox One. Depends on which has better exclusives by then. I don't much care for a Wii U right now though. I need to play KH3 and FF15 when they come out, and WiiU has close to zero third-party support.


 Although, if Zelda U reveals itself (not Hyrule Warriors, mind you) then I will buy one in the blink of an eye.

Edited by xemnasbane

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My plan is to buy a 3DS XL this year, and next year buy a PS4 or Xbox One. Depends on which has better exclusives by then. I don't much care for a Wii U right now though. I need to play KH3 and FF15 when they come out, and WiiU has close to zero third-party support.


 Although, if Zelda U reveals itself (not Hyrule Warriors, mind you) then I will buy one in the blink of an eye.

They confirmed the real Zelda U will be shown at E3 this year, so... Yeah.

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