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Are you liking the look of the Re:coded HD Cinematic Story Videos?

Are you liking the look of the Re:coded HD Cinematic Story Videos?  

120 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you liking the look of the Re:coded HD Cinematic Story Videos?

    • Yes, they look great.
    • Yes, but this is Square Enix after all.
    • Good enough.
    • Haven't seen enough of them yet.
    • They look okay.
    • Was expecting better.

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Sad to say, but it appears Recoded HD might beat 358/2 Days HD. With the battle scenes, it's gonna be so much better and less awkward. And we don't have to keep on seeing the characters in the same exact world for over 3 hours.

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I guess I was sort of expecting the Birth by Sleep characters to have fully flexible fingers, but it looks like they still have the segmented "three fingers" model of hands. A free thumb, a free index finger, and the other three fingers sewn together. I guess it's not that big of a deal, but I have to admit, for a game that's finally being ported to the PS3, I was kind of expecting certain details like that to be fixed upon. But if it still leads to the GLORIOUS INCLUSION OF CAAAAAAAAAPEEESSSSS, then I can be fine with it.

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I guess I was sort of expecting the Birth by Sleep characters to have fully flexible fingers, but it looks like they still have the segmented "three fingers" model of hands. A free thumb, a free index finger, and the other three fingers sewn together. I guess it's not that big of a deal, but I have to admit, for a game that's finally being ported to the PS3, I was kind of expecting certain details like that to be fixed upon. But if it still leads to the GLORIOUS INCLUSION OF CAAAAAAAAAPEEESSSSS, then I can be fine with it.

Hem.. But.. The question was about Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded, what does Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep even has to do with the question o.o

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Hem.. But.. The question was about Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded, what does Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep even has to do with the question o.o

Oh, I missed that. =^_^="


I think they look interesting, and it sounds like they are going to depict battles as cutscenes too! FINALLY!! That's what they should have done with 358/2 Days to begin with! Now that is awesome! X3

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They look fine. Re:coded was never fantastic in the story department but I'll give them a watch any ways for the new scenes and of course the inevitable trophies we'll get for watching it.

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