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This will end now!

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recently for the last couple of years, i've been ALMOST addicted to a thing called ''internet porn'', and because i've been watching internet porn i'm often afraid/ecstatic that my parents or someone else might discover it on my internet history, and i freak out sometimes of nothing because of that fear and enough is enough, i will end this now!


This goal may not be easy, but i'm willing to do it.



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Most parents know or assume that their teenage sons masturbate (and masturbation really isn't something that you should be ashamed of, so long as it is done in moderation.) If you want to tell your parents so they have a definite understanding, you can do that. Just like Col. Random said, take it slowly and find something else to occupy your mind (take a walk outside, draw, listen to music, make food, play video games.) Maybe take a break from the computer for a day if you really have to. If you're afraid of someone seeing your internet history, enable private browsing or incognito mode if you haven't already done so. And if you really wanted, you could use a proxy to make yourself feel safer, I don't know. If you are determined and disciplined you will accomplish your goal. Good luck!

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