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Are people actually born gay? My analysis.

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You're going back and forth here. I called you out when you said it was a choice, to which you replied saying it's not a choice. So I quote you saying it is a choice, and you reply by saying they were influenced (which implies everyone is born straight and become gay, so it's a choice). I don't even understand your position anymore because you keep going back on things you had previously said. 


I think he didn't mean that people would choose their sexuality but that genes aren't the only thing that influences the sexual orientation, that upbringing and the environment you live in influence you as well (and you can't choose them).



Well I don't see how you wouldn't know if you were gay or not, I mean I am straight and I know i am because I am sexually attracted to women and not men. I don't see how it would be any harder for homosexuals to understand.


Well, sexuality is surprisingly different to different people, or that's what I've figured because it does seem there's a lot of people whose sexuality is so different from mine judging from what they're saying. So even if it's super clear to you that you're straight, the sexual orientation isn't that clear to everyone else.


And it's not like gender was the only thing that defines who you're attracted to and that can make it harder to understand are you gay or straight or what. Though I don't actually know why everyone should be categorisized to either. Well, it's probably our culture, somehow in it it seems important to categorisize people, and even ourselves, like that.


In my opinion it is probably a mixture of genetics and upbringing. Neither seem like it would be the complete cause of it. And upbringing isn't a choice. You don't chose your caregivers, the people in your neighborhood, your teachers, who's at your school, ect.



That's what I believe too. Personally I think that some people probably have such strong genes that upbringing or environment does not play much of a a role in defining one's sexuality but then there's people whose genes aren't like that and upbringing and other stuff can have even strong effect. And I anyway think that strong experiences can effect anyone, no matter what the genes are like. But I of course don't know anything, somehow I just always tend to believe that upbringing and your environment have effect as well, no matter the topic.. : P To me it would make sense. Like, I do believe that culture has a role in defining what kind of people we think are attractive, so why couldn't it have an effect over the sex of those people as well?



Though personally I don't understand why we should even know is homosexuality caused by genes or upbringing and is it a choice or not. Seems like people feel so passionate about the topic but I don't see what difference it would make - there're people with different kind of sexual orientations anyway and did people choose to be the way they are or not just doesn't seem very important from my point of view. Or is it always about God and has he made homosexual people or not (like, can it be a sin or not)?

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you guys needs to study up on your homosexuality


your going to be very confused when riku and sora make out in kingdom hearts 3

 They don't care about what other bats think but many of them are homosexual.


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