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HarLea Quinn

When KH3 comes out ....

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I've no problems with spoilers myself, but anything past the first 15 minutes in KH3, I'll be passing on.  I can wait on KH3 and spoilers are extremely easy to avoid. :P



I want to know every minute I can get . I'm serious too :)



I'm quota :(

Edited by Flaming Lea

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If it's anything like Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance, I'll probably try  my best to stay away from spoilers until I get the game, but then I get way too bored one day and try to watch the first 15 minutes but then I'm hooked and can't stop watching! Xo


But hopefully I'll be stronger this time around. I MUST RESIST!! X[

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well, when KH3 comes out, picture this.


Me wearing a cape, riding a unicycle, holding a the game it my right hand, the biggest smile anyone can make, and dramatic music playing in the background.


sry. i couldent find any footage of that.

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I don't want to get spoiled but I probably do anyway... *sigh* I always do.

Maybe I just have to make a complete internet-suicide until I've beaten the game. xD That'll be hard...

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