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I drove! :'D

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According to Google Maps, I drove 1.5 miles! :'D

It may not seem important to you, but I feel really accomplished and I think my self-esteem just went up. Maybe I should get my driver's permit now... >.>

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No Tricia, it's a big step! Gratz :) I can't drive til I'm 17... DAMNENGLISHLAWS! So a year and 30 days to go for me :/


Go for it Girl! But being the sensible one, I know that when you come to getting a car, you will have to buy it, MOT it (well it's MOT here, it's just making sure your car is road legal), pay tax on the car, pay for fuel, tax on the fuel, Insurance, I could go on.


But as long as you are a mature and sensible driver (who has some sort of job), that shouldn't be a problem.


You should definitely go for the permit, it lets you have some freedom to choose what you do and where you go in your life, driving (I hear) is fun.

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I've been driving for... about a year and a half.

I wan't a car dammit. D8<


Driving is fun.... yet scary. xD


It's really scary around where I live, 'cuz NO ONE EVER STOPS. Not ever. My dad was pulling into our driveway, and nearly got squished by a huge truck. They didn't even slow down. They just moved into the middle of the road at the last second. @.@ crazy people...

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